Massive PLR Sellout Sale (80 cents a product – Woot!)

Massive PLR Sellout Sale Benefits:

Gives you:

  • 10 Product Ecover Graphics To Start Creating Your Own UNIQUE Ecovers
  • ***** WordPress Themes *****
  • ***** Site Templates *****
  • ***** PLR PACKS ***** (With Resell License)
  • ***** Ebooks ***** (With PLR License)
  • ***** WordPress Plugins *****
  • MORE!

You can customize all of the professional products/templates above.

This product is useful because it gives you great PLR products you can use to build your own business…dirt-cheap.

To quote:


I’m making a huge change of direction with my IM strategy. I’ve burnt myself out slaving over my computer creating themes and graphics. I’m about to try something very different!

So I’ve decided to offload all my previous work … 25 of my professional, highest standard products, many of which sold here on WF individually for MORE than I’m charging for all 25 items. That’s WordPress themes, ebooks, high quality web templates, advertising graphics and more … I know … this offer proves what my family already know … I’m fricken crazy!

So no more sales pitch (because I’m seriously bad at it!). I’ll let the products speak for themselves …

Click on Honorable Samurai below to learn more!


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