Chapter 1: Twitter Budgie Terror Transformed By…

Good morning!

It’s a beautiful sunny day here in NJ
and I just returned from picking up a new
TwitterBudgie for Honorable Son II – if
you remember, our last one passed away
unexpectedly during the week. 🙁
Well! You know how parakeets, if they’re
not handtamed, are extremely nervous birdies?
The new TB was caught by a towel (!) and thrust
into a small cardboard box (can you see Twitter
Budgie terror in your mind?) and then handed
to Honorable Boy II.

Get this – once we returned home, HS2
put the box on top of the cage, opened the
end of it, and simply waited for the birdie
to emerge. And once she did, he (again
most patiently) coaxed her onto his finger
and let her climb up and down him, nibbling
on his shirt and hair.

Now, you might be wondering…how did HS2
manage to do this? Well, not only was it patience….
but he also gave himself permission to do what
HS1 screamed NOT to do (You’re going to SCARE

Giving yourself *permission* to succeed.
It’s the way you begin to craft greatness,
wouldn’t you agree?

Speaking about Twitter Budgies, the Twitter
Budgie plugin was a product I created ‘way
back in 2008. Such a creative and fun idea
and took me less than a day to bring to reality.

Wouldn’t you like to enjoy quick easy product
creation yourself?

If so, you’ll definitely want to take advantage
of my special 3 week Product Creation mastermind
I *just* released yesterday – you can catch the replay
over at:

| oOo ==> Imagine Learning This!


This is a *power* 3 week complete product
creation mastermind *immersion* course that walks
you thru:

M precise “How To” Blueprint to tame Product Creation and make it work for *you*.

It’s like having me on retainer to guide you on profitable product creation!

Both to brand YOU as an authority…


To increase your own bottom line! Look what you’ll be learning:
Week 1 – The BEST Product Creation MindSet and Templates
Secret #1 – Timely Into Timeless Profits
Secret #2 – Steal This Product!
Secret #3 – Model Ts into Telsas
Secret #4 – Upsells Made Simple
Secret #5 – Branding Group Blazers
BONUS Secret #6 – Double Your Profits With THIS

| oOo ==> That was Week 1

This week gives you ALL the tools you need to create a profitable product quickly. We then move into:
Week 2 – Product Creation Affiliate Networking and Sales Copy
Secret #1 – Affiliate Honey Creation
Secret #2 – Become Desired Not Desperate
Secret #3 – Skype Branding Secrets
Secret #4 – Beautiful Benefits
BONUS Secret #5 – Double Your Profits With THIS

| oOo ==> That was Week 2

This week teaches you the art of massive affiliate networking goodness, ensuring your sales are high high high! And from that, you’re then capable of launching into:
Week 3 – Product Creation Launch Rockets
Secret #1 – Profitable DL Pages Made Simple

Secret #2 – 21 Day Launch Goodness
Secret #3 – Swiping Secrets
Secret #4 – 123 Affiliate Contests
Secret #5 – Advanced Profit Drumming
BONUS Secret #6 – The Next Step

| oOo ==> That was Week 3

And don’t forget – you’ll have me for all 3 weeks to personally answer all of your questions like:

– How to find limitless ideas for products and never get stuck again wondering, what should I write about?
– How to know if a product will sell even *before* you create it
– How to structure your product so you can write it *fast* and your readers will love it and recommend it too!
– How to make your product look like a professional design team put it together.

| oOo ==> You won’t believe the bonuses….


Don’t miss out on what I share!

Grow strong,

Barbara Take Control! Ling

I Make Marketing Profitable!

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Why not share it at 1001-frombtl!


    Feel free to mosey on over to
    Barbara Ling, grab some smiles and tell your friends! Thanks so much… — Barbara Ling


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