Category: Mobile
Mobile Optin Commander WordPress WP Plugin
Mobile Optin Commander Benefits This is a quick WordPress plugin that instantly makes your WordPress site mobile friendly AND lets you collect optins as well! Nice! Enables you to do great lead capture as well. This product helps you by making your site mobile friendly with one click…AND grab optins as well! Click on Honorable…
Mobile Marketing Crash Course
Mobile Marketing Crash Course Benefits This is a business in a box that shows you build a huge sprawling business based off of mobile clients. It simply shows you how to set up friendly easy mobile websites for businesses who really need them. Nice! This product helps you by giving you the total outline about…
Premium Mobile Marketing Agency Pack
Premium Mobile Marketing Agency Pack Benefits This is huge – a complete collection of graphics/designs to help you market mobile services starting yesterday. This package gives you the professional graphics you need to boost up your mobile sales! Click on Honorable Samurai below to learn more!
Mobile Business Blueprint
Mobile Business Blueprint Benefits This is a goodie that shows you how to structure a mobile business via generating and following up on leads. The author has sold 800+ mobile sites. This product helps you by giving you insiders tips on building a mobile business. Click on Honorable Samurai below to learn more!
Mobile Infographic Ignition Graphics Package
Infographic Ignition Graphics Package Benefits This is 24 fantastic infographics you can use for Mobile marketing with all the source files included as well. Woot! Very professional indeed! This product helps you by giving your mobile ads/etc a fantastic edge over your competitors. Click on Honorable Samurai below to learn more!
Offline PLR: Mobile Marketing PLR PowerPoint Presentation
Offline PLR: Mobile Marketing PLR PowerPoint Presentation Benefits This is a glorious PLR presentation to help you break into mobile marketing for your future clients. It’s 40 slides, woot! Helps you gain instant authority status. This product helps you by making it easy to pitch to offline clients and score! Click on Honorable Samurai below…
Video Assassin Mobile Vol 5 – Dentists
Video Assassin Mobile Vol 5 – Dentists Benefits This is a professional sales video and email that’s targeted to finding dentist clients. PRocess is: Post the video on your website and YouTube Edit the email to personalize it with your info, Cut and paste into your email client Include the video or a link to…
Mobifusion Product Launcher Mobile Sales Funnels
Mobifusion Product Launcher Mobile Sales Funnels Benefits This is just simply incredible. It makes your landing pages mobile friendly, so when the huuuuuge mobile audience visits your site, you *get* sales, you don’t *lose* sales. Highly recommended. This product helps you by increasing your mobile sales ability! Click on Honorable Samurai below to learn more!
Premium Mobile Website Templates
Premium Mobile Templates Benefits This is a collection of wonderful mobile templates that include: Premium mobile templates are coded in HTML/CSS and template pages are easily editable with any text browser such as Notepad. The templates can be installed on any type of web server. You can upload the templates to a .mobi domain (,…
Offline Mobile Simplified Step by Step
Offline Mobile Simplified Step by Step Benefits This is a simple technique you perform but the option to upsell the client to a mobile website and sms marketing is definitely there. Also includes ideas for reoccurring fees! This product helps you by giving you a smart way to get into mobile business. Click on Honorable…
Local Business Lures Vol 2: Mobile Marketing Sales
Local Business Lures Vol 2: Mobile Marketing Sales Benefits This is a collection of copy/paste templates you can use to score offline marketing clients. To wit: “My clients have been paying me huge monthly fees for SMS and short code services – services that are easily outsourced and handled by SMS providers!” Woot! This product…
SMS Magi Offline Lead Generation
SMS Magi Benefits This is an easy to use, powerful web-based software that you can use to help local businesses find out exactly who is looking at their ads, whether it’s car dealerships, real estate agents, restaurants or any other business that sells a product or service (which is just about any!). ie, Someone picks…
Offline SMS Restaurant Notifier Script for Mobile
SMS Restaurant Notifier Script for Mobile Benefits This is a gorgeously yummy script that restaurants can use to notify patrons when their table is available! Very excellent for offline customers indeed. This product helps you by giving you something you can offer to your restaurant clients to bring in more business. Click on Honorable Samurai…
Mobile Marketing Exposed
Mobile Marketing Exposed Benefits This is a collection of Email templates Videos you can use to grab more offline mobile clients. 3 niches! This product helps you by giving you useful tools for closing mobile customers Click on Honorable Samurai below to learn more!
Ez Mobile Site Generator
EzMobileSiteGenerator – UnlimitedThemes-BuiltIn Maps,ContactForms,Coupons,Menus,QRCodes,OptinForms Benefits This is awesomely magnificent – it lets you create push-button mobile sites at the click of, well, a button! Includes: Fully Customizable Layouts? … Built-in! Multi-level Navigation Menus? … Built-in! Customizable Contact Form? … Built-in! Interactive Maps? … Built-in! Customizable Opt-in Forms? … Built-in! Opening Hours/Product Lists/Restaurant Menus? … Built-in!…
Social Mobile Takeover w/Facebook
Social Mobile Takeover Benefits This is a cool report and templates that help you maximize Facebook and mobile call-to-actions to build up your offline client business. Great for mobile marketing! This product helps you by teaching you quality ways to explode your mobile marketing. Click on Honorable Samurai below to learn more!
Mobile Game Changer
Mobile Game Changer Benefits This teaches you how to gain bucketloads of mobile customers and gives you 2 pdf reports and 8 videos. The pdf files contain a compelling script to introduce yourself to your prospective client – 1 as an email and 1 in letter form. This product helps you by making it easier…
Offline Total SMS Domination With 10-minute Setup WordPress Software
Total SMS Domination With 10-minute Setup WordPress Software Benefits This goodie shows you how you can run your own private-label SMS company, thus impressing your offline clients and cutting out the middleman. This product helps you by giving you offline SMS tools that make the difference! Click on Honorable Samurai below to learn more!
3D Animation Video Sells Mobile Text Message Marketing to Any Restaurant
3D Animation Video Sells Mobile Text Message Marketing to Any Restaurant Benefits These are high def videos you can purchase to customize with your own information to market to restaurants. This product helps you by giving you a great tool to grab offline restaurant customers. Click on Honorable Samurai below to learn more!