Your Thursday Morning Perkup – Bitcoin salaries, Offline PLR, coming attractions, more!

(NOTE! This mornin’s goodies are awaiting you below but if you don’t like ’em, please do unsubscribe at – thanks!)


| ==> FB Fan Boom Done For You Goodness (just reopened!)
| WHY: 62 themes, Mobile ready, Discount templates, Landping Pages,
| YouTube Twitter Integration, more!

Good morning!

It’s Thursday morning and it really looks like
calling the doctor again makes a whoooole lot of
sense. Woke up at 1am, got up at 2am, leg is
rather unhappy now – the infection is gone but
it’s definitely NOT optimal. So… I think I’ll queue
up my morning emails and prepare for some driving

How has the day treated you so far? Here in
LingLand, there will be a Handbells concert
tonight (yay!) and a jazz band concert tomorrow.
Looks like NJ is due for another storm as well…
will have to stock up on hot chocolate and ramen

Got lots to share with you today but first:

The Bitcoin Salary Site

It’s getting ‘way more popular!

And onto today!

First off, there will be another done for you software
store released (this one focusing on the holidays). Stay
tuned for that! And a backlinks product too should
be emerging as well.

Next, did you catch the offline PLR that
had a retire sale recently? To wit:

| 3 Gigs Offline PLR Retirement Sale (my list only)

Benefits of PLR? All the work is done *for you*….
all you have to do is affix your name onto it. And
as this is a retirement sale…..yep. Good stuff indeed!
You are getting over 20 of his signature products, PLUS some really cool bonuses. Here they are:
One OFFLINE Article PLR Per Day
30 Days of Blog Post Articles of 400 to 600 Words (Never before released)
+ All of Our Training Recordings
+ Expert Presentation Materials

NEW 30 Day Package of Offline PLR Content
15 Blog Post Articles of 400 to 600 Words
15 Matching E-Mails Linked To the Blog Posts

Local Authority Expert
Post As an Expert Author On Our Local Consulting Journal Blog
| oOo ==> Catch that authority?
Google Hangouts Expert Content and Instruction
15 Days of 500+ Word Research Reports On Google Hangouts
15 Linked E-Mails to Each Report
4 Expert Presentation on Producing Hangouts for Small Business

Local Video Mogul + OTO
30 Video Course On Leveraging YouTube In Your Local Business
Also Learn How To Create Your Own Outro Video

Local Podcast Mogul + OTO
30 Video Course On Leveraging Blog Talk Radio And
Local Associations To Prospect Business Owners

The Expert Interview
Be Interviewed on Our Local Radio Show with A Search Engine
Optimized Interview.

Prospect Trainer Pro 1.0
Offline PLR Automated for Aweber, Get Response and MailChimp
Prospect Trainer Pro 2.0
More Offline PLR Automated for Aweber, Get Response and Mailchimp

| oOo ==> See those autoresponder sequences?

and more!

Don’t forget yesterdays:

It’s Wednesday evening and wondering
what sorts of goodness emerged today?

Wonder no more, here they are!

1.) This is something that just crossed my
desk and while I have used proxies myself
(very helpful when your browser refuses
to access a site), many automation software
tools rely upon proxies as well.

| oOo ==> Rapid Proxy Finder/Scraper

Tools like

PageBot Pro

Proxies are required for tools like
the above. Generally, such proxy finders
are subscription-based only, but this tool
by Jeremy Kennedy is a one-time purchase:

| oOo ==> Dimesale!

2.) Want to take advantage of Facebook SEO
(ie, how to get your posts to rank higher
in newsfeeds)?

If so:

| oOo ==> Think Facebook SEO

Over 6 powerful modules that teach you: (this is just the
first 8 pages)

What Mark Zuckerberg really wants you to do on Facebook – and how doing so results in thousands of free visitors on a daily basis (page 1)

EdgeRank explained: the exact formula Facebook gives us, broken down step by step… and how to manipulate it to show up over and over again for free for each person… and 141 of their friends (page 2-3)

How to invoke ‘affinity’ to instantly boost any Facebook status update for free… and the fatal mistake wannabe Facebook experts recommend that results in nothing but lost time and effort (page 4-5)

Catch that boost?

Why you want to include photos in almost every single status update to not only increase EdgeRank but opt-ins and sales as well (page 5)

How to bypass the time decay and show up at the top of someone’s newsfeed, even for content you posted days ago! (page 6)

The perfect amount of status updates you should be pumping through your profile and/or pages on a weekly basis (page 6)

How to capitalize on Facebook’s excess newsfeed inventory to run the cheapest ads possible… with the least likely chance of getting an ad disapproved (page 8)


Nice! And finally:

3.) Google Hangouts is now one of the most popular
ways people can build their business online – they’re
free, they offer fantastic SEO benefits and they’re
extremely simple to do!

Hangouts are applicable to every niche
imaginable… it’s a powerful business tool.
So! Imagine being able to upload, sell and
keep 100% of the profits with this done-for-you
business in a box:

| Includes 20 videos/how-tos

You can sell this course to your customers
Add the video series to your paid membership sites
Create audio/reports
Convert the video INTO reports, sell on ebook sites
Create PPTs from them
Change the content to a paid email series

And right now… it’s:
| LESS than $10

Good stuff!

Thank you for being on my list – I will do my
best to keep you abreast of all the new developments
in the marketing world and will be sure to touch base with
you this afternoon with whatever
wootness crosses me desk.

Grow strong,

Barbara Ling
I Make Marketing Profitable

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| About the Author: Barbara Ling has been a mover and
| shaker on the Internet since 1989, and has been an
| online trainer and marketing pioneer since 1997.
| Designer and creator of Barbara
| she has taught thousands of entrepreneurs how
| to master affiliate marketing, product development,
| networking growth and more. Author of over 50 books
| and ebooks, her educational style is denoted by
| motivational, humorous, fun and easy to understand
| targeted writing.
| Nowadays, she is best known for teaching
| people from all walks of life how to be successful
| on the Internet. For more information, please visit:
| Perking Up Profits!
| >>
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    Feel free to mosey on over to
    Barbara Ling, grab some smiles and tell your friends! Thanks so much… — Barbara Ling


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