Your Friday Perkup – Ending Tonight, When you’re not good enough,Kindleizing, Launchjacking, more!

(NOTE! This mornin’s goodies are awaiting you below but if you don’t like ’em, please do unsubscribe at – thanks!)


| oOo ==> FB SEO Edgerank Rules (price doubling tonight!)
| BENEFITS: FB SEO plus a whole lot more – how to get your
| brand/products in front of people for free.

Good morning!

It’s Friday morning and your last chance for getting

==> Create $97 Authority Products

before the retail price of $197 hits! Remember,
it will include the 3 week Mastermind in January
as well. The jury is still out as to if the class
will be today or next week (had additional
health/dizzyness issues yesterday, so am
taking it easy this morning) but the materials
you’ll be receiving….

It will enable you to start 2014 off the *right*

Speaking of the right way… yep. It’s amazing
what your body will do to you when you are
no longer in your 20s or 30s. I had thought I
reached the upswing in my knee recuperation;
that apparently ‘taint the case. Called up the
doctor and am basically on bedrest once again.

Got lots to share with you but first:

When you feel you’re not good enough:

This topic resulted when a community member
pinged me about feelings of, how can I ever succeed?
Good stuff shared as well…. I think you’ll enjoy it!

And onto today!

Do you do multiple Kindle books?

Ever wish you had a perfect dashboard and
more for taking them to the next level?

If so:

Kinstat Dashboard

This is by Rachel Rofe, and includes:

Manage all of your Kindle books from one dashboard – Just open up Kinstant Dashboard and see exactly what’s going on with your books. Track reviews, keyword rankings, and marketing progress — without having to go anywhere.Make as many sales as possible from your books – We’ve listed out everything that needs to be done to get as many book sales as possible. All you (or your outsourcer) has to do is click “Yes” each time they’re completed. Our Progress Bar will help make sure you make as much long term passive income as possible.

Rack up the downloads on your Kindle promotions – Our system will go through and submit books on your behalf when you have your Free Days. This helps you get thousands of downloads for free. If you were to pay for this service, you’d pay upwards of $100 PER BOOK — and you can do it unlimited times on our software.

Reach thousands of people who want to leave you a review – Another component of our system is that we will automatically, as soon as you request it, go to Facebook and submit your book to Facebook groups full of authors who want to support each other. Once your book is in front of them, you can request downloads and reviews.

Enjoy higher rankings on Amazon’s search engine – We use a loophole on Amazon to make sure that every time your book gets submitted, you’re getting the juiciest SEO benefits possible. You don’t even have to do anything extra — just know that every time you submit a book, you’re silently going to get higher search engine rankings….and that’s just the beginning. People have been ELATED with this.

Catch those reviews?

Next, did you catch the offline PLR that
had a retirement sale recently? To wit:

| 3 Gigs Offline PLR Retirement Sale (my list only)

Benefits of PLR? All the work is done *for you*….
all you have to do is affix your name onto it. And
as this is a retirement sale…..yep. Good stuff indeed!
You are getting over 20 of his signature products, PLUS some really cool bonuses. Here they are:
One OFFLINE Article PLR Per Day
30 Days of Blog Post Articles of 400 to 600 Words (Never before released)
+ All of Our Training Recordings
+ Expert Presentation Materials

NEW 30 Day Package of Offline PLR Content
15 Blog Post Articles of 400 to 600 Words
15 Matching E-Mails Linked To the Blog Posts

Local Authority Expert
Post As an Expert Author On Our Local Consulting Journal Blog
| oOo ==> Catch that authority?

17 more!

Then, we have a Done For You Holiday

It’s the holidays soon and can you imagine
what kind of spending will be done on Amazon
during these last few weeks?

Wouldn’t it be truly grand if you could
it all done….for you? ie, a ready-made WordPress
store waiting for you to turn it on?

Something that includes all the latest, must-have
toys of all the popular brands for children of
all ages… we’re talking the bestselling games,
educational toys, software and more!

And not only that, but it would also give you

Bestselling Toys Finder

100s of Toy Categories

Top Rated Toys

We’re talking instant done-for-you access on over
thousands of toys in 80+ categories!

| oOo ==> Total access into Amazon’s HUGE toy arena!


And this product was just released:

==> LaunchJacking

This shows you how to take advantage of
future launches by creating videos/etc
and driving people to your affiliate link.

Don’t forget yesterdays:

Behold: Backlinks/SEO package:

| oOo ==> Increases *targeted* visitors done-for-you

In a nutshell, this software allows you to
build up quality backlinks to your sites online…
via streamlined link building.

Benefits include:

* Adaptive SEO techniques for dramatically increasing the AUTHORITY of any backlink

* Drives floods of high-authority link juice to your site and target pages AUTOMATICALLY

| oOo ==> Catch that authority?

Speaking of authority, did you see this Facebook
power tool?

| ==> FB Fan Boom Done For You Goodness (just reopened!)
| WHY: 62 themes, Mobile ready, Discount templates, Landping Pages,
| YouTube Twitter Integration, more!

Good stuff!

Thank you for being on my list – I will do my
best to keep you abreast of all the new developments
in the marketing world and will be sure to touch base with
you this afternoon with whatever
wootness crosses me desk.

Grow strong,

Barbara Ling
I Make Marketing Profitable

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| About the Author: Barbara Ling has been a mover and
| shaker on the Internet since 1989, and has been an
| online trainer and marketing pioneer since 1997.
| Designer and creator of Barbara
| she has taught thousands of entrepreneurs how
| to master affiliate marketing, product development,
| networking growth and more. Author of over 50 books
| and ebooks, her educational style is denoted by
| motivational, humorous, fun and easy to understand
| targeted writing.
| Nowadays, she is best known for teaching
| people from all walks of life how to be successful
| on the Internet. For more information, please visit:
| Perking Up Profits!
| >>
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    Feel free to mosey on over to
    Barbara Ling, grab some smiles and tell your friends! Thanks so much… — Barbara Ling


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