WordPress Traffic Cop WP Plugin

WordPress Traffic Cop WP Plugin Benefits

This is a WordPress plugin that redirects your incoming traffic to your outgoing affiliate links.  ie:

Let’s say you were looking for…..ummm….a household appliance, like a new fridge. You hit a few sites on Google and are looking through them. After looking at a few sites you hit one you are reading, and then you just decide to try the main company site. As you are attempting to X out of that page…..

BAM!!!!!!!! All of a sudden you are right on the official site on a page for the refrigerator you were just looking at. Everyone trusts the main site for any product. You just happened to end up there. You seem slightly surprised but oh well… you’re there now!

This product helps you by moving your visitors along to your profitable affiliate links.

Click on Honorable Samurai below to learn more!

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