Sunday Recap (ends 11:59 tonight!)

(NOTE! This mornin’s goodies are awaiting you below but if you don’t like ’em, please do unsubscribe at – thanks!) .


| oOo ==> Arbitrage Magician 2.0 by Ben Adkins
| BENEFITS: Ending tonight – let me share
| with you the following story and why
| this might be *the* ticket you’ve been
| searching for.

Wondering what sorts of
goodness emerged in marketing
land today?

Wonder no more, here
they are!

It all started with a flight of
fancy, see.

Whimsy, you might say. Heck,
I just said it! One that involved
whisky ice balls (yes, I wrote
that with a straight face) – I remember
when Dr. Ben sent me some
as a gift. I should have guessed
what the man was doing behind
the scenes!

But that’s the benefit of the
good doc – he always has a plan.

But before I share let, let’s
turn the discussion to the most
important person on this planet….

Let’s gently slash off the iron-
hardened gloves that cover
your deepest-held beliefs about
being truly … *successful* online.

Ready to stand boldly in front
of the mirror of reality? Alrighty
then – here, imagine you’re poised
on the edge of greatness and
see how you feel about … THIS.

Some people are cut out for the
IM business. You know, the emailing,
the product creation, the network
building, the drinking of 54 cups
of your favorite hot beverage
every day, that sorta stuff.

Even if you’re more shy than
a socially anxiety gazelle who just
spotted 4 lions come calling for dinner!

For example,
that kind of stuff is what floats my
boat and rings my chimes and
flaps my earlobes and energizes
my caffeine and ….

It’s *me!*! Woohoo! And you know,
I *tried* other things that were as
delightful to me as a do-it-yourself
home eyeball rusty butter knife tattooing party……
I’ve always but always returned
to IM.

Maybe you’ve experienced it too?
Maybe traditional IM *IS* the key to
your long-term business online.

But then again, perhaps….its…. … *not*.

Perhaps traditional IM really ISNT for you….

But you still want to build
a thriving business online!!

So. Sit down, pull up a chair,
perhaps that feather-soft leather poofy one
in the corner over there, lean
backwards (taking care not
to flip over in a heap) and open
your heart to this.

Dr. Ben Adkins, as you might know,
came onto the IM scene, oh, gee,
hmm, ’bout in 2011…. and back
then, focused on Facebook, offline and
product building. You might have
heard about his Evil FB Magician
and Business Magician and Social
Magician and …. yep. Those earlier

I should know, because he started
this nifty community called The Syndicate
(which I joined, paid membership)
and then the next level (Level II,
5K/year) and then I paid him
10K for a year of private coaching.

So I figure I’m rather well qualified
to chat about him.

Over the past many months, I’ve
watched him alter the focus of
his Thirty3 business and start to embrace
the world of physical products.

Amazon FBA.


Building a thriving online
business that actually *deals*
with physical products.

Broaching out into industries
‘way huger than IM!

Which is why I wanted to
tell you about his latest
private membership,
Phase II of Arbitrage Magician.

If you’ve been looking for an
alternative to product creations/
launches/seeing your hair go
prematurely grey/reading faked
reviews on Kindle/being scammed
by ickified affiliate marketers/being
sheared to the bone and the like….. read on.

To wit:

In the first edition of Arbitrage Magician,
we walked you through building a small business.
Members were shown how to sell physical
products online. Woot!

In Arbitrage Magician 2.0,
we’re amping it up. So we’re
turning those small businesses
into 7-figure enterprises.

We’ll show you how to increase
your customer pools, expand your
selling platforms and give you the
tools to make the entire process
1000x’s easier.

Here’s a quick peek at what our
current members are doing with
the Arbitrage Magician system…

| oOo ==> The Man *knows* what he’s talking about!

Basically, Dr. B is closing this
goodie TONIGHT and has kicked it up! To wit:

There are those who earned almost
2K during the first 30 days. And
now our grand doc is going to show
you how the top folks in eCommerce
are building billion dollar brands.

| oOo ==> Does the above intrigue you?

Well IF it does….

There’s one thing I can say for Dr. B.

He tests things out again and again
and again and again and again and again
and again and again and again and again
and again and again and again and again
and again and again and again and again
and again and again and again and again
and again and again and again and again
and again and again and again and again

And when he has a model
that *works*…. the man is passionate
with a capital P for teaching student.

So! If you’ve wanted to learn
all about arbitrage, social goodness
and building a thriving business that is
NOT your typical MMO business online….

| oOo ==> It closes tonight!

Now, this is a rightly-so premium
product and is NOT for everyone.

Is it right for you?

Come see!

Don’t forget this mornings:

First, Tuesday at 8pm, the CEO

will be announcing some
really cool breakthrus (I
use their software all the time
and highly recommend it).
You can sign up at

==> 4 New Updates To Leadpages and the Insider Look

Good stuff!!

Next, remember the cool list
building thingee I talked about
earlier at ?

Well, Andy also has a software
that allows you to create an
easy header software thingee with a
rather powerful call to action over

Easy Header Software Thingee With a Rather Powerful Call To Action!

Admit it, you love how I
name products! 🙂 Anywhos,
I bought it both the
WP and Developers software
version for $27 – it will fit
in nicely for what I plan on
teaching my youngest. This
part especially flapped my earlobes:

1) When promoting an affiliate offer
on something like JVZoo, I will use
this to put a notification bar into the
sales page the customer gets sent to.
After they’ve been on the page 10 or
15 seconds (or any amount of time you want),
a notification bar appears. It gives them
a special link to order from that will
give them a bunch of extra bonuses.

The combination of the bar popping up
and them being given this VIP treatment
(getting something others don’t) leads to
far higher conversion rates.
I’ve even used it to get sales on
products whose sales pages have
been a let down!

Are you thinking what I’m thinking, Brain?
Sales conversion software?


Admit it, you will envy me
when you read how I spent

Yes indeed, instead of:

* Skydiving from a crumbling street curb

* Wrasslin’ an emo 2 year old who missed her last nap

* Polishin’ up my yet-to-be-bought hand-carved cane

I bought 2 products and
spent decades going thru
their sales funnels.

And documenting them all
in (get this) Chrome! (you’ll
hear how I did that later on

And it got me thinking.

Sales funnels.

Sales funnels that *work*.


I had *bought* ALL of Sean Mize’
PLR (which is ALL of his past
WSOs *and* upsells *and*….

When it was first released!


I realized….

I now have at my fingertips:

| ALL of the Sales Funnels TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You know the importance of sales
funnels, right?

Folks buy the front end,
low-ticket item. Yay!

And then they’re presented with
an upsell. And then a downsell.
And then a middle sell. And then
that slightly diagonal sale their
Aunt Bertha would adore!

Well. What if YOU could spy on
a veteran marketer’s sales funnels…..

By getting ALL of his products
and upsells for a one time fee?

| You’d learn one heck of a lot PLUS

Plus, you can claim ownership
rights to all of them.

Think about that for a moment, aye?

It’s not just the value of the products
you’re getting….

It’s the behind-the-scenes way
it’s all laid out.

When I accessed my purchase
via W+ ….

Let’s take just one of his

It had:

Congratulations and thank you for choosing to use my additional 186
Emails (6 Additional Campaigns)

186 Emails (21 day campaign + 5 Additional Campaigns)
And here is the bonus Email Campaign Training…

How to Write a Powerful Email Campaign From Scratch
And you can download the initial 21 day email campaign separately here…

21 Day Email Campaign

| oOo ==> That was just… 1!

Then there’s:

Step 1:
Listen to this Introduction (This includes powerful Youtube Targeted Traffic Method)
Step 2: The top 7 places I drive traffic from online:

In this section, I’ve listed each traffic source, with a link to an example and/or training on how to do it (plus details in the introduction audio above)
Traffic Source 1:
Youtube – I buy youtube (google) traffic and send it to my youtube video (s) here:
==>One of My Youtube Channels for Marketing

| oOo ==> That was just 1/3 of 1!

Then check THIS! out!

30 Days of Coaching Lessons!

Here are the terms: You have standard plr (private label rights) to this content. You can repurpose it, rerecord it, transcribe it and create print products (like ebooks and articles), or just resell it on its own. The only things you CAN’t do is resell the resale rights and give it away.

Other than that – sell it as you wish, repurpose it and call it your own – anything you want!

Step 1:
Download all the lessons in one zip file here:

==>Zip File With All Lessons
To download each mp3, just right click on the mp3s links.

To view each lesson live:

==>Lesson 1
==>Lesson 2
==>Lesson 3
==>Lesson 4
==>Bonus Lesson

Step 2:
Here is the sales page, you can edit, copy, etc. anything on this page: To view it online:

==>Sales Page
To download a word doc you can copy and paste from:

==>Word Doc of Sales Page
Take this material, study it, use it to deliver value to your own clients, use it to take your business to the next level!

| oOo ==> 50+ more products!!

And… you get ’em ALL.

For a simple one-time fee.

Not only can you claim these goodies

(btw, did I mention sales pages
are included too?)

You can also use them to teach
*yourself* how the truly successful
IM marketers… do it.

| Price increasing with every sale…


How ’bout:

You could repackage each one,
one week at a time, and sell it on
jvzoo under a different name.

You could take each one, break it
into smaller components, and sell
them all on udemy under different names.

You could re-release them as
clickbank products.

Create your own line of products
on your own website, you could create
a or a or a type of site.

I could go on and on with ideas…..

| Authority products, training products, how-to products…

Honestly.. .it’s HUGE.

And because this is a solo
offer, buy thru my link and
receive my very own:

WarriorForum/ Profit Plan

which shows you how to use
forums to build your authority
and grow your bottom line!

Sounds good?

I think so – these are quality
IM products where YOU can claim
the rights to.

Grab it today!


Well, yes I did intend on
getting back to the gym yesterday
to snap that picture I had promised…

But life got in the way.

Think about that for a moment.

With my health being more nonoptimal
than a moose dressed in bubblewrap
trying to tiptoe on pins and needles,
I *should* have made the time.

Just like sometimes in building
an income online, you *should* have
created that squeeze or you
*should* have blogged or you
*should* have….


It happens.

The key, of course, is to make
sure that ‘life getting in the way’
doesn’t happen EVERY SINGLE DAY.

If you NEVER get to the gym or
exercise at home, you NEVER get started
to losing weight.

And if you NEVER do something that
can bring in money in the future….

You NEVER get starting supporting
your family online.

The key, I think, is to know yourself
and know when you finally *start*
the seriousness of either fitness,
health, or being profitable online.

It’s a powerful key.

What do you think? I’d love to hear!

Don’t forget yesterdays:

Today I’ve spent a huge amount
of time buying products
and then taking apart the sales
funnels and documenting everything
I learned. ‘Matter of fact, around
10:40am EST tomorrow, you’ll
receive some tips about that from

Anywhos! While testing out
upsells and downsells and middle
sells and unseen sells and 56
other sells, I spent some time
on eBay, searching for new
hand carved canes (and found
some awesome sweetness
from Europe as well, but at
$200, hmmmmmm…..).

Procrastination done, I returned
back to Facebook and guess what
smacked me upside the head.

Yep, an ad for the exact
cane I had been viewing!

This is called retargeting and OH
it can be SO effective. You’ve probably
seen it, right? You visit a site like
Sleep Pillows or Amazon or eBay
or what have you, and then
their ads follow you around on
Facebook, happily wagging their
tails with puppydog eyes and
hoping they’ll entice you to
return and buy buy buy!

Well! There’s a huge market for
FB marketing, as you might know….
and retargeting is an *art* that bunches
of marketers would love to learn!

Wouldn’t it be grand if they
all bought it from you?

In other words, a complete entire PLR package
that contains 10 powerful modules
you could claim as your own?

I’ll share this secret with you –
I just bought it myself (and documented
the upsells and downsells and such
(btw, said upsells are high def
training videos and more!) and

Really impressive. Here’s what
you get:

==> FB Remarketing Business in a Box

Both for online and offline marketers:

Online Marketers:

Sell it for $9-97 a pop and make a huge profit!
Use it to create a private membership!
Use it to build your own list by offering it as a gift!
Use is as high quality bonus to your products!
Use it to train your team!
Use it as high quality content for your seminar, webinar, or training!

Offline Marketers:

Use it to prospect your client and close the deals.
Sell it to businesses for $97 a pop!
Use it to grow your own business online!
Use it to train your clients and charge them BIG Bucks!
Use it to offer a professional FB Re-marketing service for thousands of dollars.

It includes:

Module #1
High Quality Training Guide (Valued at $720)

Module #2
Cheat Sheet (Valued at $20)

Module #3
Mind Map (Valued at $40)

Module #4
Top Resources Report (Valued at $20)

Module #5
High Converting Sales Copy (Valued at $320)

Module #6
6 Professional Minisites (Valued at $160)

Module #7
Doodle Style Sales Video (Valued at $320)

Module #8
Swipe Emails for Your Affiliates (Valued at $20)

Module #9
Complete Set of Animated Banners (Valued at $160)

Module #10
Complete Set of Professional Graphics (Valued at $240)

The upsell includes a tremendous
membership site where you get
these goodies at ‘WAY less plus….

==> Price Jumps TONIGHT!

Now, remember that list building
case study thingee I had talked
about earlier?

Imagine putting something this
professionally done in *your*

Yep. Highly impressive indeed.
Again, this will be increasing
tonight so for $9.95….

==> It be a steal!

And because this is a solo offer,
buy thru my link and immediately

101 Ways to Profit From PLR

which is amazingly, 101 ways
you can reuse/profit from PLR!

Sounds good? Indeed –
entire done-for-you (it
includes minisales pages
too!) goodness at such
a low price….. grand indeed.


Brief, pithy and to the point:

Ever wonder how the
big dogs do make it shine…
video video sales letters?

Meeeeeyon Dollar Video Sales Letter!

by Alex Jeffreys, 7 figure
marketer, this is a good
that takes you by the hand
and shows you the essence
behind powerful sales letters.
And as he’s built up a huge
business in part because of
said sales letters… good stuff

Less than $9!

Creative thingee is…

He started NOT from the
svelte nifty cool expensive
setup lots of power marketers
use… instead, he went
Macgyver on it.


Learn from the best!

And because this is a solo offer,
buy thru my link and immediately

Get Started with Video Marketing

if you’re brand new to it!

Sounds good? I think so –
learning from those who
actively make a success
from marketing…. wise
actions indeed.

Don’t forget this mornings:

You are special. (guaranteed you aren’t expecting what you’re about to read)


I just returned from my morning
workout NOT at the pool…. instead,
I visited Planet Fitness for 30 minutes
and did my recumbent bike spinnies
(can’t do weight bearing anymores).

And on the way out, I read again
something they have emblazoned
on all the walls – I’ll try to take
a picture of it this afternoon, but
the gist is

The Judgement Free Zone

And it got me thinking.

Getting fit/losing weight is a series
of baby steps.

Much like making money is as well.

Sometimes you hit on the best
way for you immediately….

and sometimes it takes you

And you know something?

That’s okay. I personally
think losing weight requires
turning a key in your mind
that says, YES, I am going to
do what WILL work!

And being profitable online
is the same thing.

If you’re not yet at that
point, ie, if you’re still buying
bright shiny objects…

Well you know something?

At least you’re *doing* something.

It’s like buying a membership to
the gym.

And when you’re truly *ready*,
you’ll actually start *going* there
as well.

The thing I want to get across
is the following….

When it comes to crafting the
life you deserve, you’re special
enough that, well, you deserve it!

And whatever steps it takes to
get you to the point where you
*can* see success…

Do it at the rate that works
best for you.

Never give up hope; you’re
too special for that.


Brief, pithy and to the point:

Andy Brocklehurst just released
this extremely easy to follow and *smart*
product about how to build a list
and get paid while doing so.

| oOo ==> He spells out exactly what he did on the sales page

I got a review copy (also bought one
for my youngest) and you know something?

Lightbulbs went off in my head.

And I’ll guarantee they shine
for you too!

Not just because he tells you
on the sales page the gist of
what he does….

| oOo ==> the product gives viral techniques too!

This is one of those products
that is well-worth $47 because of:

1.) The time-won tips so you don’t
have to stumble around

2.) The extra sites he showed
that helps build your list passively

3.) The monitization suggestions (I
already do them and yep – they work!).

Normally I don’t promote
something this inexpensive but
honestly… it’s just a must-have.

See for yourself!


Brief, pithy and to the point:

Think about easily making
viral and fun memes that are
branded by YOU!!

| oOo ==> It curates from Pinterest/w attribution!

But not only that…

Oh heck, just look at the examples.

I watched it as it was happening…
these are totally legit, viral, growing
goodies…. and they made SUCH
an engaging story too!

| oOo ==> EarlybirdieSpecial!

I tried it as well as you
can see from my wall a
few days ago (it’s the Going
Big! coffecup image because
as you might know… coffee
be part of my brand!).



Ben Adkins is releasing

| oOo ==> Arbitrage Magician 2.0 TODAY!

at 2pm! First, headsup – this is a
premium product BUT if you’re into
pscaling and growing… well, feast
your earlobes on this!

In the first edition of Arbitrage Magician,
we walked you through building a small business.
Members were shown how to sell physical
products online. Woot!

In Arbitrage Magician 2.0,
we’re amping it up. So we’re
turning those small businesses
into 7-figure enterprises.

We’ll show you how to increase
your customer pools, expand your
selling platforms and give you the
tools to make the entire process
1000x’s easier.

Here’s a quick peek at what our
current members are doing with
the Arbitrage Magician system…

| oOo ==> The Man *knows* what he’s talking about!

Basically, Dr. B is reopening
this goodie for a limited time…
and has kicked it up! To wit:

There are those who earned almost
2K during the first 30 days. And
now our grand doc is going to show
you how the top folks in eCommerce
are building billion dollar brands.

| oOo ==> 0 Cost Class… 2pm EST sharp!


Don’t forget our favs:

==> Create Cool Mobile Apps Lifetime Membership!

==> Special 1 Problem/1 Solution (my list only discount)

==> Hypergrowth ListBuilding Class

==> 37 Ways To Grab Leads (Zero cost!)

==> The Better Life Sequence (Zero cost!)

==> Zero cost affiliate training from the
super popular NAMS group:

==> Marlon Sanders Big Book of Secrets

==> 21 Powerful Copywriting Tips…. Zero cost!

==> Special 6 in 6 coaching $1 trial

==> Magpreneur Magazine App Builder


Thank you for bring on my list – I will continue
to do my best to bring you the latest and
greatest of all marketing updates and will be sure
to touch base with you this afternoon
with all the latest goodies…

Grow strong,

Barbara Ling
I Make Marketing Profitable

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| About the Author: Barbara Ling has been a mover and
| shaker on the Internet since 1989, and has been an
| online trainer and marketing pioneer since 1997.
| Designer and creator of Barbara
| she has taught thousands of entrepreneurs how
| to master affiliate marketing, product development,
| networking growth and more. Author of over 50 books
| and ebooks, her educational style is denoted by
| motivational, humorous, fun and easy to understand
| targeted writing.
| Nowadays, she is best known for teaching
| people from all walks of life how to be successful
| on the Internet. For more information, please visit:
| Perking Up Profits!
| >>

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    Feel free to mosey on over to
    Barbara Ling, grab some smiles and tell your friends! Thanks so much… — Barbara Ling


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