==> [ Smashed foot ] Microwave caught on fire And that about covers it. :(


| oOo ==> STILL at holiday price! Autoresponder Madness
| http://awpt.co/RQeXj?e=
| WHY: Self-paced learning about creating autoresponder sequences
| your audience *adores!* Even though the price says $300, it’s STILL
| the holiday discount



Do forgive my lack of perkiness.

This morning, I was sitting at my desk in my office
and heard a snap! crackle! pop and looked back
to see my microwave on fire.


My microwave.

On fire.

Because one of my kids didn’t realize that
if aluminum foil was placed in the beastie..
fire would result. :-/

I hobbled there with the speed
of light and put weight on my ankle.

As you can imagine, I’ve been TOTALLY
non-optimal now. 🙁 So I’m writing
this email at 4pm and I’m going to
shut myself down and call it a day
(massive pain).

And that was how MY New Ear started!
Wooohoo! 🙂


and onto today!

I had suuuuch grand ideas for today
which still might happen, but I’ll tell you –
I was enjoying myself sooo much, my
sleep was kinda sorta….nil? So after
writing this email I’m going to pounce
back to bed but did want to catch y’all
and say hi. Hi!

And onto today!

Editors note – the price DOES show $300….but you’ll see
when you click the Buy button the price is still at the holiday
savings. Clickbank reopens to increase the price on Wednesday.


| oOo ==> Autoresponder Madness 3.0 (HUGELY comprehensive)
| http://awpt.co/RQeXj?e=
| WHY: Self-paced learning about creating autoresponder sequences
| your audience *adores!* Treated myself to it – sheer utter genius.


Hey there,

Separate unexpected headsup! This crossed my desk earlier,
I bought it, and WOW I’m devouring it (even shows you what tools
are required to tag in aWeber like you can in Office Autopilot!)

| oOo ==> Using the Art of Storytelling to Connect, Persuade and Influence
| http://awpt.co/RQeXj?e=

The price on this course is going to jump soon,
so I’m glad I got in when I did!

What I love about it is you have to follow
a sequential set of lessons – you’re not
given the link to the next lesson until you
check off your deliverables. That means
you get EVERYTHING the author intends…

AND that everything is just plain…WOW.


==> [ MM1 ] Part III – 80+ Breyer Model Horses of 2006, Yummy Bacon, and my very FIRST 2 products

When last we chatted, I had explained
to you about how I pulled myself out of
POOR PITY ME…..but only hinted at
how I managed to hit on my first product
with zero modern product creation skills.

It’s actually pretty amusing and involved….



notice that date?

And yep, that’s my site! My gosh…. 7 years ago!


Anywhos, indeed…I have 80+ model horses in
my old office! I used to collect them back during
the Dark Ages when java meant coffee…and
one garage sale, came across the whole patch for
$100. My childhood…regained!

But I digress. 🙂

See, I had built the Free Model Horse site
from what I already knew and loved and adored
(like bacon and coffee!)…and making money from
it was very easy indeed.

Thus…I applied that lesson 5 years later!!

Remember how I had built http://DailyWSOs.com ,
starting on 9/1/11?

At the end of 9/30/11, I realized I had manually
listed 100+ products on that site….

100+ product listings that I could copy/paste…..

and make a NEW PLR out of it!

And thus was born:


My VERY first product! Created by the seat of
my pants BECAUSE

(and this is HUGELY important)

I took PROACTIVE Action.

I didn’t wait for perfection.

I didn’t wait for software that I couldn’t support.

I didn’t angst about 23 upsells or downsells.

In other words….


And then 2 weeks later, I compiled all my mistakes and
got THAT out there too:


See how it works?

You DONT have to product a Hollywood epic….

You just have to give folks a BUY button
for quality goods!

That was one thing, later on, that Dr. Ben
hammered into his students:

Give me a BUY button.

And it makes so much sense…and is SO easy to do….

Once you give yourself permission to shine.

That’s why I can heartily recommend:

| oOo ==> SPECIAL 2013 Lifetime Membership price!
| http://askbling.com/drbenspecial

To be honest, I don’t know if the special
price is still there…but if so (and even if not!)….


Because you’ll be given the keys to take your
2013 business to the next level. WOOT!


| oOo ==> e1KaDay Girnormous Holiday Savings! (closing 1/2/13!)
| http://askbling.com/e1kholiday
| WHY: Dennis Becker slashed prices on BUNCHES of power
| marketing goodies! NICE!

A few days ago, I had shared with you
the adventures of the party van…well, the
*beginnings* of those adventures.

To refresh your memory, the party van
happened at the EArn1KaDay event
this gentleman put on:

| oOo ==> Over 27 of these products are now on sale!
| http://askbling.com/e1kholiday

Some of them are even zero-cost!

To set the stage….we had all attended a rather
yummy buffet and decided to invest in a party
bus ride home!

And you know what was in it?

A pole!

A real live *pole*!

For *pole dancing!*

Can you believe…I never saw one
in the wild before?

And I asked one of my colleagues….
Jeepers colleague (I like the word ‘jeepers’ alot),
how can you hang coats on that?

As you can tell, my worldliness surpasses
any Hugh Hefner around oh yes oh yes!

Needless to say, the ride back was funnier than
watching a porcupine figure skate across
a bunch of newly inflated balloon…
we all have pictures of that time
(some of them even posted to our wall
from back in August).

Good times, good times!

Anywhos! I forgot if that was the last
day or not, but I do vividly remember
going to sleep that evening and thinking
about the flight home – it would be calm,
enjoyable, restful, and a grand start to
my enhanced business.

And that was what happened.

Until 4:13am the next morning.

When the most unexpected disaster
befell upon me.

It makes climbing Mt. Everest with toothpick
skiis seem like a walk in the park!

I sure hope you’ll read it on a full stomach –
the sheer horror of it will truly impact your

Stay tuned….and remember!

This all happened at the Earn1KaDay event back
in August…what an adventure!

Speaking of adventures, some of the goodies
Dennis offers at

| oOo ==> Gathered for you!
| http://askbling.com/e1kholiday


Don’t forget this mornings:

Remember these?


| oOo ==> Software Clone Store

| http://askbling.com/softwareap
| oOo ==> Music Clone Store

| http://askbling.com/musicclone
| oOo ==> Mobile App Clone Store

| http://askbling.com/appclone
| oOo ==> Movie Clone Store

| http://askbling.com/movieclone
| oOo ==> Done For You Super Video Game Store
| http://askbling.com/videogamesap

| WHY: These are done-for-you business-in-a-box scripts that
| build ENTIRE MegaNiche stores for you with YOUR affiliate link
| embedded. Woot!

Yay! (wow that was easy).

And! Looking for the BEST PLR of
last year?

LOTS of them
are less than $8….

Well then, why didn’t you say so? We’re talking:

NY Resolutions

Online PLR

Offline PLR

Go Green PLR

Survival PLR

Weight Loss PLR

Computer Repair PLR

Appliance PLR

Website Developer Course PLR


See ’em all in 3….2….1…..


| oOo ==> New Years Resolutions Lose Weight, Quick Smoking, Reduce Stress PLR!
| http://askbling.com/shakeit
| WHY: HUGE: 60 affiliate NewYears Resolutions videos,
| 800+ Resolution PLR articles, ebooks
| Headers, footers…Ooooo!

| oOo ==> 65 PLR/MRR PRODUCTS!
| http://askbling.com/65plr
| WHY: 65 complete robust goodies including
| software, ebooks, videos, more!

| oOo ==> Local Business Online Marketing Mistakes PLR Pack!
| http://askbling.com/onlinemmap
| WHY: Done for you goodness credibility builder, this time

| focusing on online marketing benefits done RIGHT. By Ms.Motivation….WOOT!

| oOo ==> 1300+ Royalty Free PLR Photos
| http://askbling.com/1300ap
| Your Benefits: Exactly what you’d think – you’ll have 1,300

| royalty free photos for your marketing. nice!

| oOo ==> EVERGREEN Niche Silo Weight Loss Package!
| http://askbling.com/ns3weightlossap
| WHY: HUGE PLR Clickbank package of marketing materials to promote

| THE most popular weight loss goodies…nice!!

| oOo ==> HUGE Procrastination PLR
| http://askbling.com/procrastplr
| BENEFITs: Entire done-for-you PLR system for procrastination:

| ebooks, mini site letter, graphics, source, sales funnel, more!


| oOo ==> Computer Repair Credibility PLR Pack!

| http://askbling.com/repairplrap
| WHY: Massive Done For You PLR Pack to close
| computer repair offline clients…..massive!

| oOo ==> Clickbank Survival Niche Bonanza PLR
| http://askbling.com/survivalap
| WHY: HUGE Indepth package on Survival subniches
| 20 Product reviews, niche-specific graphics , 120+ PLR, more!

| oOo ==> Website Developer Course: PLR/Reseller and Personal Use, HTML and CSS Training
| http://askbling.com/webdevap
| WHY: MASSIVE PLR video course for EVERYTHING
| regarding website development…woot!

| oOo ==> >>HOT< Luxury Hand Held Computer Humongous PLR Collection!
| http://askbling.com/handheldap
| WHY: HUGE: 50 affiliate handheld videos, 858 PLR handheld articles,
| PLR handheld ebooks, Headers, footers…Ooooo!

| oOo ==> Amazon Affiliate Treasure Chest
| http://askbling.com/appliancesap
| BENEFITs: Another grand affiliate Goodness!

| 1088 high-paying appliances, 30 custom appliance themes, more!

| oOo ==> Go Green Niche Rolodex
| http://askbling.com/gogreenap
| BENEFITs: REALLY well done – complete package
| that walks you through how to profit in the GoGreen Niche.

| Comprehensive!!


| oOo ==> Offline PLR Prospecting Package Weekend Sale

| http://askbling.com/plrprospect
| WHY: Massive PLR Package for Offline Prospecting….
| all materials done for you!
+=================== Don’t forget yesterdays:

Did you see:

If you’re into video marketing you’re going to LOVE



| oOo ==>Your Own Cinema Showings for YOUR videos?

| http://askbling.com/easyvidfa

6 fantastic video themes that include:

Actually, I cannot describe them with full justice.
Click above to see!

And not only that….

| oOo ==> Displays beautifully for mobile devices too!

| http://askbling.com/easyvidfa2a

and don’t forget yesterdays:

This sale is ending TONIGHT!

| oOo ==> Autoresponder Madness 3.0 (HUGELY comprehensive)
| http://askbling.com/arm30

Trust you me – this course will be responsible for
doubling or more my income this year….it’s
one of THE best investments you can make….
hands down.

Love what I’m learning!

And speaking about learning:

You know how when I was in the hospital
herding unicorns, I earned over 3K during
that week, right?

What if that had been close to 100K?

Well, Jason did just that during the month
his son was born…and I secured for you a $10
discount over at

| oOo ==> 6 Figure Baby
| http://ilovethisoffer.com/6-figure

Go check out the modules right now…
really impressive stuff indeed. I especially
like modules 4 and 5 meself…you?
What’s that?
Curation you crave instead?

Well then!

IMPORTANT : This plugin is being made EXCLUSIVELY
available to you (not available to anyone else right now)
so you get early access with over 70% discount right now.
(sells for $97 in the market!)

I have been using this plugin now this week
and OMG…it soooo rocks!

See for yourself:



In both cases, the videos were pulled in *while writing
the post*…..*from the post dashboard*.

ie, 1 step click method!!

| oOo ==> Includes 4 BONUS WP Plugins!
| http://askbling.com/cfire

Here’s what this plugin does and why I think
you should invest in it before 2013:

– Creates content for your niche sites
in *seconds* not even minutes

– Creates Google *friendly* content that ranks higher

– You don’t even have to leave your
site and search (has inbuilt search system HUGE)

– You can grab doc files or presentations or
even videos from Youtube to enhance your
content and it takes care of everything in just a few clicks.

Honestly – its a true nobrainer when it comes to
content creation.

| oOo ==> Automatic point and click insertion!
| http://askbling.com/cfire




==> [ MM1 ] Part II – My confession. Forget good intentions – the road to HELL is paved with:

Yesterday, I had begun telling you my story
about how I got into IM again last year.
One of things I vividly remember back then
was reading ALL the reasons why people were
diving into marketing. I’m sure you’ve heard
them too, right?
Become my own boss!
Life on Mars!
Have all the Starcraft II games I could eat!
Retire on White Sandy Beaches!


Well, my reasons were far more….

And…dare I confess….
See, a few hours/days/weeks/etc prior….
I proactively decided to help out a friend of
a friend. Good intentions, aye?
And that good intention was received as positively
as you’d embrace a rabid warthog with bad breath.
Don’t believe me? I blogged about it over at:

==> How To Brilliantly Turn Failure Into Money for 2012 – Pillar

Notice the date on this – August 30th, 2012.

Next, scroll down on


and observe the day I registered it.

2 days after being kicked in the teeth.

| oOo ==> Enables You to Reach 5K/month
| http://askbling.com/drbenspecial

Know what that means?

That means that I was drowning is a sea of



But instead of glumping on my computer for

I took that negative energy and directed it towards….



I *focused* on *me*.

Me me me!

And haven’t looked back since.

Thing is…

I’m not unique.

You can achieve the same thing as well!

All it takes is guidance, commitment…
and the right mentor to give your abilities

| oOo ==> Enables You to Reach 5K/month – Special ends 12/31/12
| http://askbling.com/drbenspecial

But my story doesn’t end there of course,
because as I mentioned….I joined the above in 2012,
NOT September of 2011. So I had 4 months of
teaching myself the ropes.

Which meant, of course, learning how to
make a product from scratch….after I had
been out of the game for *years*.

Luckily, my herd of 80+ Breyer model horses…
saved the day. You won’t *believe* the connection
I made….

Stay tuned!


==> [ e1K 1 ] Part II: Why I KNOW Beer bottles cannot break bus windows; I witnessed it.

Yesterday, I had started regaling you
with the exciting story behind all the
tremendous discounts of:

| oOo ==> Over 27 of these products are now on sale!
| http://askbling.com/e1kholiday

Some of them are even zero-cost!

Anywhos, that Vegas trip before my ankle
collapsed was eye-opening in many ways….

Especially…the reality TV bus ride back from
a buffet.

I was sitting with the intrepid Judy K (we
both decided that after walking 372 miles
in the 106 heat, a bus ride would be quite
dandy) in one of those mini bus thingees.

And one of the pickups was a man
who faked the need of a wheelchair.

A rather….angry man.

Now, Judy and I were sitting about 15 feet from
the front door. And to take in a wheelchair, the
bus has to be lowered, seats had to be moved,

Apparently, this guy does this quite
often to this particular bus driver. So…the
bus driver called the office.

And heated words were exchanged, because the
bus driver refused to move the bus.

Which kinda sorta put everyone else on
it…at a standstill.

Enter the nice lady and her scrappy boyfriend.

Nice lady told the guy that hey! We
have to get home too!

Guy decided to take a swing at nice lady.

Nice Lady boyfriend *immediately* leaped into action,
deftly grabbed guy by throat, held him against
the wall.

Marketing conferences…gotta love ’em!

To make a long story short, guy finally
gets off of bus with wheelchair and throws
a beer bottle against the window.

And Judy and I finally get back to the hotel.

Again, this was for the Earn1KaDay event back
in August…what an adventure!

Speaking of adventures, some of the goodies
Dennis offers at

| oOo ==> Gathered for you!
| http://askbling.com/e1kholiday

…don’t require ANY leaving of your home
because he brings it to you!

Stuff like:

Daily Seminar DVD Set
A 13-Month Project Brings You The Collected Wisdom Of Two Internet Marketing Superstars
is an incredible collection. Internet gurus Jason Fladlien and Robert
Plank created the Daily Seminar site in 2008 and for 13 months created 3
seminars per week (one from each of them, plus a joint interview).

Members at the time (including myself) paid $47 per month to follow along

After the content was finished, they decided to sell it lock, stock,
barrel, and copyright, and I jumped at the chance, paying $32,000 plus
another $4,000 to have all the videos transcribed.

I normally sell the DVD compilations for $97, and it’s a spectacular
deal at this price, but for the duration of this special sale, you can
purchase for just $47 (plus shipping charges from our fulfillment house,

FREE – Daily Success Plan
Change Your Routine, Change Your Life!
Here’s another free report for you.
Starting out will take you maybe 15 minutes a day, and once you have a
plan in place, you’re almost guaranteed to see fantastically positive
This has been sold in the past for as much as $47, it’s free to you today.
Good stuff indeed! And….

WAIT! I just realized…I didn’t reveal the party
bus happenings! Ah well, out of space here….
I promise to get it to you in the next



Next! Mobile apps you crave? This is closing

Well then!

After all, if you’re into offline business and
providing these customized goodies to your
clients is something that interests you….

Keep reading!

Because when a lifetime option reopens…
for a limited time only…smart people like
you *grab* it.

I’m talking about:

| oOo ==> Members are creating apps ranging from Info apps, to games, to learning quizzes, to local business apps.
| http://askbling.com/lifetimeappa

There’s three options available:

Option 1: Lifetime PERSONAL Membership
You get:
Unlimited personal apps (info, games, books, etc) through our main app builder

Special templates will be added in January, exclusive to Lifetime Personal members

Added tools, courses and resources we plan on getting and adding for you over time

(Personal members cannot make apps for other people/businesses, they are for you only).
Yes, of course you can sell your own apps in the app stores, you simply cannot make them for other people/businesses.
Value of this membership: Minimum $408 if you only used it for 2 years. (We’ll be here much longer!)
* Main app builder allows you to make unlimited Android, Kindle, iPhone, iPad and web apps.

OPTION 2: Lifetime CORPORATE Membership
You get:
Unlimited personal apps (info, games, books, etc) through our main app builder*

Unlimited corporate apps (Yes – you CAN sell them to local businesses) through our main app builder*

special templates will be added in January, exclusive to Lifetime Corporate members

Added tools, courses and resources we plan on getting and adding for you over time

YES you CAN make apps for other people and businesses, as well as for yourself.
Value of this membership: Minimum $888 if you only used it for 2 years. (As mentioned, we’ll be here much longer)
* Main app builder allows you to make unlimited Android, Kindle, iPhone, iPad and web apps.

Option 3: Lifetime ENTERPRISE Membership
You get two builders in one:
Unlimited personal apps (info, games, books, etc) through our main app builder*

Unlimited corporate apps (Yes – you CAN sell them to local businesses) through our main app builder*

Added tools, courses and resources we plan on getting and adding for you over time

Special templates will be added in January, exclusive to Lifetime Corporate/Enterprise members

You can request and vote on special templates too and we’ll do them (i.e., a specific niche or industry)

Unlimited Access to the additional Biznessapps builder which you can have unlimited Android and HTML5 apps**

** EXCLUSION NOTE** iphone/ipad apps through the Biznessapps side are
$25/mo per app if desired, as they charge us for each one. (iphone/ipad
apps are considered as one here) However, if you do not request iphone
or ipad publishing through the biznessapps side and just stick with the
Android and HTML5 apps, there’s no extra fees ever!
* Main app builder allows you to make unlimited Android, Kindle, iPhone, iPad and web apps.
YES you CAN make apps for other people and businesses, as well as for yourself.
Value of this membership: Minimum $1,488 if you only used it for 2 years. (We’ll be here much longer!)

One reviewer writes:

… OK – so this is a white label of the
#1 platform in the app creation space (at great expense when you look at
the cost of the white label agreement). The plan Amber offers, if you
purchased it directly with the company would be $99+ – so this is a
super great deal. Thats the product side….
Amber has also been extremely responsive to questions and super
helpful even though she is obviously in the middle of a major successful
launch. Kudos to her focus on customer service and keeping her
customers informed and ensuring there are no surprises!….

So if this intrigues you:

| oOo ==> Members are creating apps ranging from Info apps, to games, to learning quizzes, to local business apps.
| http://askbling.com/lifetimeappa2

That about covers it for this moment’…woot!
Hope your day goes peachy…and I’ll be certain

to checkin with you this afternoon
with whatever wootness crosses me desk!

Thanks again for being on my list…
I’ll continue to do me best to bring to you
updates about the most valuable resources I can find
for you online!

Grow strong,

Barbara Ling
I Make Marketing Fun!


ps – Why do I send so many emails?
http://www.barbaraling.com/insights/how-you-will-learn/ explains
it grandly and why you’ll never want to unsubscribe!

pps – Love the humor and headsups I share? Please feel free to forward
this email to your network and share the goodness at
http://forms.aweber.com/form/99/1167373799.htm – they’ll
thank you for it!

ppps – do remember to get on

==> Breaking IM News

if you’d like Infotainment with your IM learning!

pppps – I have a whole slew of targeted niche goodies if you’d like to
scope them out, including Offline, SEO, List Building, Linkedin and
10 more (over a dozen!). See them at

==> Niche Goodies Mailing Lists

You’ll love what you discover!

| About the Author: Barbara Ling has been a mover and
| shaker on the Internet since 1989, and has been an
| online trainer and marketing pioneer since 1997.
| Designer and creator of Barbara Ling.com
| she has taught thousands of entrepreneurs how
| to master affiliate marketing, product development,
| networking growth and more. Author of over 30 books
| and ebooks, her educational style is denoted by
| motivational, humorous, fun and easy to understand
| targeted writing.
| Nowadays, she is best known for teaching
| people from all walks of life how to be successful
| on the Internet. For more information, please visit:
| Barbara Ling:
| >> http://www.barbaraling.com
| Virtual Coach 100% Affiliate Program
| >> http://www.virtual-coach.com
This is a commercial email.
BUSINESS CONNECTION DISCLOSURE: The sender of this email has an
affiliate relationship and/or another business connection to the
providers of the products, goods and services that are contained within
this message….and may be compensated when you buy from a provider.
Always perform due diligence before buying anything online via the
Internet…or offline, for that matter. An educated consumer rocks!

Love this email? YAY!

No? You can click below to unsubscribe, but then
you’ll be missing out on all the future fun gifts and goodies
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