[SERIOUS] note


| oOo ==> Offline Infographics Lead Gen

| http://askbling.com/lginfoap|
| WHY: Simple – Infographics you can use for, well,

| offline lead gen! Neat twist indeed.

Hey there,
Serious talk here. Sure, I’ll let you know the
goodies that have crossed me desk but….yep….
*serious* talk.
As you know, I just gave a talk in Vegas
about how to turn dismal failure into blinding
success. And it went wonderfully indeed!
I should have known then….life was getting
ready to re-kick me in the teeth.

This morning, while packing for home, my
ankle collapsed.
It’s my bad one, the one without any cartilege.
I couldn’t walk, I could only hobble, and the pain
was most character-building indeed. To make a
long story short, I’m truly grateful to Dennis
Becker – he was on my flight and helped by
carrying my laptop for me and being all-around
grand cheer.
I’m home now and will be seeing the doctor
tomorrow. I’m in hopes my ankle will snap
back to working but you know…there’s a huge
chance it might not.
If not….the next step is to get it fused.
Which is okay, I’ve always known something
like this might happen for years now. So its
up to me to turn on a dime and make it to
my benefit.
I’ll be sharing more about this as the week
goes on! Chances are, however, my Friday
launch will be delayed….we’ll see. But did want
to let you know in case my perkiness….kinda sorta….
*aint*. ๐Ÿ™‚

I’ll keep y’all posted!
And remember – tomorrow
Dr. Ben is releasing his Facebook Membership
goodness thingee tomorrow at 10am so stay tuned
for that – he gave a hint about it at the seminar today
and it will blow you away. Wonderful!
And onto today!
Want an extremely creative way for offline
lead gen that is ridiculously priced?

| oOo ==> For only $3??

| http://askbling.com/lginfoa

This is designed to *educate* your prospects
and open the door for you to gently make it
*their* idea to hire you. Nifty! AND….
the OTO takes the concept one excellent
level further as well. So cool indeed!
And don’t forget the earlier:
Speaking about offline, want an offline
theme that is easily duplicated?

| oOo ==> WP Offline Local Pro

| http://askbling.com/wplocalpro

There’s one thing I learned from this E1KaDay
weekend…and that’s while cheap has its place…
premium has the support, membership, community
and more to back it up beautifully!
So! If you’re an offline marketer, and you want
an easy-to-use yet streamlined and easily
customizable theme for your business,
definitely check this out.
It includes:
* Theme options panel – just point and click your way to success!
* Comes with WP Twin Ready Clone for easy $$$
* Has 7 different template colors – just pick the one you want!
* Supports custom menu so you can create your exact menu in seconds!
* Can upload your own background and customer header images
* Comes with aweber ready optin form which you can set up in a few clicks to capture leads
And don’t forget the earlier:

So…chances are you’ve heard of this Dennis Becker
guy and his Earn1KaDay thingee.
Wanna know how it all started?

| oOo ==> Earn 1K A Day original Product

| http://askbling.com/e1kproduct

Dennis is so much the real deal my head spins!
If nothing else, read the sales page to see his
background (and then buy his product!) – if you’ve
been spinning your wheels now for ages, this
will put you in the right mindset and give you
the right steps to move yourself OUT.

And did you see:
You’ve heard of Yahoo Answers, right?

I’ll bet however…you haven’t heard of the
site showcased in :

| oOo ==> Why hasn’t anyone written about this yet????

| http://askbling.com/cashqa
Written by Amanda Craven (which makes it
a no-brainer to begin with, and which is why I’m
sooo thrilled she just reached out to me – I was about
to dash off to this mornings’ talks but OOOO! had
to let you know about it!), this is a step-by-step
handholding guide that walks you thru this
utterly brilliant resource that I’ll guarantee…you never looked at like this!!
So nice indeed!

And that be it for me! ๐Ÿ™‚

Hope your day goes peachy…and I’ll be certain

to touch base with you bright and early tomorrow
morning with whatever goodness crosses me desk.

Thanks again for being on my list…
I’ll continue to do me best to bring to you
updates about the most valuable resources I can find
for you online!

Grow strong,

Barbara Ling
I Turn Chaos Into Simplicity


ps – do remember to get on

==> Breaking IM News

if you’d like Infotainment with your IM learning!

pps – I have a whole slew of targeted niche goodies if you’d like to
scope them out, including Offline, SEO, List Building, Linkedin and
10 more (over a dozen!). See them at

==> Niche Goodies Mailing Lists

Niche Goodie Mailing Lists!

You’ll love what you discover!

| About the Author: Barbara Ling has been a mover and
| shaker on the Internet since 1989, and has been an
| online trainer and marketing pioneer since 1997.
| Designer and creator of Barbara Ling.com
| she has taught thousands of entrepreneurs how
| to master affiliate marketing, product development,
| networking growth and more. Author of over 30 books
| and ebooks, her educational style is denoted by
| motivational, humorous, fun and easy to understand
| targeted writing.
| Nowadays, she is best known for teaching
| people from all walks of life how to be successful
| on the Internet. For more information, please visit:
| Barbara Ling:
| >> http://www.barbaraling.com
| Virtual Coach 100% Affiliate Program
| >> http://www.virtual-coach.com
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