[ SCREEN CAPTURE] Cash, Halloween, SEO, Mobile, SMS, AIRPORT Delays List, more!


| oOo ==> Screen Capture Cash
| http://askbling.com/ssc|
| WHY: A really *smart* way to make your products/videos/et.
| stand out…I do it meself!


It’s Tuesday evenin’ and did you know…the
electrons are so pretty as they spin around me!

Yep, I’m earlobe-deep into recovery mode and
while I know that I’ll be fine in 3 months…wow.

Talk about character-building! Good news is
the hospital staff is very helpful and when I’m
NOT flying without wings…I’m writing some good
ideas down in my Bell Labs notebook. Woot!

And onto today!

You need great pictures
*to* share on FB?

Well then:

Get thee to:

| oOo ==> Screen Capture Cash
| http://askbling.com/ssc

Now…let me show you why!

First…lookie at my status update regarding Dr. Ben
Adkins’ launch a few months ago.

==> Biggest Launch in WF History!

QUICK!!!! Visit the link I provide and tell me.

From where did I get the original image?

You won’t find it on the site….

Yep. It’s a screen capture!

Next, oh heck, lookie at yesterday’s Pinterest

==> Underground Pinterest Test Labs!

That’s a screen capture too!

Now, look at the step-by-step goodness I reveal in

==> Book 3 – The Pinning Games!

if you’ve bought it. But
trust you me….screen captures! I build ALL
me WSOs with screen captures and my customers
LOVE ’em.

Did I mention I use screen captures all over the place?

That’s why you WANT to buy

| oOo ==> Screen Capture Cash
| http://askbling.com/ssc


And did you see:

The surgery was yesterday…and that’s why I wasn’t
able to alert you to:

| oOo ==> Mobile App Takeover!
| http://askbling.com/mata

Here’s one reason why I LOVE this. Besides it being a
super high quality product (Mario Brown releases are
always super-anticipated)….

Mario’s talk in the Earn 1K A Day event….it literally
*changed* my life. It really did…it inspired me to
change *my* business and if you’re into mobile
or offline….my gosh, do yourself a favor and learn
from Mario. The man is pure gold when it comes
to mobile!

| oOo ==> Mobile App Takeover!
| http://askbling.com/mata2

And because this is a solo offer, buy

thru me link, forward me you receipt and
I’ll send you a link to my 45 minute
talk I gave at the same event Mario
talked at as well (How to turn blinding
failure into amazing success!)


Want to learn how to transform email messages into
mobile/SMS/text marketing campaigns?

If so:

| oOo ==> Manage your client’s SMS campaigns
| http://askbling.com/email2txta

This product shows you how to use a FREE service
to accomplish the above. And I certainly know it’s
possible – I’ve figured out how to email my phone
from my server loooong ago (makes sending pictures
easy!) – just imagine that ability being made possible
for full-blown marketing campaigns.


What’s that?

You want SEO instead?

If you’re at all into SEO, you probably heard about
the EMD update.

Enter Joe Finn, Master SEO Jedi to the rescue! He JUST

| oOo ==> EMDs work just as well as before, IF used correctly…
| http://askbling.com/emda

We’re talking:

What works now instead of EMDs, and how this is aligned with the recent Google emphasis on a specific kind of site..
And what you can do right away to regain some of your lost ranking..
What kind of EMD sites were hit, and why..
What kind of non-EMDs were also hit, and why..
What kind of EMD sites were not hit, and exactly why..
The factor that was helping your site rank, and that no longer works for your site..
How Google determined whether this factor would stop working in your favor..
What the extra penalty is that Google applied to all sites that lost the above factor..

Don’t forget this mornings:

Looking to cash in on Halloween for those last
minute purchases?

If so, lookie here!

| oOo ==> Halloween MegaPack 2012!
| http://askbling.com/hallowap

This goodie includes PLR for planning kits,
ebooks, invitation party cards, a landing page,
GRAPHICS…… so nice indeed!

And did you see:

Think mobile is the hottest market?


What do you get when you add social to mobile?

Facebook…Youtube….Twitter? (mind sparking yet?)

You know their functionality….but what IF…
that functionality could be transformed into mobile
in a slick, professional, eye-catching fashion?

This brilliant offer showcases how clients buy with
their eyes…and how *you* can profit *beautifully* from it.

It’s incredibly simple:

You are on the cutting edge of technology in two of the hottest markets that have now been fused.

You then:

* Grab these today
* Customize in minutes before seeing clients
* Show clients exactly what they will get
* CLOSE with ease

| oOo ==> Dominate Mobile Marketing Social Media
| http://askbling.com/socialfma

Don’t forget yesterdays:

One could say I know a bit about email marketing,
Jimmy Mancini knows bunches more!

He just released:

| oOo ==> Never Saw This Shared Before!
| http://askbling.com/emailmsa
And the stuff he includes!!!
This is a pure-action 53 page PDF that talks about:

* Volume emails
* MTAs
* The structure of a 7 day autoresponder sequence
* Copywriting tips (plus sources!)
* Improving Deliverability
* Reputation scores
* more!

Basically, not only do you get the tried-and-true
here’s how you email Market but you ALSO
receive the advanced knowledge not often
shares about how to slant success in your favor.

And don’t forget:

If you’ve been on my list for awhile…you might have
noticed I have a wee bit of an appreciation for coffee
(kinda like the Avengers have a wee bit of an appreciation
for saving the planet!).

I’m not the only one, mind you – this is an 11 BILLION
dollar niche!!

And if you’re into niche marketing/PLR/videos/etc., lookie here!

| oOo ==> Bunches of coffee SUBNICHES TOO!

| http://askbling.com/gcoffeea

This contains:

* 100s of exact name matches

* 50 High Def Amazon Affiliate videos (all products OVER $100)

* 372 Coffee PLR Articles you can spin/blog/etc.

* 2 Coffee eBooks PLR!

* Headers!

* Footers!

What’s that? Offline THEMES you want instead?

| oOo ==> WP Offline Local Pro
| http://askbling.com/wplocalpro

There’s one thing I learned from when I spoke
at E1KaDay…and that’s while cheap has its place…
premium has the support, membership, community
and more to back it up beautifully!
So! If you’re an offline marketer, and you want
an easy-to-use yet streamlined and easily
customizable theme for your business,
definitely check this out.


Today is a Share what surgery needs the MOST
day. And let’s begin with:

| oOo ==> Whine Wonders Affiliate/PLR!
| http://askbling.com/wineap

And I’m not even drugged on painkillers yet!!

This is a nifty package for niche PLR/affiliate/Amazon
goodness – as always, Mike delivers huge on the quality!

And did you see:

If you’re a product creator, definitely check this out!

| oOo ==> Point. Click. Drag. Drop.
| http://askbling.com/salescodea

It’s well-known that the more people who see
your offer…the more people have a chance to buy it.

But putting it up on different payment networks….
it requires 4 different sales pages!

Until now.

| oOo ==> Developers License included!
| http://askbling.com/salescodea2

I know I myself need to get my stuff on
JVzoo and Clickbank and the like…..so thisis something VERY intriguing to me!!

Oh, and about the 15 most delayed airports:


Just click on the image in the pin and enjoy!!


That about covers it for this evenin…woot!

Hope your day goes peachy…and I’ll be certain

to touch base with you bright and early tomorrow
with whatever wootness crosses me desk!

Thanks again for being on my list…
I’ll continue to do me best to bring to you
updates about the most valuable resources I can find
for you online!

Grow strong,

Barbara Ling
I Turn Chaos Into Simplicity


ps – Why do I send so many emails?
http://www.barbaraling.com/insights/how-you-will-learn/ explains
it grandly and why you’ll never want to unsubscribe!

pps – Love the humor and headsups I share? Please feel free to forward
this email to your network and share the goodness at

http://forms.aweber.com/form/99/1167373799.htm – they’ll
thank you for it!

ppps – do remember to get on

==> Breaking IM News

if you’d like Infotainment with your IM learning!

pppps – I have a whole slew of targeted niche goodies if you’d like to
scope them out, including Offline, SEO, List Building, Linkedin and
10 more (over a dozen!). See them at

==> Niche Goodies Mailing Lists

Niche Goodie Mailing Lists!

You’ll love what you discover!

| About the Author: Barbara Ling has been a mover and
| shaker on the Internet since 1989, and has been an
| online trainer and marketing pioneer since 1997.
| Designer and creator of Barbara Ling.com
| she has taught thousands of entrepreneurs how
| to master affiliate marketing, product development,
| networking growth and more. Author of over 30 books
| and ebooks, her educational style is denoted by
| motivational, humorous, fun and easy to understand
| targeted writing.
| Nowadays, she is best known for teaching
| people from all walks of life how to be successful
| on the Internet. For more information, please visit:
| Barbara Ling:
| >> http://www.barbaraling.com
| Virtual Coach 100% Affiliate Program
| >> http://www.virtual-coach.com
This is a commercial email.
BUSINESS CONNECTION DISCLOSURE: The sender of this email has an
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providers of the products, goods and services that are contained within
this message….and may be compensated when you buy from a provider.
Always perform due diligence before buying anything online via the
Internet…or offline, for that matter. An educated consumer rocks!

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