Reason #3 to listen: ==> Marlon Sander’s Latest – Removes the excuses

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| oOo ==> Marlon Sander’s Latest –
| Part II – 30 minute work day?
| WHY: The man is a legend, walks the walk he talks
| and what you learn… BAM. Instant goodness.

Brief, pithy and to the point:
Marlon Sanders has done:
$3.7+ Million in Sales
2,826,874 Website Visitors
74+ Products Created
199,500 email subscribers
28,345 Affiliates Recruited —
| See how HERE
Here’s the 3rd reason to listen:
Reason Three: I’ve done more things
right and also made more mistakes than most
You often don’t learn until you make
mistakes. So I’ve been on both sides
of the coin.
I’ve done more things right than most and
made more mistakes more than most.
So I know what to do and what not to do.
| Catch that benefit?
There is unconscious incompetence,
conscious incompetence, unconscious
competence and conscious competence.
Today is the day you go from unconscious
incompetence to conscious competence.
And it starts here.
It starts with becoming a producer
and a promoter of products. It starts with
finding the Creator inside of you and
STOP making excuses for why it can’t be
done and start finding reasons it CAN be done.
| Catch that removing of excuses?
That’s a change that happens in your brain.
And that’s a change that has to happen.
There are those non-producers who find
an endless stream of reasons it can’t be
done, why it’s not the right time, day or
month, reasons it won’t work for them.
And there are producers who simply decide
to get it done and find reasons they CAN make it work.
Are you going to spend the rest of your
life as a consumer or a producer?
Today is the day you find out the answer to that question…
| Isn’t it time you started?
Not to mention Reason #2…
Reason Two: I’ve been producing,
creating, promoting and selling info products
since BEFORE the world wide web existed.
You can go all the way back to the AOL
and Compuserve days. You can go back
BEFORE digitally delivered products
existed and my garage had manuals
and tapes stacked high.
| Catch that before?
I’ve created, produced and promoted
dozens of products, sent out hundreds,
if not thousands, of emails.
Obtained over 250,000 subscribers.
I’ve been there and done that.
And will share with you how YOU
can make the exciting transition from
being a learner to a DOER, from
consuming to promoting.
| 30 minute work day – here!
Really, most days I had about 30 minutes
or sometimes an hour of real work to do.
Everything else happened like clockwork.
I see a lot of marketers now claiming to
have been in this business since 1996, or 1998.
Which is fine. The thing I have that other
marketers don’t during all those years is
a record of sales of $20,000, $30,000,
$40,000 and $50,000 a month, month
after month, year after year beginning
in 1998, and significant online sales before that.
I wasn’t on the internet.
I was SELLING on the Internet.
And that’s a huge difference.
| Catch that difference?
And not only that, I lived the lifestyle
working from home for most of that
time. I didn’t get an office until a
few years ago and even now,
I’ve gone back to my virtual office.

I have lived the 30-minute workday
for many years and created dozens of
systems over that time period….
| Get the full story HERE!

Marlon is one of the most
trusted marketers out there….
simply because compared to
the hypeNFroth Wannabees….

He delivers. Grab it today!

Grow strong,

Barbara Learn from the best Ling

ps – Simplicity rocks!

| oOo ==> See for yourself.
| |

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    Feel free to mosey on over to
    Barbara Ling, grab some smiles and tell your friends! Thanks so much… — Barbara Ling


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