PRICE Increasing again! Quickfire Rapid Product Creation 2.0 Bootcamp paid web ticket event AND

(NOTE! This mornin’s goodies are awaiting you below but if you don’t like ’em, please do unsubscribe at – thanks!)

| ==> Product Creation Caffeine Bootcamp 2.0
| BENEFITS: Get ALL of my quick profitable
| product creation secrets…. in under 2 hours
| (price increasing AGAIN tonight!)

Hey there,
You might be aware that this
Saturday, I am releasing my bootcamp
that shows how I create great products
*fast* that fly off the shelves
(learn about it at my like/know/trust
page at ).
But did you ALSO know that this
Friday… I will also be officially releasing
Instant Niche Authority
complete with a GOLD upsell?
==> That’s 2 products I was able to
==> create/deliver within one 1 week.
Want to do the same thing?

Over a year ago, I first released
my Product Creation Caffeine
Bootcamp (a no-holds-barred
paid web ticket event where I
taught power Product Creation
techniques from conception to delivery).
It now retails at $197.
Well! I’m about to update it
and have prelaunched it at
almost half (although starting
tomorrow, price will begin
to increase!). To wit:
Special Paid Web Ticket Event this Saturday at 2pm EST!

To wit:
Things we’re going to cover are:
1.) My product creation directory
structure/template I myself
use to layout products so
designing/packaging them is a breeze
2.) My ebook and report templates
I use when making PDFs
(updated for 2014)
3.) How to create products from
Powerpoints, Webinars, Video and more
4.) My mindmap for ALL steps for
Product creation, from conception
to affiliate/JV finding to launch.
This will be *fast-paced*
actionable material. And because
this material being shown *solely*
to my network, I’m not going to do
the usual end the price in a 7 scenario.
Such things are marketing techniques,
very effective ones mind you,
but I’ll be upfront here.
Tickets to this event are $100,
the lowest it will be (after said
event is completed/polished,
recordings/handouts will increase
to $197). Price will also increase
until the day of the class.
You will be able to participate
live on the call and have your
questions answered as well during
the discussion and receive my:
Product Creation Mindmaps
Product Creation Templates (PDF report, cheatsheet, graphics, Timelines, more!)
Audio File
Special unannounced bonus you will WANT to see
Purchasers will also get a
recording of the event as well.
That about covers it – grab it below!
Special Paid Web Ticket Event this Saturday at 2pm EST!

Grow strong….
Barbara Ling
ps – again – this is the lowest price you will ever see it at! And the value you’ll receive…. GOLD.
pps – did you catch that 3 week immersion mastermind bonus? It’s included too!

This is a commercial email.
BUSINESS CONNECTION DISCLOSURE: The sender of this email has an affiliate relationship and/or another business connection to the providers of the products, goods and services that are contained within this message….and may be compensated when you buy from a provider.

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Why not share it at 1001-frombtl!


    Feel free to mosey on over to
    Barbara Ling, grab some smiles and tell your friends! Thanks so much… — Barbara Ling


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