Pinterest Magic, YouTube CPA Goodness, More Viral Fun, more!

| oOo ==> YouTube CPA Craze
| Nifty WSO about how you can use Youtube to
| promo your CPA promos with a definitive twist.
| Woot!

It’s Wednesday evening and it’s after midnight
(read: 7:12pm) and wow, what a day! How did
it treat you?

Got lots of stuff to share so let’s rock!

I’m doing viral photos again, this time for
Evil FB Magician. Lookie here!

==> Evil FB Magician Viral Photos

Evil Facebook Magician Launches Soon – Here be me spotlights!

If you go to my FB Page,
you’ll see the latest!

And onto today…

Want you to learn a nifty trick wrt YouTube
and CPA?

If so,

| oOo ==> YouTube CPA Craze

is getting rather fascinating reviews indeed!
I’ll be asking for a review copy meself, but
figured you’d want to evaluate it as well.

Basically, it centers on using YouTube to
drive traffic to your CPA offers…with a twist.

Next, did you see the headsup:

==> Pinlet Magic Package

If you want one of *the* best Pinterest tools
I’ve seen in awhile, get thee hence there (it’s
dimesale so the price is increasing!)!

Created by a fellow Syndicate member,
this nifty cool neato tool lets you easily
(reeeeaaaallll easily!) create compelling
and sharable pins/images/etc. you can
use in your own Pinterest boards.

Really nice stuff and again, it’s DIMESALE
so get it before the price goes up up up!

And don’t forget this mornings Kindle Goodness:

| oOo ==> Write Good Fiction Fast For Kindle

Now, this is by the author of Prime Influence, which
is like saying, this is iron-stamped with greatness.
I’ve been finding lately that product creators who
create one fantastic offering…often have that quality
imbued within all their following releases.

It’s a 58 page PDF workbook, worksheets, templates,
a video and more! Definitely worth checking out if
Kindle be in your fancy.

Next! Be ready for a headsup that will be coming
from me later on today – it’s one of THE most
slick tools I have seen for creating on-the-fly
shareable viral pictures you can pin to Pinterest.
Been using it meself…..woot!

Next, QUICK!

Lookie at me new FB business cover over at

and my professional profile at

Notice anything unique?

Well, first off, they’re using stock photos from

Honestly, the deal there (and there’s a free option
too!) makes using this site a no-brainer!

But that’s not the point.

The point is, think about *your* FB page.


Okay grand!

Now, think about just *how* you can get folks

I tried by simply sharing great content…sure, it
gets likes and stuff, but nothing more.

No real shares!

So I thought this morning to meself:

Hey self, what if I tried engaging my audience
and asking their opinions?

which led to:

Hey self, what’s in it FOR my audience to
interact with me?

I’m still working on that, but …. yep.

It was an illuminating moment for me (and
please do comment on your take at , thanks! )

Wow, talk about a long intro! So let me move now
into…and don’t forget about yesterdays:

| oOo ==> $1,200 worth of goodness Charity WSO

It’s basically $1,200 of WSO goodness from 40 top
marketers for an insane savings – we’ve all gotten
together to pitch in to this charity event to help
a little girl beat cancer. I *hate* cancer meself;
my mom is dying of it, my friend died of it, and I
HATE it. The above link is not an affiliate link;
this is seriously a fantastic deal for a tremendous

Next, have you heard of the Evil Facebook

Done by Ben Adkins a few months ago,
he’s returning THIS coming Monday!

Ben’s the creator of The Syndicate and anything
the man does… is gold. So to help keep you
abreast of it all, get thee hence to

==> Evil Facebook Magician

You’ll see you can grab a copy of my never-
officially released report, Profitable Facebook
Offline Business Events (plus other goodies too!).
I plan on following this launch big-time, and you’re
going to *love* what you receive from me.



Hate video marketing?
Love video marketing?
Confused by video marketing?

The thingee with video marketing is that it’s
truly a grand way to get yourself out there as
soooo many people *love* watching videos but

What if you’re not comfortable with it?

If so, get thee hence yesterday to:

| oOo ==> Video Marketing For *All*

By top creator Peter Garety, this
huge package takes you by the hand
and shows you all about screen casting,
video marketing, pulling it all together
and much much more! I bought it
immediately after returning from the
doctor; I *know* how powerful VM can
be and anything by Peter….it just *has*
to be good. Woot!

Speaking about marketing, are you into
affiliate marketing? Product reviews?

Want you a premium WP theme to build
these kinds of sites?

If so,

==> InkTheme Premium Product Review/Affiliate Review Theme

looks to be grand! It makes adding/changing/
moving around products, links and bunches of
marketing goodies quite easy indeed. Nifty!

That about covers it for Wednesday evening……yay! I’ll be

sure to touch base with you bright and early tomorrow
with whatever wootness crosses me desk!

Thanks again for being on my list…
I’ll continue to do me best to bring to you
updates about the most valuable resources I can find
for you online!

Grow strong,

Barbara Ling
I Turn Chaos Into Simplicity

| About the Author: Barbara Ling has been a mover and
| shaker on the Internet since 1989, and has been an
| online trainer and marketing pioneer since 1997.
| Designer and creator of Barbara
| she has taught thousands of entrepreneurs how
| to master affiliate marketing, product development,
| networking growth and more. Author of over 30 books
| and ebooks, her educational style is denoted by
| motivational, humorous, fun and easy to understand
| targeted writing.
| Nowadays, she is best known for teaching
| people from all walks of life how to be successful
| on the Internet. For more information, please visit:
| Barbara Ling:
| >>
| Virtual Coach 100% Affiliate Program
| >>
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