Part III ==> It was like being slowly shredded by rusted dull butter knives on National TV and….

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When last we chatted,
I had told you about what
got me back into IM.

It’s time for the next

Sigh. See…..

I’m really good about hiding
angst from my family at times.
And I realized that…

Unless I did *something*…..

I would probably self-combust in
a hellish symphony of blue-streaked
lightning and super-nova implosions
and then where would my family be?

| oOo ==> Luckily, this saves you from that!

You can relate, I bet. Have you ever
felt so alone that nobody could reach you?

Have you ever felt as though you were
being slowly shredded by rusted dull
butter knives on national TV and
didn’t even receive an offer to
appear on a reality TV show?


That feeling.

That feeling that always but ALWAYS
waits for your most vulnerable moments
to sneak up on you and cruelly grab
you by the throat and slowly constrict
your breathing until you’re gasping for air…..

Wondering just WHEN would the pain stop.

| oOo ==> I wish I knew this back then….

Hell, isn’t it?

Well, you know how I dealt with it?

After giving myself permission to wallow
in soul-searing agony and self-pity and
down 34 cups of heaven-sent coffee,
I took a big long look in the mirror and told myself:

Okay self, you’re worth more than
this. Your family is worth more than
this! You ARE going to transform….

And my gosh that’s exactly what I did!

Can you guess what it was?

Stay tuned for part IV…

Grow strong,

Barbara Money loves speed Ling

ps – ==> Bonus too!

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