Part II ==> Automatic Book-Length Content Generation

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| oOo ==> Wordbotic (make books, blog posts….)
| WHY: Incredible. I just tested it out myself….
| Instant book-length content creation

Hey there,
If you’re looking for excellent
starting points for book-length
content generation (that reads
REAL and not forced…..
| oOo ==> Check this out NOW
This goodie asks you questions
about your topic….. and then
returns to you a book-length
starting point *about* your
topic that is remarkably native
English and reads quite well.
| oOo ==> It’s software and does it for you!
What is so super-cool about this….
You can use the books generated as:
1.) Basis for your OWN products
2.) Content for your OWN ebooks/Kindle
3.) Content for your OWN mobile apps
and that’s just scratching the surface!
You can even see sample content
on the sales page and yep…
I tested it out myself.
| oOo ==> Think blog posts, books….

This…. well, honestly I have never
seen anything quite like this before.
This takes templates into the 23rd
century…. it is definitely a must-have
for any serious:
Content Creator
eBook Writer
Kindle Author
and more. Get it now!

Grow strong,

Barbara Learn from the best Ling

ps – Simplicity rocks!

| oOo ==> See for yourself.

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    Feel free to mosey on over to
    Barbara Ling, grab some smiles and tell your friends! Thanks so much… — Barbara Ling


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