(NOTE! This goodies are awaiting you below but if you don’t like ’em, please do unsubscribe at – thanks!)
| PLR Megapack Membersite Kickoff Program!
| http://askbling.com/membersiteplr
| Your Benefits: Too much to list
| but I’ll try…..
Brief, pithy and to the point!
Justin of Best Quality PLR just
released …. IT!!!!!!
==> See for yourself!
| http://askbling.com/membersiteplr
Summary Of Part 1…
Membership Site Introduction Video:
30 minute video training in mp4 format
Membership Site Intro Slide Deck:
Full slide deck used in the video
Membership Site Intro Transcribe:
5000 word formatted transcription,
fully customizable
Summary Of Part 2…
Member Manual PLR Guide:
7500 word fully customizable
membership site report
10 Membership Site Articles:
10 articles covering popular
discussion points around membership sites
Member Manual Freebie Report:
A short report you can use for
list building to warm people up
to your main Member Manual guide/training
Member Manual Checklist:
A short summary white paper
extracting the key teachables from
the Member Manual guide
Member Manual Training Slides:
Key lessons from the Member
Manual PLR guide broken into
trainer slides for live presentations,
webinars, video recordings
Membership Plugins Infographic:
A 600px X 2000px fully editable and
customizable infographic covering
popular membership based WordPress
plugins. You can take apart, edit,
rebrand and even create your own
custom graphics using thus infographic as a baseline
==> Catch those infographics?
| http://askbling.com/membersiteplr
25 Membership Tips Posters:
Fully editable and customizable
tips posters created in house by
our design team. Unique graphics
with full editable PSD so you can
use them any way you see fit.
Post Sale Autoresponder:
10 pre-written email messages
you can load into your autoresponder
program to follow up with the readers
of your member manual. Perfect
for upselling additional programs,
products, coaching, training, etc…
Sales Page, Squeeze Page,
Download Page: Pre made
pages to help you sell the main
guide, give away the freebie
report for list building, AND
host your downloads. Sales copy included.
==> Catch that squeeze page?
| http://askbling.com/membersiteplr
eCovers Included: 3D ecovers
along with the source design
files included. You may use as-is
or you may customize to create your
own unique eCovers
Summary Of Part 3a…
WP Crash Course PLR Guide:
7500 word fully customizable WordPress Intro report
10 WordPress Based Articles:
10 articles covering popular discussion
points around WordPress
WP Crash Course Freebie Report:
A short report you can use for
list building to warm people up
to your main WP Crash Course guide/training
WP Crash Course Checklist:
A short summary white paper
extracting the key teachables
from the WP Crash Course guide
WP Crash Course Training Slides:
Key lessons from the WP Crash
Course PLR guide broken into trainer
slides for live presentations, webinars,
video recordings
==> Catch those training slides?
| http://askbling.com/membersiteplr
WordPress Stats Infographic: A
600px X 2000px fully editable
and customizable infographic
covering important WordPress stats.
You can take apart, edit, rebrand
and even create your own custom
graphics using thus infographic as a baseline
30 Blogging Quotes Posters:
Fully editable and customizable
quote posters created in house
by our design team. Unique
graphics with full editable PSD
so you can use them any way you see fit.
Post Sale Autoresponder:
10 pre-written email messages
you can load into your autoresponder
program to follow up with the
readers of your WP Crash Course.
Perfect for upselling additional
programs, products, coaching, training, etc…
==> Catch that autoresponder?
| http://askbling.com/membersiteplr
Sales Page, Squeeze Page,
Download Page: Pre made
pages to help you sell the main
guide, give away the freebie
report for list building, AND
host your downloads.
Sales copy included.
eCovers Included: 3D ecovers
along with the source design
files included. You may use as-is
or you may customize to create
your own unique eCovers
Summary Of Part 3b…
8 Video Lessons About Content
Driven Websites: Thorough
introduction to the WordPress
platform, SEO fundamentals,
content creation ideas and more.
Videos are in mp4 format and
can be fully edited and changed
==> Catch those videos?
| http://askbling.com/membersiteplr
Summary Guide: 9 page summary
guide of the key lessons from the
training videos. Can be packaged
as a report or bundled with the
videos as training
Graphics And Templates:
eCovers and Minisite framework if you
want to sell as a stand alone
training product
As you can tell…
It’s HUGE!
And because this is a solo
offer, buy thru my link
and receive
101 Ways To Repurpose PLR!
You’ll never be at a loss
ideas again!
Sounds good?
I think so – it’s
all done for you…
Barbara Ling
ps – It’s dimesale so price is rising fast!
| http://askbling.com/membersiteplr
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Barbara Ling, grab some smiles and tell your friends! Thanks so much… — Barbara Ling
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