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Brief, pithy and to the point.
One of my favorite friends and
colleagues of all times is Dennis
Becker, the marketer with the heart
of gold who has never once been
jaded by anything around him.
‘Tis amazing to me; I have
no idea how he does it.
Anywhos, last Thursday night (9
days ago), Dennis disappeared
from the online radar screen.
I checked the hospitals
local to him and couldn’t
find him, so I parked the
issue and figured he’d
return sometime.
36 hours later, I said
to hell with it, I’m tracking
the man down.
And I did. It turns out
he was in the hospital
with lots of his blood NOT
where it should be (ie,
inside his body).
Long story short – he’s ok.
If you’re in his wonderful
Earn1KaDay forum, you
can read all about it.
His email today is amazing.
Here’s a snippet:
If you think you’ll live forever,
your biggest goals in life will
possibly never be fulfilled because
you’ll never give them urgency.
But if you knew you had to have
something done by next Thursday…
whatever that is, like tell everyone
you love them one more time,
like visit your parents if you’re
lucky enough to still have them
around, like spend quality time
with your spouse and kids and
friends, like finishing the writing
of that book that is so
great… whatever…
then you’d do it.
If you don’t do it now,
when will you do it?
Are you sure about that?
I’m past middle age now, I realize,
and I also realize that my
days are numbered.
The number might be 10,000,
they might be 10. When I was
on the toilet in the ER, I thought
I was going to die, I really did,
and I wasn’t ready.
I had let Parkinson’s Law
give me assurance that
important things can be
done later… whenever.
Don’t let that happen to you.
And to ease my way back to
regular business life now, before
I take the rest of the day to
celebrate my 38th wedding
anniversary, I have a special
deal for you to mark the occasion.
Dennis is holding a $100
off sale of his prize:
| oOo ==> Complete and entire IM Education
| http://askbling.com/supervault
This will help you ensure…
You get your essentials
(business-wise)…. *done*.
Yep… when you realize
your days really ARE
numbered (you never
know what might happen)…
You make things easier for
those around you.
Dennis is simply a beautiful
brilliant individual… and I’m
proud to call him my friend.
And so glad he’s here
another day.
Grow strong,
Barbara Kick fate in the RIGHT direction Ling
ps -| oOo ==> Price increases Tuesday!| http://askbling.com/supervault
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Barbara Ling, grab some smiles and tell your friends! Thanks so much… — Barbara Ling
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