Local Cash Empire Scraper

Local Cash Empire Benefits Scraper

20 videos that show you how to master local marketing.  Comprehensive – first module is:

  • Competition Crusher: Learn how to spy on your competitors clients and see how easy it will be to find golden opportunities to take them away.
  • Local Biz Roundup: A groundbreaking strategy to gathering THOUSANDS of local businesses in any niche, in just a matter of minutes!
  • Partnership Frenzy: This outside-the-box formula teaches you how to align yourself and your business with the right partners to receive floods of new HOT prospects and clients.
  • PPC Blitz: If businesses are spending money on Pay-Per-Click already, there is a great chance they will open to other forms of online marketing. See how to easily gather businesses and websites already doing PPC and how to approach/close them as clients.
  • The Freebie Hook: A method we have used that receives AMAZING response and is a sure-fire way to get your foot in the door.
  • Yellow Pages Crusher: The name says it all…Yellow Pages clients are just waiting for something better to come along. I’ll show you how to approach these clients for an easy sell.

This product helps you by showing how you can corner local marketing.

Click on Honorable Samurai below to learn more!

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