LAST CALL 2 Hours Left: Dramatically increase sales via ExitPop 2.0 Technology (with this added twist)

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| ==> ANY product (even those you don’t own)
| WHY: Latest technology for an exit popup that
| converts in ways of:

Brief, pithy and to the point….

This has been reopened briefly (and you know
that when Ben Adkins states the closing
time – it goes byebye!)


| ==> So many applications

1) Place Exit Pops over almost any site…
even sites you don’t own.

Yep… That’s right…. You can place exit popups
over affiliate offers so that you
convert more of that traffic by giving
them a second option if they decide to leave
the first page you sent them to.

| ==> Imagine that power….

2) Create Change on the Fly Exit Pops

The worst part about every exit pop software
on the market today is how long it
takes you to set it up….

And what happens if you change
your mind about where that popup leads or
what it needs to say after the fact?

The Answer… A lot MORE WORK!!!!

With this goodie you can overlay an exit pop
using iframes or embed a simple line
of code and then change it on the
fly from a central dashboard. You click a button
and your changes are pushed to every site
you have it installed installed

Imagine if you had one exitpop installed on
20 different sites… That would take
forever to tweak them all the old way…

With this… it takes seconds.
| ==> Catch that seconds? Closing tonight!

3) Create Dynamic Offer Chains:

What if you wanted to have your exit pop
rotate between 2 offers to test which
converted best? How about 5 different offers?

This allows you to set up to 5 different
exit pops which can all lead to a
different second chance page.
This is extremely handy when split testing
second chance optin pages to see what
is converting best when a user leaves
the main offer page.

Limited time!

| ==> Imagine exit pops on sites you did NOT own!

Grow strong,

Barbara Ling

PS: I like the bonuses, don’t you?
This is a commercial email.
BUSINESS CONNECTION DISCLOSURE: The sender of this email has an affiliate relationship and/or another business connection to the providers of the products, goods and services that are contained within this message….and may be compensated when you buy from a provider.

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    Feel free to mosey on over to
    Barbara Ling, grab some smiles and tell your friends! Thanks so much… — Barbara Ling


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