How to Add SSL To Your Facebook Fan Pages and More

How to Add SSL To Your Facebook Fan Pages Benefits

Shows you how to add SSL as part of the entire solution for Facebook Fan Pages (SSL will be required in October).

Includes a suite of training vids:

  • Setting up Web Hosting
  • Selecting Your SSL Cert
  • Helpful Links and Info
  • Requesting Your New CSR
  • Filling Out The Second Form
  • Client Based Web Hosting
  • Option 1 vs the Others
  • Business Plan Start Up
  • Requesting Your IP and SSL
  • Getting Started Quickly
  • The “Done For You” Plan
  • Fine Tuning Your Sills
  • Helping Other Businesses
  • Changing Your DNS
  • Setting Up Sub Domains
  • Setting Up Your Email
  • Creating FTP Access
  • Using FTP to Upload
  • Cpanel Access Questions
  • Final configurations
  • 365 Day Money Back Guarantee

Also includes complete Skype and eMail access to developer.

This product is useful because it gives you a complete training course about getting your Facebook Fan Pages business integrated with SSL.

Click on Honorable Samurai below to learn more!


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