[ HOLIDAY ] Goodness, Lifetime Membership, Coming Attractions, Angry Molten Baked Goods, more!

| oOo ==> Offline Santa Super!

| http://askbling.com/olsanta
| WHY: Superb offline training for MAXING your clients’
| year end income…resulting in YOU becoming the Consultant of Choice!


Good morning!

It’s Tuesday morning and I slept sooo nice
(all together Barbara, how nice?) I slept so nice
I’m actually wide awake and ready for my son’s
rousing rendition of

Angry Molten Baked Goods!

Yes indeed, it’s his first band concert and no concert
would be a concert without Hot Crossed Buns.

Luckily, this is my LAST Angry Molten Baked
Goods concert (all 4 of my kids played it) so….
yep. Looking forward to Honorable Daughter I’s
high school concert, they rock!

But I digress. It’s Tuesday like I said and
be prepared for an AWESOMELY wondrous
done-for-you store that’s coming in one of THE
biggest evergreen niches….. 8am that will be!
And Onto today!


| oOo ==> Simple Bottom Line Profits

| http://barbaraling.com/seemore/sblp.php

is still going grand but not YET hugely expensive!

Honestly… it will show you not only how I
craft posts like:

Top 10 Awesome CRAVE WORTHY Gifts For Internet Marketers!

But also walk you through 9 OTHER excellent ways
for making 2012 end up HUGE for you!

Next, here’s my latest viral pix of Dr. Ben’s
Evil Facebook Magician: – this one is
a take of asking (scroll down on the page to
see it)

Is YOUR listbuilding a blockbuster?

Dr. Ben Adkins Evil Facebook Magician Returns – List Building Secrets! Viral Pix!

What do you think? Did I hit it? ๐Ÿ™‚

And onto today part II!

Looking to absolutely CRUSH it with
offline holiday marketing?

If so:

| oOo ==> Crush Super Saturday!!!

| http://askbling.com/olsanta

This is an excellent how-to that will walk
you through (step by step!) how to gain leads
to ensure your 2013 is awesome beyond belief…
as is your clients! Nice!

And did you see:

Looking for a lifetime membership option for
creating awesome mobile apps? Think of how
this takes care of you for 2013 and beyond:

| oOo ==> Members are creating apps ranging from Info apps, to games, to learning quizzes, to local business apps.
| http://askbling.com/lifetimeappa

There’s three options available:

Option 1: Lifetime PERSONAL Membership
You get:
Unlimited personal apps (info, games, books, etc) through our main app builder

Special templates will be added in January, exclusive to Lifetime Personal members

Added tools, courses and resources we plan on getting and adding for you over time

(Personal members cannot make apps for other people/businesses, they are for you only).
Yes, of course you can sell your own apps in the app stores, you simply cannot make them for other people/businesses.
Value of this membership: Minimum $408 if you only used it for 2 years. (We’ll be here much longer!)
* Main app builder allows you to make unlimited Android, Kindle, iPhone, iPad and web apps.

OPTION 2: Lifetime CORPORATE Membership
You get:
Unlimited personal apps (info, games, books, etc) through our main app builder*

Unlimited corporate apps (Yes – you CAN sell them to local businesses) through our main app builder*

special templates will be added in January, exclusive to Lifetime Corporate members

Added tools, courses and resources we plan on getting and adding for you over time

YES you CAN make apps for other people and businesses, as well as for yourself.
Value of this membership: Minimum $888 if you only used it for 2 years. (As mentioned, we’ll be here much longer)
* Main app builder allows you to make unlimited Android, Kindle, iPhone, iPad and web apps.

Option 3: Lifetime ENTERPRISE Membership
You get two builders in one:
Unlimited personal apps (info, games, books, etc) through our main app builder*

Unlimited corporate apps (Yes – you CAN sell them to local businesses) through our main app builder*

Added tools, courses and resources we plan on getting and adding for you over time

Special templates will be added in January, exclusive to Lifetime Corporate/Enterprise members

You can request and vote on special templates too and we’ll do them (i.e., a specific niche or industry)

Unlimited Access to the additional Biznessapps builder which you can have unlimited Android and HTML5 apps**

** EXCLUSION NOTE** iphone/ipad apps through the Biznessapps side are $25/mo per app if desired, as they charge us for each one. (iphone/ipad apps are considered as one here) However, if you do not request iphone or ipad publishing through the biznessapps side and just stick with the Android and HTML5 apps, there’s no extra fees ever!
* Main app builder allows you to make unlimited Android, Kindle, iPhone, iPad and web apps.
YES you CAN make apps for other people and businesses, as well as for yourself.
Value of this membership: Minimum $1,488 if you only used it for 2 years. (We’ll be here much longer!)

One reviewer writes:

… OK – so this is a white label of the #1 platform in the app creation space (at great expense when you look at the cost of the white label agreement). The plan Amber offers, if you purchased it directly with the company would be $99+ – so this is a super great deal. Thats the product side….
Amber has also been extremely responsive to questions and super helpful even though she is obviously in the middle of a major successful launch. Kudos to her focus on customer service and keeping her customers informed and ensuring there are no surprises!….

So if this intrigues you:

| oOo ==> Members are creating apps ranging from Info apps, to games, to learning quizzes, to local business apps.
| http://askbling.com/lifetimeappa2
And don’t forget yesterdays:

This crossed me desk earlier today and deserves
its own headsup!

Looking for 100s of Done For You PLR goodness
goodies you can upload, sell and keep 100% of
the profits…yourself?

Think of how easy it would be to build your
own store this way!!

If so, lookie here!

| oOo ==> We’re talking Software and Graphics and WP Plugins and …
| http://askbling.com/prexmas

Honestly…I DARE you to look at EVERYTHING you’re
getting and NOT see your jaw flop to the floor.

It’s that…*impressive*.

Trust me…I just bought it myself. It makes a grand
goodie to give as signup bonuses, product buying bonuses
and much much more……

Total nobrainer!

So if you want to beef up YOUR offerings…

| oOo ==> Lots of these products were retailed WSOs!
| http://askbling.com/prexmas

What’s that? Weight loss you’d like?

Well then!


I mean of course, this! After all, New Years’ Eve
is fast approaching and THAT means….

Weight Loss Resolutions!!

But why make the products yourself when they’re
waiting for you?

| oOo ==> Think starting 2013 off RIGHT….
| http://askbling.com/ns3weightlossa

Look what you’re getting!

5 COMPLETE NICHES from the Weight Loss Niche,
Fat Loss Factor, Fat Loss Factor Review, Fat loss Factor Scam, Review
Fat Loss Factor, The Best Diet Plan.
These Niches have been picked as they have low competition and high
searches. The 5 niches also suit both MEN and WOMEN to maximize
===> 1. KEYWORDS
Keywords broken up into the following headings, Monthly Phrase Match,
CPC, Competing Pages, Real Competition, CP Strength, Average PR, PR
Strength, Competition (Low, Moderate, High), Commercial, Ads Count and
Keyword Rating.
===> 2. DOMAINS
Following the same as above.
In total The author has 30 HIGH quality header graphics
In total The author has 30 HIGH quality Facebook Time Line graphics
perfect for the client to build out their professional Facebook Pages.
In total The author has 30 HIGH quality Youtube Channel graphics perfect
for the client to build out their professional Channels.
===> 6. ARTICLES
The author has created 50 articles written by a professional writer.
The author has spent some time categorizing the keywords into specific
ClickBank Topics so there is no guess work into what sites to setup
first bringing maximum bang for their buck. These KEYWORDS resemble the
latest and greatest products launched on amazon, CURRENTLY in high
Also provided are a large list of recommended plugins for the client to use on their sites for full site optimization.
===> 9. SITE PAGES
When building sites it is important to have the correct site structure
and this comes down to creating pages such as PRIVACY, TERMS, SITE MAP
and DISCLAIMER. The author has included these pages within the packets.


So if evergreen PLR packages are for you…

| oOo ==> It’s all done FOR YOU!
| http://askbling.com/ns3weightlossa2

Or list building?


Wanna know what smart email marketers
do with their lists?

| oOo ==> Includes Micro Power Products Templates too!
| http://askbling.com/lbrev

You’ll receive:

* The Full List Building Revelation Course Ebook

* The List Building Revelation Course Guide (Print Friendly Version

* The Full List Building Revelation Course Audio Companion Guide

* The List Building Revelation Traffic Attack Video Course

* The Buyer Infiltration Method Course


Did you notice that?

| oOo ==> Includes The Buyer Infiltration Method Course!
| http://askbling.com/lbrev

Now, the BIM method is how I managed to get my bonuses
on over 100 launches THIS YEAR.

Can you imagine what that did for my list?

So if getting insiders secrets is of interest to you….

| oOo ==> Newbie friendly too!
| http://askbling.com/lbrev

Don’t forget this mornings:

Awhile back, software that did:

| oOo ==> Authority Link Jacker

| http://barbaraling.com/seemore/wcauthority.php

was released at a FAR more expensive price.

This…. is ‘way less indeed. ’nuff said. ๐Ÿ™‚

Next, do you do Clickbank?

Wish you had promos you could use instead?

If so,

| oOo ==> CB Pirate

| http://askbling.com/cbpirate

This is an oldie but a goodie – it basically gives you
done-for-you promos for Clickbank into which
you can insert your affiliate links.


And did you see:

Oh this is *nice*.

Want a newbie friendly guide to EVERYTHING outsource?

| oOo ==> 70+ page power PDF blueprint AND….
| http://askbling.com/outsourcingna

I got my hands on a review copy and talk about

You see…time is money, and lots of newbies make
the mistake of thinking they can do it all!

But the thing is….it’s SOO easy to get burned on

Consider all the areas you might need:

* Market Research

* Keyword Research

* Content Creation

* Blogging

* Traffic Generation

* Project Management

* Technical Jobs / Payment Processing / Product Delivery etc..

* Creating Landing Pages / Squeeze Pages

* WordPress Optimization

* Copywriting (Salescopy and Design)

* Graphics / Web Design

* SEO (Search Engine Optimization)Product Creation Programming

* Outlining Courses

* PPC / CPV (Pay Per Click / Cost Per View Ads)

* Split Testing

* Media Ad Buying

* JV / Affiliate Management

* Press Releases

* Social Media Marketing

* Video Marketing

* Video Editing and Recording

* Help Desk / Customer Service

* Finding and Setting up Interviews

When you outsource *right*…productivity goes
thru the roof. And because money likes speed…
your income goes up too!

Thus, if getting the insiders secrets appeals to you:

If so:

| oOo ==> Includes 16 video tutorials too!
| http://askbling.com/outsourcingna2

That about covers it for this moment’…woot!
Hope your day goes peachy…and I’ll be certain

to check in with you this afternoon

with whatever wootness crosses me desk!

Thanks again for being on my list…
I’ll continue to do me best to bring to you
updates about the most valuable resources I can find
for you online!

Grow strong,

Barbara Ling
I Make Marketing Fun!


ps – Why do I send so many emails?
http://www.barbaraling.com/insights/how-you-will-learn/ explains
it grandly and why you’ll never want to unsubscribe!

pps – Love the humor and headsups I share? Please feel free to forward
this email to your network and share the goodness at
http://forms.aweber.com/form/99/1167373799.htm – they’ll
thank you for it!

ppps – do remember to get on

==> Breaking IM News

if you’d like Infotainment with your IM learning!

pppps – I have a whole slew of targeted niche goodies if you’d like to
scope them out, including Offline, SEO, List Building, Linkedin and
10 more (over a dozen!). See them at

==> Niche Goodies Mailing Lists

Niche Goodie Mailing Lists!

You’ll love what you discover!

| About the Author: Barbara Ling has been a mover and
| shaker on the Internet since 1989, and has been an
| online trainer and marketing pioneer since 1997.
| Designer and creator of Barbara Ling.com
| she has taught thousands of entrepreneurs how
| to master affiliate marketing, product development,
| networking growth and more. Author of over 30 books
| and ebooks, her educational style is denoted by
| motivational, humorous, fun and easy to understand
| targeted writing.
| Nowadays, she is best known for teaching
| people from all walks of life how to be successful
| on the Internet. For more information, please visit:
| Barbara Ling:
| >> http://www.barbaraling.com
| Virtual Coach 100% Affiliate Program
| >> http://www.virtual-coach.com
This is a commercial email.
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