Friday Recap! (oooo)

(NOTE! This mornin’s goodies are awaiting you below but if you don’t like ’em, please do unsubscribe at – thanks!) .


| oOo ==> Evil Copywriting Magician



| WHY: Dr. Ben Adkins latest – the behind

| the scenes goodness regarding the magic
| of copy!

Wondering what sorts of goodness
emerged in marketing land today?

Wonder no more, here they are!

It’s here!

| oOo ==> Evil Copywriting Magician

You know what really shatters
your favorite coffeecup
about trying to create and
promote your own product or service?

Writing all the sales material for it.


Sales letters.

Having a well-written piece of
marketing mastery is essential
if you’re going to make money.

| oOo ==> Make more sales via:

But confess. If you’re like
me… have you experienced:

1. You’re self-conscious of
your writing ability. It seems
like only people with all natural
talent are any good at stringing
compelling words together.

2. You have no idea how to
structure your content to maximize
conversions. What good is all that
traffic you’re paying to send to your
offer, if your sales copy doesn’t
turn out buyers?

| oOo ==> This solves that!

3. You’ve got to strain your
budget to hire a half decent
copywriter. With a quality sales
letters starting at 4 figures,
sometimes it’s just not feasible.

In any scenario, you’re stuck.

Well there is good news.

Dr. Ben Adkins *just*
released his personal
sales letter blueprint.

Now, I know for a fact he’s got a
professional copywriter on staff.
And get this: they’ve broken their
entire writing system down into a:

| oOo ==> Fill in the blanks type design

Yup, that easy.

And with the amount of sales
Dr. Ben and his team bring in,
that template is behind thousands
(if not millions!) of dollars in sales.

| oOo ==> See it here!


Dennis Beckers Latest!

| ==> No List? No Contacts? No Problems!

This goodie gives to you the
key critical 4 steps for
profiting online….

Step 1: Building Your Brand To Quickly Build A Successful Online Business

Step 2: Building An Extremely Responsive, Powerful List

Step 3: How To Leverage The Assets Of Others For Fast Cash

Step 4: How To Develop Expert Building Materials

And if you’re new to my list….
Dennis is the *real* deal,
the creator of the popular
Earn 1K a Day community.

In short … it’s

| ==> Proven!

Here is a nifty gem of a release…

| ==>Ezon Income (eBay and Amazon like
| you’ve never considered)

I got a review copy of this…
and remember, I used to
*teach* selling on eBay!

This is definitely a nifty
twist that gets you sales
in ways you probably never
realized. Plus… the writing
is so engaging, you find
yourself totally drawn into
it as well.

And the upsell! It includes
additional video training and
eBay, Amazon, eCommerce methods

as well…. AND the other choice
is a way to

Build Your List on eBay

Great stuff! Plus, the main offer is….

| ==> Less than $6?

Neat! And don’t forget:

OOO! New Amazon Goodie –

Amazon Trends Profits

This got WSOTD and for good
reason – it shows you
all the nifty ways you
can profit via Amazon Trends
before the rest of the world
catches up.

Definitely a winner!!

You’ll love the chocolate case study!

Don’t forget yesterdays:

Brief, pithy and to the point:
Marlon Sanders has done:
$3.7+ Million in Sales
2,826,874 Website Visitors
74+ Products Created
199,500 email subscribers
28,345 Affiliates Recruited —
| See how HERE
Here’s the 3rd reason to listen:
Reason Three: I’ve done more things
right and also made more mistakes than most
You often don’t learn until you make
mistakes. So I’ve been on both sides
of the coin.
I’ve done more things right than most and
made more mistakes more than most.
So I know what to do and what not to do.
| Catch that benefit?
There is unconscious incompetence,
conscious incompetence, unconscious
competence and conscious competence.
Today is the day you go from unconscious
incompetence to conscious competence.
And it starts here.
It starts with becoming a producer
and a promoter of products. It starts with
finding the Creator inside of you and
STOP making excuses for why it can’t be
done and start finding reasons it CAN be done.
| Catch that removing of excuses?
That’s a change that happens in your brain.
And that’s a change that has to happen.
There are those non-producers who find
an endless stream of reasons it can’t be
done, why it’s not the right time, day or
month, reasons it won’t work for them.
And there are producers who simply decide
to get it done and find reasons they CAN make it work.
Are you going to spend the rest of your
life as a consumer or a producer?
Today is the day you find out the answer to that question…
| Isn’t it time you started?
Not to mention Reason #2…
Reason Two: I’ve been producing,
creating, promoting and selling info products
since BEFORE the world wide web existed.
You can go all the way back to the AOL
and Compuserve days. You can go back
BEFORE digitally delivered products
existed and my garage had manuals
and tapes stacked high.
| Catch that before?

Brief, pithy and to the point!

Kate Rieger’s latest PLR Masterpiece is out!

| oOo ==> Sizzling niche (I should know)

Now, I’ve been doing fitness myself
now since, oh wow… ever since
I lost 50 pounds.

And HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training)
is *hugely* popular.

Rabidly popular I might say.

And look at all the goodies
you get!!!

Income PLR Collection

HIIT – 60 Second eBook; 5,000+ Words, 20+ pg. eBook 20+ page ebook

2D and 3D eCovers

Complete product sales funnel

| oOo ==> Catch that done for you sales funnel?

Affiliate Product Rolodex

Authority Content Collection

10 Premium alternative practices niche articles

5 Premium Amazon Product review

3 Page Book Review Amazon Best Seller

Sales Teaser Presentation

| oOo ==> Catch those Amazon reviews?

2 Key Point Outlines

List Building Content Collection

Tabata Turbocharged Lead Gen Report

Complete squeeze funnel

Relationship Building Collection

21 Done-4-You Autoresponder messages

21 Fitness tips in unique graphics (ideal for social media)

10 Custom HIIT Workouts

33 Custom HIIT Workout Posters

| oOo ==> Catch that 21 Autoresponder followup?

At the low dimesale price it
currently is right now….

This is definitely a
HUGE no-brainer indeed.

And because this is a solo offer
buy thru my link and immediately
receive the rather HUGE package:

Weight Loss Simplied (ebook, sales funnel,
audios, tweets, website, more!)

Sounds good?

Indeed – Kate is known for
quality and she *always*

See for yourself!

Brief, pithy and to the point.
Looking for a quick how-to-create
products that has both a PDF,
video AND mindmap learning?
| oOo ==> The 1 page mindmap is worth this alone
Jeremy Kennedy has created
lots of products in the past….
and he just released his latest.
What I like about it the most
is the very easy-to-follow
mindmaps that he includes
(especially for winning affiliate
See, the easiest way to
build a list is to build a
buyers list (ie, the main
part of this product, how
to create products that sell!).
But once you have that buyers
list…. you can ALSO promote
other products and win
affiliate contests too!
| oOo ==> Video and PDF and Mindmap it includes!
At less than $10……
You’ll gain a lot of great insights
(especially, did I mention….
the mindmap!).
And because this is a solo
offer, buy thru my link and
immediately receive:
Pro Marketing Funnel Graphics
Graphics you can use for your
own sales funnels!
Sounds good? I think so –
everyone has their own take
on product creation and you
get a lot out of what someone
proven like Jeremy provides.

Brief, pithy and to the point….

When this was released a
few months ago, it flew off
the shelves. It’s now at retail
price, but I secured a coupon
for you!

If you use aWeber or are planning to….
Get this.

| ==> Finally a way to one-click duplicate!

Now, I have a number of
lists (450+ to be precise) and
the one thing I’ve always
found maddening (okay several
things is)

No way to mass delete unsubscribes

| ==> aWeber *charges* you for unsubscribed
| UNLESS they’re deleted (use coupon barbslist )

No way to duplicate lists

No way to segment non-opens

But even better….

You can use date searching
and create list segments from

Did I mention the 1-click

The *instant* I used this
software, I posted about it
in our group!

| ==> It’s THAT good.

Don’t forget yesterdays:

Brief, pithy and to the point!

The main dimesale goodie includes:

* Fully Rebrandable Training Guide

* Doodle Style Sales Video

* Complete Professional Minisite Template In 5 Colors

* Mind Map

* Cheat Sheet

* High Converting Sales Copy

* Promotional Swipe Emails

* Animated Banners

* Professional graphics

* How to setup Video Training

* Top Resources Report

| oOo ==> And the upsell includes:

* 12 Step by Step Video Tutorials

* Upsell Doodle Style Sales Video

* Upsell Minisite in 5 different colors

* Voice over scripts, Audio files

* Power-point slides for editing, presentation, webinar, seminar etc.

* CDs, DVDs and Complete graphics package

* Updated html with all the video courses and Improved Sales copy
Done for you squeeze page

* A high quality report to presell the main course

* Email sequences to sell the main course when someone opt-in for list.

* Local Marketing blog

* 10 Local Marketing articles

* Keywords for SEO purpose and PPC purpose.

* Training on How to make money with our business in box.

* Social media profile, cover and BG graphics for
FB, Twitter, YouTube, MORE!

| oOo ==> And you can even get:


* This huge package will be delivered
to the member’s inbox each and every
* So $97 priced product (regular price)
will be given for just $27 each month
( 70% off).


| oOo ==> Check it out now!

Don’t forget our favs:

==> Create Cool Mobile Apps Lifetime Membership!

==> Special 1 Problem/1 Solution (my list only discount)

==> EASIEST Way to Build Sleek Optin

==> 37 Ways To Grab Leads (Zero cost!)

==> The Better Life Sequence (Zero cost!)

==> Zero cost affiliate training from the
super popular NAMS group:

==> Marlon Sanders Big Book of Secrets

==> 21 Powerful Copywriting Tips…. Zero cost!

==> Special 6 in 6 coaching $1 trial

==> Magpreneur Magazine App Builder


Thank you for bring on my list – I will continue
to do my best to bring you the latest and
greatest of all marketing updates and will be sure
to touch base with you this afternoon
with all the latest goodies…

Grow strong,

Barbara Ling
I Make Marketing Profitable

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| About the Author: Barbara Ling has been a mover and
| shaker on the Internet since 1989, and has been an
| online trainer and marketing pioneer since 1997.
| Designer and creator of Barbara
| she has taught thousands of entrepreneurs how
| to master affiliate marketing, product development,
| networking growth and more. Author of over 50 books
| and ebooks, her educational style is denoted by
| motivational, humorous, fun and easy to understand
| targeted writing.
| Nowadays, she is best known for teaching
| people from all walks of life how to be successful
| on the Internet. For more information, please visit:
| Perking Up Profits!
| >>

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    Feel free to mosey on over to
    Barbara Ling, grab some smiles and tell your friends! Thanks so much… — Barbara Ling


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