Free Advertising Mastery, Facebook Fanpage wonders, more!

| oOo ==> Free Advertising Mastery
| WHY: Shows you the places where you can grab
| targeted quality traffic … for free. Neat!

It’s Saturday evening and I had a rather
creative day indeed (hope you did too!).
Took Honorable Son I to see The Hunger
Games and ideally tomorrow, will be taking
the kids to see Pirates!. Love those creators
of Wallace and Grommit…truly good stuff!

Got lots to share but first:

FREE: How To Add An iFrame App To Your FB Page

The steps still work if you want to add custom tags
to your Facebook Fanpage! However, if you want
a done-for-you solution…I’ll get to that shortly.

And onto today!

Want you to grab bunches of quality traffic
for your site?

If so,

| oOo ==> Free Advertising Mastery

by Calvin Woo looks grand – he’s the guy who
always releases top notch quality WSOs like
those Swipe Files a few months ago. This product
shows you the insiders tips for obtaining free quality
traffic to your products….woot!

Next, about that iFrame thingee above?

Well, that’s how to do it *manually*.

However, at the Ultimate Social Challenge thingee,
we were all introduced to:

==> WordPress Fan Page Pro

and oh! It’s truly wonderful indeed! What this
grand product by Jason Fladlien does is it makes it
sooo easy to build squeeze page in WordPress and
then add them to your Facebook Fanpage as well.
Nice! Very powerful theme indeed; I’m currently
playing with it meself and really like what I’m seeing.

If you’re serious about building quality custom
tabs for a topnotch visitor experience…definitely
check this out!

And dont forget this mornings:

This is kinda sorta neat – you remember the

==> Embarrassing Product Riches

that was released in December of 2011? You’ll see
that I was the first person to comment on the thread –
it was a tremendously well-done product about how
to cash in on the embarrassing niches market.


The creator has just released:

| oOo ==> Embarrassing Products Monthly Master Class

This is a monthly masterclass in which he
shares what he did to obtain his success…
and how you can apply that your business
as well. I really loved seeing him walk the
walk he talked with his product – nicely
done indeed!

And don’t forget yesterdays:

If you’re into Pinterest, you’re going to love this:

| oOo ==> Pintermark Awesome Watermark Image Brander

This nifty software lets you add a watermark
to your pin images (and comes with gorgeous
image bonuses too….you’ll love ’em when you
see ’em!). If you’re seriously using Pinterest for
building your brand…definitely consider this.


You know how Google recently did yet
another update (Penguin) and how it
ate up bunches of sites?
If you want a comprehensive how-to
for understanding/dealing/moving on,
check out:
| oOo ==> Google Panda Penguin Power SEO
I went thru the product – they’re
a number of bite-sized here’s what to
do etc. guides in everything from
recovering to promotion to SEO
to more. Good stuff indeed!


Want you to learn how to profit from
reoccurring membership sites…sites that
you do NOT have to update?

If so, you’ll love:

| oOo ==> Membership Thief

This is a *grand* report that shows you how
to zero in on reoccurring membership offers
that have affiliate programs integrated
with them (really really nice!). And the
bonus lists 300 done-for-you direct
links to Clickbank Membership sites…
(I reeeeeaaaaaallly like that!) Thus, if you’re
into affiliate marketing, definitely do yourself
a favor and check it out.

Next, I have for you a paid gift for free:

==> Big Book of Social Media Tips

No optin, no signup – just click above and

That about covers it for Saturday evening……yay! I’ll be

sure to check in with you bright and early tomorrow

with whatever wootness crosses me desk.

Thanks again for being on my list…
I’ll continue to do me best to bring to you
updates about the most valuable resources I can find
for you online!

Grow strong,

Barbara Ling
I Turn Chaos Into Simplicity

| About the Author: Barbara Ling has been a mover and
| shaker on the Internet since 1989, and has been an
| online trainer and marketing pioneer since 1997.
| Designer and creator of Barbara
| she has taught thousands of entrepreneurs how
| to master affiliate marketing, product development,
| networking growth and more. Author of over 30 books
| and ebooks, her educational style is denoted by
| motivational, humorous, fun and easy to understand
| targeted writing.
| Nowadays, she is best known for teaching
| people from all walks of life how to be successful
| on the Internet. For more information, please visit:
| Barbara Ling:
| >>
| Virtual Coach 100% Affiliate Program
| >>
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