Focus Your Traffic FYT SEO WordPress Plugin

Focus Your Traffic FYT SEO WordPress Plugin Benefits

This is a wordpress plugin that lets you display great content from your blog, ie:

  • EASY to Integrate. Adds to any WordPress Post with a single shortcode.
  • REDUCES AD BLINDNESS. Adds to the BODY content of a post and looks like content, even if it is an offer.
    GETS ATTENTION. Auto use of featured thumbnail for extreme Eye Candy factor.
  • CLEAN IMAGERY. Photos auto crop to look professional. Also available in crunchy cheese flavor.
  • FLEXIBLE LAYOUT. Position shortcode anywhere and the existing content will auto split. Put at the beginning. Put it at the end. Put it in the middle. Put it 2 thirds down. YEP flexible placement Snookie bear!
  • STYLISH DESIGN. External style sheet means you can mess about with borders and CSS like crap. Or just leave it as it is and it will most likely still earn you just as much with the default design by the Design Penguin of Slovakia.
  • 300% EXPOSURE INCREASE to 3 times more of your best related content.
  • AUTOMATIC RELEVANCE 1 – includes a related Category post, automatically. The idea being if they are reading this 1, there’s a chance that’s what they are interested in, just perhaps not exactly this version.

This product helps you by making your site more appealing to traffic.

Click on Honorable Samurai below to learn more!

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