[ DOC Savage ] Real estate, Twitter, Tumblr, more!

| oOo ==> QuickFire Tumblr Poster Software!

| http://awpt.co/TCq3w?e=
| WHY: direct links from blog posts on Tumblr are still do-follow!
| Tumblr is PR8 – this software automates it!


When it rains, it pours. Discovered
that I have 2 more lumps below my kneecap

that I have to get checked out. Blorg.
It really did put a damper on my day
but hey, these things happen.

Going to the surgeon tomorrow to have
my cast removed, and hopefully can
get my knee xrayed/a sample taken/
etc.etc. I’ll keep you posted! Good news is,
the 30 Doc Savage books I bought from
eBay – they showed up! YAY! My

But I digress. ๐Ÿ™‚

And how did Monday treat you? I’d love to

to hear!

Got lots to share but first:



and onto today!

Looking for Tumblr?

Tumblr is finally getting the visibility in marketing
it deserves!

As a PR8 domain, Tumblr sends its individual blogs
a HUGE amount of link juice.

Some Tumblr blogs have PR6!

Imagine the power of a PR6 link pointed at your money site…

But as with any effective SEO method, posting articles and blogs to
Tumblr can be a real pain in the backside because it is BORING and

First you have to log in to Tumblr…

Then you have to go into the posting area…

Give your new blog a unique title…

Write a new unique post and encode your anchor text link…

Publish the post…

Then log out and…

…do it all over again on your next account!!

And multiply that by however many accounts you’ve created!

Want it…automated?

| oOo ==> Push button software – just load up your list of accounts and posts and hit Run
| http://awpt.co/TCq3w?e=
Not only that….

It’s a one-time payment ONLY (no recurring

So if increasing social linkjuice to your

money sites appeals to you….

| oOo ==> Upgrades includes unlimited auto-account creation!

| http://awpt.co/TCq3w?e=

What’s that?

You want realtors as clients?

Well then!

Do you want to gain local realtors as
If so, this just crossed me desk!

| oOo ==> Video training of 5 power methods for realtor clients

| http://awpt.co/ZilLW?e=
What I like about the whole concept is the
focal point:

Getting realtors to proactively contact YOU
instead of the other way around!

The enhancements are rather cool
as well – a WP-focused realtor theme

AND training on how to integrate the IDX
feed (ie, MLS listings so visitors can search
for local houses/etc.). Cool!

Thus, if offline/local appeals to you:

| oOo ==> Highly focused to Realtor clients!

| http://awpt.co/ZilLW?e=

Speaking of offline:

Do you search for local/offline leads via Facebook?

Are you aware that Twitter ALSO offers geotargeting
goodness too?

And now there’s a powerful software to deliver
that exactly to you:

| oOo ==> One Time Fee – NOT Monthly!

| http://awpt.co/2CtrI?e=
If you’re seriously into building leads from social
media, and appreciate the ease a software can give
you, it’d definitely worth looking into!

Upsells are:

Oto1 – Advanced Strategies

Oto2 – Automatic email, facebook group, skype group, and invitation only webinar.

oto3 – 6 of James’ previous products for 9 dollars !

So if getting real time leads appeals to you:

| oOo ==> Real Time Leads! Appeals to You! ๐Ÿ™‚

| http://awpt.co/2CtrI?e=

And don’t forget this mornings:

Want a foot-in-the-door for offline
rep manglement?

| oOo ==> Swipe files too!
| http://awpt.co/FqTta?e=

This is a quick 22 page PDF action
report that lays out, step by step,
just how to gain new clients via
reputation management…and you’ll
LOVE the OTO (done for you Powerpoint
presentations on it you can use for your
own client-getting!)

So if you’d like a quick primer on
a nifty smart way to begin offline
local marketing:

| oOo ==> Offline Reputation Rockstar
| http://awpt.co/FqTta?e=

Don’t forget yesterdays:

IMPORTANT : This plugin is being made EXCLUSIVELY
available to you (not available to anyone else right now)
so you get early access with over 70% discount right now.
(sells for $97 in the market!)

Needless to say, this is something I will be using
BIGTIME in 2013. I’ve been waiting for a topnotch
curation software….and this is honestly amazing
beyond belief (check out http://DailyWSOs.com –
I put that together but you’ll see, it needs curation
done automatically. Thus, Im pretty savvy when
it comes to content creation and … yep. Totally

| oOo ==> Includes 4 BONUS WP Plugins!
| http://askbling.com/cfire

Here’s what this plugin does and why I think
you should invest in it now!

– Creates content for your niche sites
in *seconds* not even minutes

– Creates Google *friendly* content that ranks higher

– You don’t even have to leave your
site and search (has inbuilt search system HUGE)

– You can grab doc files or presentations or
even videos from Youtube to enhance your
content and it takes care of everything in just a few clicks.

Honestly – its a true nobrainer when it comes to
content creation.

| oOo ==> Automatic point and click insertion!
| http://askbling.com/cfire


Yesterday as you know, I had to update
BarbaraLing.com . And after wandering
around ThemeForest and wasting $40
there, I came across:

| oOo ==> All Sorts – App themes, Business themes, Multimedia themes…
| http://awpt.co/RItNO?e=

Now, I’m used to hacking up anything I get
but WOW! The interface these folks offer –
SOOOO easy to change just about anything
regarding the themes!

The developers version (which I got) is $89 and
you also get developers rights PLUS their
premium plugins too. NICE!!!

This is seriously a no-brainer for offliners,
onliners, anyone who wants to quickly and
easily make a hugely stellar site.

| oOo ==> Fantastic support forum too!
| http://awpt.co/RItNO?e=

And don’t forget:

It’s a week after 2013 started and I’ll bet you wanna RECAP of all
the grand PLR goodies you can eat! LOTS of them
are less than $8….

Well then, why didn’t you say so? We’re talking:

NY Resolutions

Online PLR

Offline PLR

Go Green PLR

Survival PLR

Weight Loss PLR

Computer Repair PLR

Appliance PLR

Website Developer Course PLR


See ’em all in 3….2….1…..


| oOo ==> New Years Resolutions Lose Weight, Quick Smoking, Reduce Stress PLR!
| http://askbling.com/shakeit
| WHY: HUGE: 60 affiliate NewYears Resolutions videos,
| 800+ Resolution PLR articles, ebooks
| Headers, footers…Ooooo!

| oOo ==> 65 PLR/MRR PRODUCTS!
| http://askbling.com/65plr
| WHY: 65 complete robust goodies including
| software, ebooks, videos, more!

| oOo ==> Local Business Online Marketing Mistakes PLR Pack!
| http://askbling.com/onlinemmap
| WHY: Done for you goodness credibility builder, this time

| focusing on online marketing benefits done RIGHT. By Ms.Motivation….WOOT!

| oOo ==> 1300+ Royalty Free PLR Photos
| http://askbling.com/1300ap
| Your Benefits: Exactly what you’d think – you’ll have 1,300

| royalty free photos for your marketing. nice!

| oOo ==> EVERGREEN Niche Silo Weight Loss Package!
| http://askbling.com/ns3weightlossap
| WHY: HUGE PLR Clickbank package of marketing materials to promote

| THE most popular weight loss goodies…nice!!

| oOo ==> HUGE Procrastination PLR
| http://askbling.com/procrastplr
| BENEFITs: Entire done-for-you PLR system for procrastination:

| ebooks, mini site letter, graphics, source, sales funnel, more!


| oOo ==> Computer Repair Credibility PLR Pack!

| http://askbling.com/repairplrap
| WHY: Massive Done For You PLR Pack to close
| computer repair offline clients…..massive!

| oOo ==> Clickbank Survival Niche Bonanza PLR
| http://askbling.com/survivalap
| WHY: HUGE Indepth package on Survival subniches
| 20 Product reviews, niche-specific graphics , 120+ PLR, more!

| oOo ==> Website Developer Course: PLR/Reseller and Personal Use, HTML and CSS Training
| http://askbling.com/webdevap
| WHY: MASSIVE PLR video course for EVERYTHING
| regarding website development…woot!

| oOo ==> >>HOT< Luxury Hand Held Computer Humongous PLR Collection!
| http://askbling.com/handheldap
| WHY: HUGE: 50 affiliate handheld videos, 858 PLR handheld articles,
| PLR handheld ebooks, Headers, footers…Ooooo!

| oOo ==> Amazon Affiliate Treasure Chest
| http://askbling.com/appliancesap
| BENEFITs: Another grand affiliate Goodness!

| 1088 high-paying appliances, 30 custom appliance themes, more!

| oOo ==> Go Green Niche Rolodex
| http://askbling.com/gogreenap
| BENEFITs: REALLY well done – complete package
| that walks you through how to profit in the GoGreen Niche.

| Comprehensive!!


| oOo ==> Offline PLR Prospecting Package Weekend Sale

| http://askbling.com/plrprospect
| WHY: Massive PLR Package for Offline Prospecting….
| all materials done for you!
+=================== Plus:
I’m an idjut!

And how are you?

I just realized…. I have 3 Google Plus accounts.

And all three are kinda sorta professional.

And I have been referring to the WRONG
G+ account from my website. Sigh….

So I really DO have to get my rear in gear
from that!

Make no mistake about it – G+ is nowadays
becoming *very* useful because Google
is giving a whole heap ‘o importance to it!

So….I had to return to:

FREE! The 4 Gloriously Simple Steps To Making Your Content Irresistible To Google: Part 1http://www.barbaraling.com/insights/rich-snippets/

to try and make heads/toes/etc. about it.

Still, though, it’s highly useful and I highly recommend
you follow the steps! It’s all zero-cost too…woot!

Sooo…powerful. And newbie friendly too!

This just crossed my desk, so I asked for a review
copy, got into the members area and WOW!

ANY members area that comes complete with
FIRST a powerful survey to help you zero in on
your 2013 goals….WOOT!

It had me from *that*.

| oOo ==> Delivers on No List, No Budget, No Product, No Problem!

| http://awpt.co/5J3ls?e=

This is a 5 video, comprehensive how-to blueprint
(we’re talking *real* business, not a silver bullet
that never works) on how to:

1.) Pick a profitable affiliate product

2.) Use ** and ** to drive free traffic

3.) Set up a $197 Workshop

4.) Pitch with close for profit

5.) Scale/rinse/repeat!

Again..the video content is huge, comprehensive
and demystifies EVERYTHING.


That about covers it for this moment’…woot!
Hope your day goes peachy…and I’ll be certain

to check in this afternoon
with whatever wootness crosses me desk!

Thanks again for being on my list…
I’ll continue to do me best to bring to you
updates about the most valuable resources I can find
for you online!

Grow strong,

Barbara Ling
I Make Marketing Fun!


ps – Why do I send so many emails?
http://www.barbaraling.com/insights/how-you-will-learn/ explains
it grandly and why you’ll never want to unsubscribe!

pps – Love the humor and headsups I share? Please feel free to forward
this email to your network and share the goodness at
http://forms.aweber.com/form/99/1167373799.htm – they’ll
thank you for it!

ppps – do remember to get on

==> Breaking IM News

if you’d like Infotainment with your IM learning!

pppps – I have a whole slew of targeted niche goodies if you’d like to
scope them out, including Offline, SEO, List Building, Linkedin and
10 more (over a dozen!). See them at

==> Niche Goodies Mailing Lists

Niche Goodie Mailing Lists!

You’ll love what you discover!

| About the Author: Barbara Ling has been a mover and
| shaker on the Internet since 1989, and has been an
| online trainer and marketing pioneer since 1997.
| Designer and creator of Barbara Ling.com
| she has taught thousands of entrepreneurs how
| to master affiliate marketing, product development,
| networking growth and more. Author of over 30 books
| and ebooks, her educational style is denoted by
| motivational, humorous, fun and easy to understand
| targeted writing.
| Nowadays, she is best known for teaching
| people from all walks of life how to be successful
| on the Internet. For more information, please visit:
| Barbara Ling Mastermind
| >> http://www.barbaraling.com/shows/biosphere
| More goodies!
| >> http://DailyWSOs.com
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