Create Local Niche Business Directories in WordPress

WPLocal Benefits

WordPress plugin that lets you add Google Maps, Directions, Coupons, more to upsell your offline services.

This product helps you by letting you create a local business directory where companies can submit their business details for free – you can then followup with your own marketing.

To wit:

“….Then you find companies that you HAVE NOT added…and you contact them…

I usually send them an email along these lines:

Hi there, We run a local [niche] directory and noticed that your business details were not listed. If you have 5 minutes spare please visit and submit your details? It’s totally free and will give you more EXPOSURE FOR YOUR BUSINESS. We’ll add your company as soon as possible.

Kind Regards, Your Name.

What will happen is they will head over to your local directory, see that most of their competition is listed on it and add their companies details…these guys don’t like missing out…

The real key to making this work is making sure that on your local directory you have links to some free information about various subjects that most of these companies are not aware of…”

Good stuff!

Click on Honorable Samurai below to learn more!

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