==> (Automation) Rapid Proxy Scraping (no subscription)

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| oOo ==> Rapid Proxy Finder/Scraper
| http://askbling.com/rapidproxy
| BENEFITS: Software that uncovers 1000s of proxies
| for automation/anonymity

This is something that just crossed my
desk and while I have used proxies myself
(very helpful when your browser refuses
to access a site), many automation software
tools rely upon proxies as well.

| oOo ==> Rapid Proxy Finder/Scraper
| http://askbling.com/rapidproxy

Tools like

PageBot Pro

Proxies are required for tools like
the above. Generally, such proxy finders
are subscription-based only, but this tool
by Jeremy Kennedy is a one-time purchase:

| oOo ==> Dimesale!
| http://askbling.com/rapidproxy

The majority of automated tools rely on the power of
proxies to maintain anonymous… and a problem
is that proxies can be very expensive.

There are limitless services happy to charge you a
monthly subscribtion to fulfill your needs.

But what if you could get UNLIMITED proxies on demand
for free, with the simple click of a button?

That’s exactly what RapidProxy does for you.

Let me know what you think!

Grow strong,

Barbara Don’t be left behind Ling
I Make Marketing Profitable!

PS – Dimesale and increasing
| http://askbling.com/rapidproxy

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    Feel free to mosey on over to
    Barbara Ling, grab some smiles and tell your friends! Thanks so much… — Barbara Ling


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