[ANKLE] Fusion Lemonade, Coming Attractions, Reputation Manglement, Pinterest, PLR, Coaching, more!

| oOo ==> 8 Session, 30 Day IM Coaching
| http://askbling.com/30coachap
| WHY: So many full-time marketers have already signed up to

Good morning!
Remember how I said yesterday (forgot to change the title
alas in my email, me bad!) what I did after being figuratively
hit by a bus?

Know what else I’ve done?

==> A Tale of Ankle Fusion Lemonade!

A Tale Of Ankle Fusion Lemonade

I share it all there….I even made a Pinterest board about it!

Would love to hear what you think….

And onto today!

First off, headsup – you’ll be receiving from me two
alerts on launch regarding list-building and beginners SEO.
I gave some suggestions in the second especially – you’ll
find finger-tip training and more!


As you’ve seen, I’ve been sharing my appreciation for
paid coaching bigtime. But would you believe there’s
an option that gives you 30 *days* at an unbelievably
low price?

| oOo ==> 30 Day IM Coaching
| http://askbling.com/30coacha

This goody includes:

* 8 live trainings (8!)
* LIVE Coaching Environment
* Only 2 Modules/Week (so you’re not overwhelmed

Grand stuff indeed.

And did you catch:

I don’t have to tell you that PLR is an excellent
way to build your own products without having
to create all the sub-components – graphics, html
mini sites, case studies and the like.

Plus, you can upload them, sell them and keep 100%
of the profits to boot!

If this intrigues you, look further:

| oOo ==> MS Word, PSDs, html more to teach the art of sales funnels!
| http://askbling.com/salesa

This goodie includes:

* Rebrandable Sales Funnel Basics Guide (source included)

* 9 Online Sales Funnels Case Studies (source included)

* Sales Funnels Tools and Techniques Report (source included)

* Sales Funnel Poster (source included)

* Sales Funnel Images (source included)

* 6 Banners (source included)

* Minisite AND Optimize Press Sales Letters! (source included)

Don’t forget yesterday’s goodies:

Want reputation management goodies for the
Spa industry so you can save them from their
reputation manglement?

If so:

| oOo ==> Reputation Management for Spas
| http://askbling.com/spaa

This is a gorgeously done package that gives
you professional videos, email templates and
more…..nicely done indeed!

And Pinterest?

Did you see this product?

| http://askbling.com/pinsuccessa

I just went over this and her ideas (which show how
to create pins to money links, which you can cloak off
of YOUR site) take advantage of something Pinterest
delivers into your lap. I’ve been pinning now since,
what, January? and never made this connection!

What’s extremely cool is that Hana also includes an
auto-pinning/auto commenting tool that has a delay
button in it….so it mimics the actions of a human

Every learning type is covered – videos, pdfs
and MP4s (and again, her ideas are soo clever indeed!).

This product won JV Product of the DAY….
AND you’re getting resell rights too! That
means you can sell it on your site and keep
100% of the profits.

I like 100%, don’t you? 🙂

So! If you want a smart way to Pinnize:

| oOo ==> WP Themes ALSO included!
| http://askbling.com/pinsuccessa2

And mobile marketing?


==> Email 2 TXT with FREE SMS!

Really simple yet brilliant way to profit via
email marketing in the mobile world…..
love the concept!

ONE MORE GOODIE – this got Product of the DAY!

You know those extremely popular cartoon
videos that has a hand drawing your call-to-action
and other goodies?

Can you BELIEVE!!!! It’s available for you below?????

| oOo ==> Easily DESTROY your offline competition with THIS offering!
| http://askbling.com/scribea

What I love/adore/swoon over is how the
cartoon technology is now at YOUR fingertips….

These days Infotainment is all the rage, and let
me tell you…

You don’t get more engaging than when you
hit someone’s emotions!!

That about covers it for this morning…woot!

Hope your day goes peachy…and I’ll be certain

to touch base with you this afternoon with whatever
wootness crosses me desk!

Thanks again for being on my list…
I’ll continue to do me best to bring to you
updates about the most valuable resources I can find
for you online!

Grow strong,

Barbara Ling
I Turn Chaos Into Simplicity


ps – Love the humor and headsups I share? Please feel free to forward
this email to your network and share the goodness at

http://forms.aweber.com/form/99/1167373799.htm – they’ll
thank you for it!

pps – do remember to get on

==> Breaking IM News

if you’d like Infotainment with your IM learning!

ppps – I have a whole slew of targeted niche goodies if you’d like to
scope them out, including Offline, SEO, List Building, Linkedin and
10 more (over a dozen!). See them at

==> Niche Goodies Mailing Lists

Niche Goodie Mailing Lists!

You’ll love what you discover!

| About the Author: Barbara Ling has been a mover and
| shaker on the Internet since 1989, and has been an
| online trainer and marketing pioneer since 1997.
| Designer and creator of Barbara Ling.com
| she has taught thousands of entrepreneurs how
| to master affiliate marketing, product development,
| networking growth and more. Author of over 30 books
| and ebooks, her educational style is denoted by
| motivational, humorous, fun and easy to understand
| targeted writing.
| Nowadays, she is best known for teaching
| people from all walks of life how to be successful
| on the Internet. For more information, please visit:
| Barbara Ling:
| >> http://www.barbaraling.com
| Virtual Coach 100% Affiliate Program
| >> http://www.virtual-coach.com
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Internet…or offline, for that matter. An educated consumer rocks!

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