==> [ 6 Figure Babies ] Holiday Timeline Covers, 2013, Will Smoosh The Kids, More!

| oOo ==> 6 Figure Baby!
| http://ilovethisoffer.com/6-figure
| WHY: Savings for my list ONLY – Jason Fladlien’s course
| on how he made 6 figures during the month his baby was born
| $10 off!

Good morning!

Yes, I AM certain it’s morning but you know
something? You couldn’t prove it by me!

My get up and go just…well….ain’t. Which alas
makes no difference because the world doesn’t
stop for just me…so its time to fire up the coffee
burners and see how y’all are doing!

This morning will be….interesting. See, when I’m
not around or am asleep, the 2 eldest girls have
authority over the boys. Apparently they misused
it last night – chores were supposed to be done at
8pm , at 10pm, my youngest mentioned this to
them, and they said, don’t backtalk.

‘course, this is what Honorable Boy II says….
so we’ll see after I hold a family conference.
Abusing authority is a guaranteed way to
raise my ire past mortal levels….so I do
hope HBII was exaggerating. Given that
the girls were gaming, however…I think not.
And onto today!

You know how when I was in the hospital
herding unicorns, I earned over 3K during
that week, right?

What if that had been close to 100K?

Well, Jason did just that during the month
his son was born…and I secured for you a $10
discount over at

| oOo ==> 6 Figure Baby
| http://ilovethisoffer.com/6-figure

Go check out the modules right now…
really impressive stuff indeed. I especially
like modules 4 and 5 meself…you?

Next, be alert to some headsup from
me about Holiday timeline covers and other

Next! Mobile apps you crave? This is closing

Well then!

After all, if you’re into offline business and
providing these customized goodies to your
clients is something that interests you….

Keep reading!

Because when a lifetime option reopens…
for a limited time only…smart people like
you *grab* it.

I’m talking about:

| oOo ==> Members are creating apps ranging from Info apps, to games, to learning quizzes, to local business apps.
| http://askbling.com/lifetimeappa

There’s three options available:

Option 1: Lifetime PERSONAL Membership
You get:
Unlimited personal apps (info, games, books, etc) through our main app builder

Special templates will be added in January, exclusive to Lifetime Personal members

Added tools, courses and resources we plan on getting and adding for you over time

(Personal members cannot make apps for other people/businesses, they are for you only).
Yes, of course you can sell your own apps in the app stores, you simply cannot make them for other people/businesses.
Value of this membership: Minimum $408 if you only used it for 2 years. (We’ll be here much longer!)
* Main app builder allows you to make unlimited Android, Kindle, iPhone, iPad and web apps.

OPTION 2: Lifetime CORPORATE Membership
You get:
Unlimited personal apps (info, games, books, etc) through our main app builder*

Unlimited corporate apps (Yes – you CAN sell them to local businesses) through our main app builder*

special templates will be added in January, exclusive to Lifetime Corporate members

Added tools, courses and resources we plan on getting and adding for you over time

YES you CAN make apps for other people and businesses, as well as for yourself.
Value of this membership: Minimum $888 if you only used it for 2 years. (As mentioned, we’ll be here much longer)
* Main app builder allows you to make unlimited Android, Kindle, iPhone, iPad and web apps.

Option 3: Lifetime ENTERPRISE Membership
You get two builders in one:
Unlimited personal apps (info, games, books, etc) through our main app builder*

Unlimited corporate apps (Yes – you CAN sell them to local businesses) through our main app builder*

Added tools, courses and resources we plan on getting and adding for you over time

Special templates will be added in January, exclusive to Lifetime Corporate/Enterprise members

You can request and vote on special templates too and we’ll do them (i.e., a specific niche or industry)

Unlimited Access to the additional Biznessapps builder which you can have unlimited Android and HTML5 apps**

** EXCLUSION NOTE** iphone/ipad apps through the Biznessapps side are
$25/mo per app if desired, as they charge us for each one. (iphone/ipad
apps are considered as one here) However, if you do not request iphone
or ipad publishing through the biznessapps side and just stick with the
Android and HTML5 apps, there’s no extra fees ever!
* Main app builder allows you to make unlimited Android, Kindle, iPhone, iPad and web apps.
YES you CAN make apps for other people and businesses, as well as for yourself.
Value of this membership: Minimum $1,488 if you only used it for 2 years. (We’ll be here much longer!)

One reviewer writes:

… OK – so this is a white label of the
#1 platform in the app creation space (at great expense when you look at
the cost of the white label agreement). The plan Amber offers, if you
purchased it directly with the company would be $99+ – so this is a
super great deal. Thats the product side….
Amber has also been extremely responsive to questions and super
helpful even though she is obviously in the middle of a major successful
launch. Kudos to her focus on customer service and keeping her
customers informed and ensuring there are no surprises!….

So if this intrigues you:

| oOo ==> Members are creating apps ranging from Info apps, to games, to learning quizzes, to local business apps.
| http://askbling.com/lifetimeappa2
And don’t forget yesterdays:

I had a wonderful day actually, you? I’ve been
busy with my storytelling, aka:

| oOo ==> Storytelling and power marketing!
| http://askbling.com/arm30



[ MM ] I could deal with the broken teeth, but drew the line at:

Lots and lots of time I’ve been asked the following.

Jeepers Barb, how did you even GET into IM?

And that’s the funny thing, see…..I’ve been in
marketing now since 1997 but did leave for
various sundry reasons (oh, like raising 4 kids,
wreaking havoc on losing 50 pounds, etc.etc.etc.).

And during those times, I’d use excellent resources like




Gosh, do you REMEMBER WilsonWeb? Wow, those
were the days….

But I digress. ๐Ÿ™‚

In other words for the most part, I was *self-taught*.

I personally back then didn’t believe in paying
for quality information like what you’ll instantly
receive at

| oOo ==> 1 time payment for lifetime membership!
| http://askbling.com/drbenspecial

This is one reason why I’m not yet at the level
I really should be – I cut off months of tremendous
advice and learning and increased profits.

All together now…WAH!!!

‘course everything happens for a reason….and you’ll
never believe the reason that began my journey!

It involves a good intention that went soooo bad….
Sauron himself would have approved.

But that wasn’t the worst.

The 2nd worst involved my teeth…and the first….

Well, I’ll reveal that in the next installment!

Stay tuned!


==> [ e1KHoliday ] Here’s how it all started (can you guess what was in the party van?)

Here’s something that just recently
crossed my desk….so today you get one
extra amusing story!

As you might be aware, back in August, I
was invited by Dennis Becker to speak at his
wonderful Earn 1K a Day event.

Now, this was BEFORE my ankle was fused…
(heck, it was BEFORE my ankle collapsed)….
this was when I just knew that Dennis and his
E1KaDay forum was a fantastic resource for
serious marketers.

So! Imagine the following.

There I was in Vegas. Me, calm, cool,
Barbara Ling. The temperature was 105
degrees or so; so hot the statues outside
had sweat stains in their armpits!

So of course I decided to stay inside and
sit in on the initial mastermind. ๐Ÿ™‚

There, I met bunches of stellar marketers….
and learned about what my peers and colleagues
were producing …

| oOo ==> Over 27 of these products are now on sale!
| http://askbling.com/e1kholiday

Needless to say, I really enjoyed meeting folk
like Nathan Briggs, Gene and Roey Pimmental,
Michael Gunn, Martha Mayo and bunches more!

Dennis, of course, I had met on the flight TO
Vegas (and back home as well, but that’s for
a later email!).

But it was one of the evenings where the
coffee *really* got hot.

It involved a party van ๐Ÿ˜‰ and, well, mild mannered us…

You won’t BELEIVE what happened next…
… stay tuned, things get a bit crazy. ๐Ÿ™‚
[ OFFLINE ] The Killer Toilet, the Rusty Hacksaw, and your future customer – A Ling Horror Story

I’ll never forget the day 3 years ago.

My husband was in China, I was home with my
passel of kids, mooses, twitter budgies and……

(sitting down?)

And the guest room toilet seat kinda sorta…

Now, any parent with kids knows that this
is a very common household occurrence….
BUT normally it happens when non-home-
improvement-challenged peoples are around!

ie, I was TOTALLY clueless on how to fix
this….but that didn’t stop me!

Oh no, oh no, I simply decided to replace the
seat except…..

The seat apparently was build during the Dark
Ages and had the consistency of just-set
concrete. Ie, the 2 screw thingees…I couldn’t

Ho ho, chortled I, I will apply my Sherlockian
ways of fixing things….

And conjured up a hacksaw and went to work
with all the dandy enthusiasm of a Nascar
racecar powered by espresso.

3 hours later my toilet seat was slain,
I deftly replaced everything required,
and a heavenly chorus of angels posted
to Facebook and life was delightful indeed!

However, it’s pretty obvious that MOST
people when faced with a plumbing issue…..

Actually call a plumber!

Wouldn’t it be grand if they called the plumber
who is using YOUR services?

You know, your customer who offered them:

| oOo ==> Done For You Lead Gen!
| http://askbling.com/plumbersa

This is an engaging, super nifty lead-gen video featuring
Professor Hans Von Puppet that also gives you:

* a 7 Day email autoresponder sequence

* Pre-defined coupons

* Video Squeeze page


And at the price that’s being asked….really a
fantastic deal for your offline niche.

So! If you want done-for-you goodness in
the offline Plumbing niche….

| oOo ==> Sell these to your offline clients!
| http://askbling.com/plumbersa2

Remember – I got inspired for the above by:

| oOo ==> Storytelling in eMails!
| http://askbling.com/arm30


Next, want 5 power social graphics groups in 5
popular niches? If so (and you’re going to
LOVE how I title this!)

==> 5 Power Social Graphics Groups in 5 Popular Niches!

Admit it – your heart soared with my
description! ๐Ÿ™‚

These are graphic groups for 5 offline
niches and include FB Timeline Covers,
Twitter backgrounds Youtube Backgrounds
and more. Nice!

And did you grab the replay:

This just recently crossed me desk and after
all the holiday spending I’ve done and you’ve
probably done… chances are, you’re going to
want to hear this.

Sometimes…it’s the simplest things that compel
us really to question things!

Case in point. Yesterday, I gave an interview
about product creation and was asked, How do
I become an expert faster than a jack rabbit bunny
hyped up on Diet Coke and Mentos?

Okay true. I did just append that last sentence for
amusement’s sake, but the point remains.

The secret….costs 0. It’s simply effective research
on Google!

You’d be surprised how nobody wants to believe
it can really be…that simple.

‘Matter of fact, there’s *lots* of things in marketing
that can be achieved for zero cost!

Which is why you want to review:

| oOo ==> Dan will make it worth your time
| http://askbling.com/jfzero

This is put on by Jason Fladlien and Dan Hollings

* Dan will make it worth your time (solid zero cost take-away strategies and tools will be revealed)

* Dan will be noteworthy (listen from a quiet spot, with pen and paper handy).

* Dan will walk you through his new Perpetual Zero Cost discoveries.

* Dan
will show you how you can get his complete 4-session Zero Cost
Marketing Secrets training program for free (a $534 value).

* Dan will take your questions in a live QandA at the end.

What else makes this worth your while?

Well, to quote:

…What most people don’t realize is that
Dan is not only a master at marketing, but more importantly he’s a
master at NOT spending money. At least not on marketing. One might say
he is in love with Zero! Just spend an hour with Dan, and you will be
Over the past year, Dan began training others in the concept of
Making more money, by spending zero. Thousands of people have
attended his popular Zero Cost Marketing Secrets training program but
that was only the beginning. Dan wanted to take ZERO to the next level.
He’s now come up with a new program to keep your marketing and business
costs at ZERO perpetually. …

Sure sounds intriguing to me!

So reserve your spot before it’s all sold out

| oOo ==> Take 0 to the next level!
| http://askbling.com/jfzero

That about covers it for this moment’…woot!
Hope your day goes peachy…and I’ll be certain

to checkin with you this afternoon
with whatever wootness crosses me desk!

Thanks again for being on my list…
I’ll continue to do me best to bring to you
updates about the most valuable resources I can find
for you online!

Grow strong,

Barbara Ling
I Make Marketing Fun!


ps – Why do I send so many emails?
http://www.barbaraling.com/insights/how-you-will-learn/ explains
it grandly and why you’ll never want to unsubscribe!

pps – Love the humor and headsups I share? Please feel free to forward
this email to your network and share the goodness at
http://forms.aweber.com/form/99/1167373799.htm – they’ll
thank you for it!

ppps – do remember to get on

==> Breaking IM News

if you’d like Infotainment with your IM learning!

pppps – I have a whole slew of targeted niche goodies if you’d like to
scope them out, including Offline, SEO, List Building, Linkedin and
10 more (over a dozen!). See them at

==> Niche Goodies Mailing Lists

Niche Goodie Mailing Lists!

You’ll love what you discover!

| About the Author: Barbara Ling has been a mover and
| shaker on the Internet since 1989, and has been an
| online trainer and marketing pioneer since 1997.
| Designer and creator of Barbara Ling.com
| she has taught thousands of entrepreneurs how
| to master affiliate marketing, product development,
| networking growth and more. Author of over 30 books
| and ebooks, her educational style is denoted by
| motivational, humorous, fun and easy to understand
| targeted writing.
| Nowadays, she is best known for teaching
| people from all walks of life how to be successful
| on the Internet. For more information, please visit:
| Barbara Ling:
| >> http://www.barbaraling.com
| Virtual Coach 100% Affiliate Program
| >> http://www.virtual-coach.com
This is a commercial email.
BUSINESS CONNECTION DISCLOSURE: The sender of this email has an
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providers of the products, goods and services that are contained within
this message….and may be compensated when you buy from a provider.
Always perform due diligence before buying anything online via the
Internet…or offline, for that matter. An educated consumer rocks!

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