[ 10am EST webinar] zero cost, Walking Mooses, the NEW Lion, more!

| oOo ==> Domain Flipping Secrets (zero cost!)
| http://askbling.com/jfdomain
| WHY: Zero cost webinar by Jason Fladien about how to max
| *domain* (not site!) flipping for holiday profits. Nice!


It’s Saturday morning (Caturday!) and I had
very little sleep indeed. However, I did want to
get up this morning to share the headsup…
and then am heading back!

And how will your day be? I had a grand chat
with my mentor yesterday, lots of work to be
done. My holiday shopping was completed
(yay!) and I hope *hope* to take it easy today.


Got lots to share but first!

The NEW Lion!


And onto today!

Brief, pithy and to the point (and this happens 10am EST

Did you know that people often don’t
realize that the domains they buy for a few
bucks may actually be worth
thousands of dollars or more?
It’s funny because people talk about building
whole websites to flip them for a profit…
When they can just flip a domain itself.
Want to know how it’s done? Check this

| oOo ==> Domain Flipping Secrets
| http://askbling.com/jfdomain
You will discover how to find domains you
can register from any registrar and sell them
for up to a 20,000% mark up.

NOT a typo.

I’ll be investing in this for sure (I have hundreds
of domains just sitting there!). Andagain:
| oOo ==> Zero cost!

| http://askbling.com/jfdomai
And did you see:

Mike AND Eleanor (Mr. Amazon and Ms. Clickbank)
have teamed up and…..

Done it again, and this time in a
HUGELY! popular niche!

The King and Queen of Overdelivery for PLR/Affiliate/Amazon
Clickbank goodness has just released their latest batch which is
EXCELLENT for New Years Resolutions

If you’re into niche marketing/PLR/videos/etc., lookie here!

| oOo ==> Includes 3 great subniches too!

| http://askbling.com/shakeit

This contains:

* 100s of exact name matches

* 60 High Def Amazon Affiliate/Clickbank videos

* 800+ PLR Resolution Articles you can spin/blog/etc.

* 9 New Years Resolution eBooks PLR!

* Headers!

* Footers!

So if you want a headstart in crushing
the resolution niche:

| oOo ==> Done For You EVERYTHING! in New Years Resolutions!

| http://askbling.com/shakeit

Brief, pithy and to the point.

Leah Butler Smith, NLP Coach and Marketing expert,
has JUST released:

| oOo ==> Includes the 6 Persuasive Phases of Influence
| http://askbling.com/mwchest

This supremely satisfying product takes you by the
hand and shows you how to increase your 2013 bottom line
as you easily apply:

* How people think so you can influence their behaviors
* How to talk to your prospects unconscious and by pass the ‘critical’ part of their brain
* How to secretly get your visitors attention so they are compelled to take action
* Why knowing your prospects representational system can make the difference between a connection or a turn off!
* Where matching and mirroring your prospects can be achieved in the written word

Did you know…

| oOo ==> Includes BONUS WEBINAR!
| http://askbling.com/mwchest Don’t forget this mornings:
Want you a grand profitable twist on Video Marketing?
If so, lookie here!

| oOo ==> Combine offline and future services!
| http://askbling.com/svda

I like the idea provided….plus the upsells
give you done-for-you software to automatically
make such videos childs’ play. Nice!

And did you see:

Want a wee bit MORE than GodzillaSized
Graphics packs?

Let’s start off with:


If so:

| oOo ==> HUGE Graphics Megapack!
| http://askbling.com/megaa

We’re talkin:

* eCovers

* Timeline Covers

* Youtube channel Backgrounds

* iPhone Mockups

* Twitter Backgrounds

* Flyers

* Power point backgrounds (!)

* Layer styles (!!)

* MORE! (!!!)

Good stuff indeed!

| oOo ==> Offline, online, more!
| http://askbling.com/megaap

Don’t forget yesterdays:

Want MEME software that does, well, just about…

If so:

| oOo ==> Animated Graphics, Timeline Covers, Viral Memes
| http://askbling.com/viwa

This lets you:

Build your own slideshow animations

Edit BULK images!

Compress images

Create ANY banner ad

Create ANY timeline cover


Create Animated Gifts from Video!

Price is rising so grab it now! Platinum
version includes:

Platinum Lite Product Upgrade Benefits:

Animated GIFS from Video – Build animated gifs by pulling images from videos
Extract Images from video manipulate then re-build sequence
Additional templates Backgrounds, Call to action Graphics, buttons, Facebook timeline templates and more included.
Extra License – For another computer or VA

Platinum Product Upgrade Benefits:

Animated GIFS from Video – Build animated gifs by pulling images from videos
Extract Images from video manipulate then re-build sequence
Extra License – For another computer or VA
Full Proxy Support – Allows users to add and use proxies social media posting.
Facebook Posting – posts to wall or group
Unlmited social site management – Facebook, Pinterest, Tumblr and WordPress blogs
Url shortening and tracking –Shorten urls with bitly and track them
Additional templates Backgrounds, Call to action Graphics, buttons, Facebook timeline templates and more included.

| oOo ==> Woohoo!
| http://askbling.com/viwa2

What’s that? You want instead offline NON-technology?

Well then!

Oh this story on this webpage is
tremendously great and grand and wonderful indeed!

| oOo ==> Fishbowls as you’ve never considered!
| http://askbling.com/fbowl

Now, you might not be aware, but back in the
late 1990s, I was *the* premiere training for
Internet recruiting and teaching the staffing
industry how to find candidates for free
(here, look at my $147 product back then –
the only 5 star resource from Inc. Magazine!

==> What HOT (The Internet Recruiting Edge!

Anywhos! Fishbowls and other smart ideas
are a really simple way to get your foot into the
door when grabbing local clients….not only GET…
but KEEP as well.

Nice! This course is a HUGELY comprehensive
offline business in a box – SMS messages, templates,
documents and more.

So if you’d like to get the head start on

| oOo ==> Simple. Uncomplicated. And it works!
| http://askbling.com/fbowl


You probably know how affiliate marketing can
be extremely profitable for you..

Wanna do it via your mobile phone?

If so, check out

| oOo ==> Affiliate App for your Phone!
| http://askbling.com/mobileaff

Mobile is something I myself need to get into….and with
affiliate marketing? Good stuff indeed!

Moving along:

Brief, pithy and to the point:

Want it ALL done for you?

| oOo ==> Software Clone Store
| http://askbling.com/softwareap
| oOo ==> Music Clone Store
| http://askbling.com/musicclone
| oOo ==> Mobile App Clone Store
| http://askbling.com/appclone
| oOo ==> Movie Clone Store
| http://askbling.com/movieclone
| oOo ==> Done For You Super Video Game Store
| http://askbling.com/videogamesap

Told you it was brief! 🙂

Each of the products above build an ENTIRE
robust affiliate store with YOUR Id embedded
all over the place.

And the marketing stats:



That about covers it for this moment’…woot!
Hope your day goes peachy…and I’ll be certain

to touch base with you this afternoon
with whatever wootness crosses me desk!

Thanks again for being on my list…
I’ll continue to do me best to bring to you
updates about the most valuable resources I can find
for you online!

Grow strong,

Barbara Ling
I Make Marketing Fun!


ps – Why do I send so many emails?
http://www.barbaraling.com/insights/how-you-will-learn/ explains
it grandly and why you’ll never want to unsubscribe!

pps – Love the humor and headsups I share? Please feel free to forward
this email to your network and share the goodness at
http://forms.aweber.com/form/99/1167373799.htm – they’ll
thank you for it!

ppps – do remember to get on

==> Breaking IM News

if you’d like Infotainment with your IM learning!

pppps – I have a whole slew of targeted niche goodies if you’d like to
scope them out, including Offline, SEO, List Building, Linkedin and
10 more (over a dozen!). See them at

==> Niche Goodies Mailing Lists

Niche Goodie Mailing Lists!

You’ll love what you discover!

| About the Author: Barbara Ling has been a mover and
| shaker on the Internet since 1989, and has been an
| online trainer and marketing pioneer since 1997.
| Designer and creator of Barbara Ling.com
| she has taught thousands of entrepreneurs how
| to master affiliate marketing, product development,
| networking growth and more. Author of over 30 books
| and ebooks, her educational style is denoted by
| motivational, humorous, fun and easy to understand
| targeted writing.
| Nowadays, she is best known for teaching
| people from all walks of life how to be successful
| on the Internet. For more information, please visit:
| Barbara Ling:
| >> http://www.barbaraling.com
| Virtual Coach 100% Affiliate Program
| >> http://www.virtual-coach.com
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