☕Your Friday Perkup: No chatty newsletter today, pls read

Barb Ling of the
“Stop the world, I want to get off” morning perkups here!

Utterly zero things to share today. Well, that’s not QUITE true, as you’re reading this right now, but suffice it to say:Ever have one of those days when you figure if you hide under the blankets, the day simply won’t start?That’s me right now. The Kingly Moose is watching over me at my bedside:http://askbling.com/watchingAnd hopefully tomorrow will be better.Goodies that were released/updated yesterday include:70% savings
==> Conquer Information Overload: 20 Ultimate Product Creation checklists! (130+ pages, 70% off!http://archive.aweber.com/1001-frombtl/J4xeC/h/70_savings_Conquer.htmFB: It all started with the Engine Falling offhttp://archive.aweber.com/1001-frombtl/L488C/t/FB_It_started_with_the_engine.htmPublic Domain Empire:http://archive.aweber.com/1001-frombtl/KtoOC/h/_Public_domain_empire_.htmBitcoin Automatically Updating Cash Boardshttp://archive.aweber.com/1001-frombtl/ECjyC/t/_Bitcoin_Digital_Currency.htmProbably more stuff happened but honestly….I will tackle life more tomorrow.Hope your day is grand!Best, Barb LingeHope you enjoy!Best,Barb LingUnrepentantMaverickAuthority MarketingInnovator
Source: WarriorCM


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