Amazon Niche, Product and Keyword Research Simplified

Amazon Niche, Product and KW Research Simplified Benefits

This is a product that shows you how to zero in on profitable Amazon affiliate products so you can focus your efforts on them.

3 modules, Excel spreadsheet too.  Detailed step-by-step

This product helps you by teaching you how to make the most money from the best Amazon products.

Click on Honorable Samurai below to learn more!

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MASSIVE LIST of high value Exact Match Domains

MASSIVE LIST of High Value Exact Match Domains Benefits

This is a list of domains that match exactly.

The current list includes 2,522 domains as follows:
278 – com
648 – net
735 – org
861 – info

This product helps you by making it easy to find exact match keyword domains.

Click on Honorable Samurai below to learn more!

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Google Sweet Spot

Google Sweet Spot Benefits

This is a desktop product that reveals low-hanging keywords:

  • Commercial Intent – is there any money in your keywords
  • Results And Pages – instantly spot unexploited niches,true results to show you if this keyword has an easy barrier to entry
  • GSSR – (GOOGLE SWEET SPOT RATIO) right away see if you have the keywords with the lowest competition and make money
  • Keyword Trends – colorful charts to show you is this keyword hot or is it yesterdays news

This product helps you by giving you another way to focus your keyword searches.

Click on Honorable Samurai below to learn more!

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