Boss secrets live?


Barb Ling here and here be the latest ready for your consideration!


BENEFITS: Boss Secrets live!

Who should consider this: People who want to take advantage of this idea.

Who should NOT consider this: People who don’t have the income to spare.

Obligatory marketing humor: “I couldn’t shave this morning because someone stole my mirror. The police are looking into it.” 🙂


Brief, pithy and to the point:

Want you … this?

Well then!

==> Walk this Way! (its a really great idea!)

There, you’ll discover:

Boss Secrets is not a loophole, she’s been using it for years and she can assure you, it’s not going away anytime soon.

You’re tired of the fake screenshots, the rented houses, the rented cars, and all of the BS, and you just want something that works.

Boss Secrets is the real deal. It won’t make you a million dollars, but she knows it’s proven to bring in a decent side income. You want something that doesn’t require a lot of time, maybe because you have a family or job to attend to.

There is no need to spend endless nights when with Boss Secrets, You only need a few hours a week to maintain the income… You aren’t that technical or good at computers and want something that will work with your existing knowledge

With Boss Secrets, you don’t need any technical skills or previous experience.

Although Boss Secrets is designed to get newbies results, it works just as well if you’re a more advanced marketer. You’ve put other methods into action, with no results…

You can have full certainty that you’ll get good results with Boss Secrets… …just make sure to implement the easy steps inside of Boss Secrets, and you’ll get results for sure!

Barb “More profits TODAY!” Ling
Authority Marketing Innovator

ps – Bonuses too!
Source: aWeber

Emergency cash?


Barb Ling here and here be the latest ready for your consideration!


BENEFITS: 2 cents into 5 figures?

Who should consider this: People who want to take advantage of this idea.

Who should NOT consider this: People who don’t have the income to spare.

Obligatory marketing humor: “My wife hated my impulse purchase of a revolving chair, but then she sat on it. Eventually she came around..” 🙂


Brief, pithy and to the point:

Want you the latest by them?

Well then!

==> Walk this Way! (its a really great idea!)

Told you it was quick! 🙂

Barb “More profits TODAY!” Ling
Authority Marketing Innovator

ps – Whatdid you think of the graphics?!
Source: aWeber

Your own Scrapbook empire?


Barb Ling here and here be the latest ready for your consideration!


BENEFITS: Create your own Scrapbook Empire

Who should consider this: People who want to profit with scrapbooks

Who should NOT consider this: People who don’t have the income to spare.

Obligatory marketing humor: “I took up origami for a while, but I gave it up because it was too much paperwork. ” 🙂


Brief, pithy and to the point:

Want you the latest by Alessaro?

Well then!

==> Walk this Way! (its a complete idea!)

Told you it was quick! 🙂

Barb “More profits TODAY!” Ling
Authority Marketing Innovator

ps – Bonuses too!
Source: aWeber

2 cents into 5 figures? The latest by…


Barb Ling here and here be the latest ready for your consideration!


BENEFITS: 2 cents into 5 figures?

Who should consider this: People who want to take advantage of this idea.

Who should NOT consider this: People who don’t have the income to spare.

Obligatory marketing humor: “My wife hated my impulse purchase of a revolving chair, but then she sat on it. Eventually she came around..” 🙂


Brief, pithy and to the point:

Want you the latest by them?

Well then!

==> Walk this Way! (its a really great idea!)

Told you it was quick! 🙂

Barb “More profits TODAY!” Ling
Authority Marketing Innovator

ps – Whatdid you think of the graphics?!
Source: aWeber

>> 50 PLR articles ABOUT PLR -from one of the best in our industry!


Barb Ling here and here be the latest ready for your consideration!


BENEFITS: This is a goodie you can use in your products/challenges, anything!

Who should consider this: People who want to profit from 50 excellent “all about PLR” they can claim authorship to!

Who should NOT consider this: People who don’t have the income to spare.

Obligatory marketing humor: “Why do Swedish war ships have barcodes painted in the side? So when they come in they can Scandinavian.” 🙂


Brief, pithy and to the point:

Want you most excellent collection of PLR articles.. *about* PLR?

Well then!

==> Walk this Way!

You’ll see:

* 3 Ways to Make Your PLR Content More Engaging (774 words)

* 4 Indirect Ways to Boost Your Income with PLR (703 words)

* 4 Precautions to Take When Using PLR (926 words)

* 4 Ways to Circumnavigate PLR Limitations (824 words)

* 5 Common PLR Misconceptions Dispelled (843 words)

* 5 Questions to Ask Before Buying any PLR (575 words)

* 5 Skills You Will Need to Build a Successful PLR Business (1050 words)

* 5 Ways to Turn Your PLR Articles Into Money Content (931 words)

* Add Multiple Buy Buttons to Your PLR With This Technique (772 words)

* Avoid Making this Common PLR Monetization Mistake! (777 words)

* Building a Funnel with Your PLR (834 words)

* Can PLR Be Used for Kindle Publishing? (677 words)

* Common Difficulties Beginners Face When Rebranding Their PLR (962 words)

* Different Types of PLR and How You Can Monetize Them (695 words)

* Discover Why Most PLR Tips Do NOT Work! (852 words)

* Discover Why Rebranding Your PLR is so Important! (670 words)

* Discover the Most Important Skill You Must Have to Make Money with PLR (813 words)

* Discover the Power of Video Marketing with PLR (813 words

* Discover the Secrets to Boost Your PLR Sales (1080 words)

* Do You Need to Rewrite Your PLR Content? (560 words)

* Does Your PLR Have a Voice? (702 words)

* How To Rebrand Your ‘Biz in a Box’ PLR (606 words)

* How to Get Maximum Mileage from Your PLR (560 words)

* How to Not Settle for a 400-Word PLR Blog Post (707 words)

* How to Promote PLR as an Affiliate (861 words)

* How to Rebrand Your PLR So it Stands Out (1,078 words)

* How to Turn Your PLR Business Into a Passive Income Stream (1080 words)

* Important: Change These Components When Rebranding Your PLR (749 words)

* Is Hiring a Ghostwriter Better Than Using PLR? (751 words)

* Is There Any Use for Resell Rights and Master Resell Rights Products? (725 words)

* Launching Your Own PLR? – Read This First! (1171 words)

* Membership Sites Have Never Been Easier with PLR (600 words)

* Not All PLR is Made Equal… and Here’s Why! (918 words)

* PLR Income Generating Possibilities are Endless – But Only if You Understand Why (644 words)

* PLR License Terms: Making Sense of It All (993 words)

* PLR Store VS PLR Launches: Which is Better? (702 words)

* Pricing Your PLR: What No One is Telling You (984 words)

* Private Blog Networks and PLR: A Potent Combination (712 words)

* Profitable PLR Shortcuts You Can Take to Build Your Business (812 words)

* Repurposing Your PLR to Create New Content (755 words)

* Revealed: 3 Crucial Components for PLR Monetization (662 words)

* Revealed: The Truth about the PLR Scene (872 words)

* SEO Tips for Ranking Your PLR Content (572 words)

* Should You Write Your Own PLR or Outsource It? (865 words)

* Turning Your PLR Into Infotainment That Hooks the Masses (883 words)

* Understanding the Different Types of PLR Rights (877 words)

* What PLR are Buyers Looking For? (629 words)

* What You Really Need to Make Money with Your PLR (707 words)

* What to Look Out for When Rewriting Your PLR (536 words)

* Will Using PLR Make Google Penalize My Site for Duplicate Content? (602 words)

==> see for yourself!

What’s not to adore?

Barb “More profits TODAY!” Ling
Authority Marketing Innovator

ps – Got questions? We got answers!

Q: Any OTOs (one time offers), upsells, downsells, etc. ???
A: Just 2. The upgrade packages contain lead magnets and infographics.
Q: Is there a money back guarantee?
A: No… Not for this product or the upsells. My PLR is so good it doesn’t need a guarantee. Wait, what? Exactly!
Q: Is your content better than what I would get from hiring a freelance writer?
A: I think it is. You could hire a freelancer and pay them anywhere from $20 to $50 to write just 1 article for you.
You’d probably end up paying north of $500 for 25 articles… and guess what? Mine will most probably be better.
Q: What are the rights for this package?
A: The rights are listed above. I’m not Judge Dredd to enforce these rights but I know you’ll abide by them ‘cos you’re cool that way.
Q: How can I get support?
A: You can email me directly at Arun @ or click here to contact me on my website.
Q: Are the images used copyright free?
A: Yes. All images are sourced from the public domain. So, no worries.

==> Whatcha waitin’ for?
Source: aWeber

PASSIVE: No selling system (but 3,4 figures a day?)


Barb Ling here and here be the latest ready for your consideration!


BENEFITS: Passive goodness!

Who should consider this: People who want to build/monetize autoprofit sites

Who should NOT consider this: People who don’t have the income to spare.

Obligatory marketing humor: “Dad: What’s the first letter in “yellow”? Kid: Y. Dad: Because I want to know.” 🙂


Brief, pithy and to the point:

Want you a cool way to create passive income?

Well then!

==> Walk this Way!

Told you it was quick! 🙂

Barb “More profits TODAY!” Ling
Authority Marketing Innovator

ps – Bonuses too!
Source: aWeber

FIXED: Oh this is sweet! Don't let the name put you off; it focuses on your bottom line

Editor’s note: Editor forgot the image Editor intended to include. More coffee is needed. Thank you!! — Editor

Hey there,

Barb Ling here and very quickly:


Benefits: You gain a comprehensive PDF to increasing your sales greatly

Who should buy this: People who want to beef up their bottom line

Who should not buy this: Anyone who cannot afford it

Obligatory Humor: “The doctor told me I probably won’t be able to walk again after getting into an accident with a newspaper delivery truck. I was crushed by the news.” 🙂


Brief, pithy and to the point:

Want to beef up your bottom line?

Of course you do!

But be prepared – the product is basically named, The Spend More Moola system. That doesn’t mean *you*.

It means your customers, not you!

That’s so important… let me say it again!

But be prepared – the product is basically named, The Spend More Moola system. That does NOT mean *you*.

It means your customers, not you!


Alrighty then:

So why is this so great? Well, here first is the table of contents:

Imagine you did all the above last week… where would you be today? 🙂

And remember, after you get to the sales page, first remember this:

“…Helping your customers is satisfying, isn’t it? When you get a heartfelt thank-you email from one of them, it gives you the warm fuzzies all day. You’re doing good in the world and it feels awesome to help people achieve their goals.
But at the end of the day, these good feelings don’t pay the mortgage or put food on the table. And that’s why you also need to look for ways to boost your profits, even while you’re having fun with your business and making a difference in the lives of your customers….”

There, you’ll discover:

* The 5 Proven Parts For Getting Customers To S.P.E.N.D. More Mooooola

* Five Ways To Increase The Average Amount Customers Spend Per Order

* How To Get People To Know, Like And Trust You With Their Moooola
* SO much more!!

Add to the fact this is a Dennis Becker offer (you *know* if he recommends something, it just plain over-delivers)…

And you have a iron-clad reason for investing in this good.

Let me know what you think…


Grow strong,

Barb Ling
Authority Marketing innovator

ps – got more questions? Here’s what Dennis closed with:

P.S. Stop struggling to get your customers to spend more money with you, and starting using the proven S.P.E.N.D. More System today. It doesn’t have to be complicated. It doesn’t have to involve high-pressure tactics. This is much better.
P.P.S. I’m so convinced this strategy is going to grow your business like crazy that I’m willing to back it with an iron-clad guarantee…
Your Satisfaction is Unconditionally Guaranteed!
Download this course today and review it for a full 30 days. Put every last tip and tactic to work for you. If you’re not absolutely convinced that this course is making a difference to your business as you make a difference in the lives of your customers, then all you have to do is email me within 30 days for a prompt and cheerful refund.
Note: All sales are final on the version with private label rights.
No hoops, no questions, no quibbles.
I can’t be any fairer than that, so order now risk-free…
Source: aWeber

Oh this is sweet! Don't let the name put you off; it focuses on your bottom line

Hey there,

Barb Ling here and very quickly:


Benefits: You gain a comprehensive PDF to increasing your sales greatly

Who should buy this: People who want to beef up their bottom line

Who should not buy this: Anyone who cannot afford it

Obligatory Humor: “The doctor told me I probably won’t be able to walk again after getting into an accident with a newspaper delivery truck. I was crushed by the news.” 🙂


Brief, pithy and to the point:

Want to beef up your bottom line?

Of course you do!

But be prepared – the product is basically named, The Spend More Moola system. That doesn’t mean *you*.

It means your customers, not you!

That’s so important… let me say it again!

But be prepared – the product is basically named, The Spend More Moola system. That does NOT mean *you*.

It means your customers, not you!


Alrighty then:

So why is this so great?

Well, after you get to the sales page, first remember this:

“…Helping your customers is satisfying, isn’t it? When you get a heartfelt thank-you email from one of them, it gives you the warm fuzzies all day. You’re doing good in the world and it feels awesome to help people achieve their goals.
But at the end of the day, these good feelings don’t pay the mortgage or put food on the table. And that’s why you also need to look for ways to boost your profits, even while you’re having fun with your business and making a difference in the lives of your customers….”

And you’ll discover:

The 5 Proven Parts For Getting Customers To S.P.E.N.D. More Mooooola
Five Ways To Increase The Average Amount Customers Spend Per Order
How To Get People To Know, Like And Trust You With Their Moooola

Add to the fact this is a Dennis Becker offer (you *know* if he recommends something, it just plain over-delivers)…

And you have a iron-clad reason for investing in this good.

Let me know what you think…


Grow strong,

Barb Ling
Authority Marketing innovator

ps – got more questions? Here’s what Dennis closed with:

P.S. Stop struggling to get your customers to spend more money with you, and starting using the proven S.P.E.N.D. More System today. It doesn’t have to be complicated. It doesn’t have to involve high-pressure tactics. This is much better.
P.P.S. I’m so convinced this strategy is going to grow your business like crazy that I’m willing to back it with an iron-clad guarantee…
Your Satisfaction is Unconditionally Guaranteed!
Download this course today and review it for a full 30 days. Put every last tip and tactic to work for you. If you’re not absolutely convinced that this course is making a difference to your business as you make a difference in the lives of your customers, then all you have to do is email me within 30 days for a prompt and cheerful refund.
Note: All sales are final on the version with private label rights.
No hoops, no questions, no quibbles.
I can’t be any fairer than that, so order now risk-free…
Source: aWeber

50 PLR articles ABOUT PLR -from one of the best in our industry!


Barb Ling here and here be the latest ready for your consideration!


BENEFITS: This is a goodie you can use in your products/challenges, anything!

Who should consider this: People who want to profit from 50 excellent “all about PLR” they can claim authorship to!

Who should NOT consider this: People who don’t have the income to spare.

Obligatory marketing humor: “Why do Swedish war ships have barcodes painted in the side? So when they come in they can Scandinavian.” 🙂


Brief, pithy and to the point:

Want you most excellent collection of PLR articles.. *about* PLR?

Well then!

==> Walk this Way!

You’ll see:

* 3 Ways to Make Your PLR Content More Engaging (774 words)

* 4 Indirect Ways to Boost Your Income with PLR (703 words)

* 4 Precautions to Take When Using PLR (926 words)

* 4 Ways to Circumnavigate PLR Limitations (824 words)

* 5 Common PLR Misconceptions Dispelled (843 words)

* 5 Questions to Ask Before Buying any PLR (575 words)

* 5 Skills You Will Need to Build a Successful PLR Business (1050 words)

* 5 Ways to Turn Your PLR Articles Into Money Content (931 words)

* Add Multiple Buy Buttons to Your PLR With This Technique (772 words)

* Avoid Making this Common PLR Monetization Mistake! (777 words)

* Building a Funnel with Your PLR (834 words)

* Can PLR Be Used for Kindle Publishing? (677 words)

* Common Difficulties Beginners Face When Rebranding Their PLR (962 words)

* Different Types of PLR and How You Can Monetize Them (695 words)

* Discover Why Most PLR Tips Do NOT Work! (852 words)

* Discover Why Rebranding Your PLR is so Important! (670 words)

* Discover the Most Important Skill You Must Have to Make Money with PLR (813 words)

* Discover the Power of Video Marketing with PLR (813 words

* Discover the Secrets to Boost Your PLR Sales (1080 words)

* Do You Need to Rewrite Your PLR Content? (560 words)

* Does Your PLR Have a Voice? (702 words)

* How To Rebrand Your ‘Biz in a Box’ PLR (606 words)

* How to Get Maximum Mileage from Your PLR (560 words)

* How to Not Settle for a 400-Word PLR Blog Post (707 words)

* How to Promote PLR as an Affiliate (861 words)

* How to Rebrand Your PLR So it Stands Out (1,078 words)

* How to Turn Your PLR Business Into a Passive Income Stream (1080 words)

* Important: Change These Components When Rebranding Your PLR (749 words)

* Is Hiring a Ghostwriter Better Than Using PLR? (751 words)

* Is There Any Use for Resell Rights and Master Resell Rights Products? (725 words)

* Launching Your Own PLR? – Read This First! (1171 words)

* Membership Sites Have Never Been Easier with PLR (600 words)

* Not All PLR is Made Equal… and Here’s Why! (918 words)

* PLR Income Generating Possibilities are Endless – But Only if You Understand Why (644 words)

* PLR License Terms: Making Sense of It All (993 words)

* PLR Store VS PLR Launches: Which is Better? (702 words)

* Pricing Your PLR: What No One is Telling You (984 words)

* Private Blog Networks and PLR: A Potent Combination (712 words)

* Profitable PLR Shortcuts You Can Take to Build Your Business (812 words)

* Repurposing Your PLR to Create New Content (755 words)

* Revealed: 3 Crucial Components for PLR Monetization (662 words)

* Revealed: The Truth about the PLR Scene (872 words)

* SEO Tips for Ranking Your PLR Content (572 words)

* Should You Write Your Own PLR or Outsource It? (865 words)

* Turning Your PLR Into Infotainment That Hooks the Masses (883 words)

* Understanding the Different Types of PLR Rights (877 words)

* What PLR are Buyers Looking For? (629 words)

* What You Really Need to Make Money with Your PLR (707 words)

* What to Look Out for When Rewriting Your PLR (536 words)

* Will Using PLR Make Google Penalize My Site for Duplicate Content? (602 words)

==> see for yourself!

What’s not to adore?

Barb “More profits TODAY!” Ling
Authority Marketing Innovator

ps – Got questions? We got answers!

Q: Any OTOs (one time offers), upsells, downsells, etc. ???
A: Just 2. The upgrade packages contain lead magnets and infographics.
Q: Is there a money back guarantee?
A: No… Not for this product or the upsells. My PLR is so good it doesn’t need a guarantee. Wait, what? Exactly!
Q: Is your content better than what I would get from hiring a freelance writer?
A: I think it is. You could hire a freelancer and pay them anywhere from $20 to $50 to write just 1 article for you.
You’d probably end up paying north of $500 for 25 articles… and guess what? Mine will most probably be better.
Q: What are the rights for this package?
A: The rights are listed above. I’m not Judge Dredd to enforce these rights but I know you’ll abide by them ‘cos you’re cool that way.
Q: How can I get support?
A: You can email me directly at Arun @ or click here to contact me on my website.
Q: Are the images used copyright free?
A: Yes. All images are sourced from the public domain. So, no worries.

==> Whatcha waitin’ for?
Source: aWeber

LAST CALL: ==> Premuim, Affiliate marketing for boomers?


Barb Ling here and only a few hours left!

It’s been said that experience creates wisdom.

And wisdom can help direct you to short-cuts not others might recognize.

For example…. a lesson like this.

The BEST private University is Princeton (according to some folk).

And that university, alas, costs more than 63K/year to attend (multiply that by 4 for an entire Undergrad degree…

and we’re talking 252K when all is said and done.

A quarter of a million dollars!

Super expensive, but if you’re looking for *the best*…. you expect to pay premium.

And you know, you could look at affiliate marketing the same way.

You could either go the self-taught route and bright shiny object route and end up spending 2 or 3 thousand dollars every year or so….

OR, you could start affiliate marketing *right*.

“Right” would be following the leads of the seasoned veteran experts (the kind who can generate over 9 million dollars via affiliate marketing)…

RIGHT from the very beginning. And thats what this course gives you (both Dennis and I bought as well!):

(You can watch the replay; I’ve lost count of the profits I’ve gotten. The last promo, for example, was a 2K product – 1K in commissions!):

(plus the bonus of our Dennis and Barb coaching is limited only to the first 25 buyers…

I mean, ask yourself.

Have you ever thought that if *only* you had some key soup-to-nuts system (where the system’s creators have done over 9 million in just one promotion)…

… one in which *everything* was done for you….

… because such guidance might see you earning your first good commissions online?

I’ll tell you now – both Dennis and I bought into it….

And the quality offered is beyond sterling.

All questions answered, thriving private community, beginners and experienced alike….

Really can’t recommend it enough. Take the time to watch thru the entire video (it’s really educational too!):

You’ll love what you learn… (and the bonuses Dennis and I are including show up later in this email).

Plus if you missed earlier takes:

Chapter 4!
Now remember…

The following… well, it’s not a Bright Shiny Object.

Nor is it something thats $7 or $17 etc.etc.etc.

If you cannot afford to invest in yourself (and that’s okay, mind you) – this is definitely NOT for you.

But before I dive into the obvious….

Do you remember Monty Python and the Holy Grail?

It was a runaway hit from the 1970s…. and its humor definitely pushed the envelop!

I remember one part had a ‘screen board’:


Also wik

Also also wik

Wi not trei a holiday in Sweeden this yer ?

See the loveli lakes

The wonderful telephone system

And mani interesting furry animals

Including the majestic moose

A moose once bit my sister…

No realli! She was Karving her initials on the moose with the sharpened end of an interspace toothbrush given her by Svenge—her brother-in-law— an Oslo dentist and star of many Norwegian movies: “The Hot Hands of an Oslo Dentist”, “Fillings of Passion”, “The Huge Molars of Horst Nordfink”…

Mynd you, moose bites Kan be pretti nasti……”

The sheer inanity of it just caught people’s attention…

And held it rapt until the full credit/humor scene was completed, including:

“…We apologise again for the fault in the subtitles. Those responsible for sacking the people who have just been sacked have been sacked.


Special Møøse Effects OLAF PROT Møøse Costumes SIGGI CHURCHILL

Møøse Choreographed by HORST PROT III Miss Taylor’s Møøses by HENGST DOUGLAS-HOME

Møøse trained to mix concrete and sign complicated insurance forms by JURGEN WIGG


Large møøse on the left hand side of the screen in the third scene from the end, given a thorough grounding in Latin, French and “O” Level Geography by BO BENN Suggestive poses for the Møøse suggested by VIC ROTTER Antler-care by LIV THATCHER …”

Well! Why was the above so grand?

It was *entertainment!*

It made people sit up and *notice*.

Affiliate marketing, you know, especially in a crowded environment….

Well, it’s kinda sorta the same thing!

The peoples who get the most sales are the peoples who can not only cause riveting attention in their emails…

… but *also* make buying thru their link an incredible no brainer indeed.

And that’s what Jason and Rapid Crush are offering to you (highly limited!):
Every month, Jason and the Rapid Crush team will select 1 particular affiliate marketing offer…


* They will create the email swipes

* They will create a webinar if needed

* They will create the email swipes

* They will *give* you custom bonus packages

* They will create unique sales copy….

* You promote it via YOUR affiliate link (and keep 100% of those earnings!)….

and much much more!

(See that more over at the following link (and do watch the video – it’s really *really* compelling!).

Both my partner Dennis Becker and myself have bought into it as well, and here’s our combined bonus:

We’re offering the first 25 people who buy thru our link a complementary membership to our own DAB group coaching…

And I’m also offering my own collection of affiliate marketing toolsets (long long ago back when I actually had energy, I was the number 2 affiliate for W+, so I knew how to get those sales!).

Again, grab it over at:

And don’t forget the past stories….


It’s time for Chapter 3!

One of the biggest challenges to master affiliate marketing… is getting all the moving parts moving correctly.

As you might be aware, being *given* materials to help you close high-ticket offers (the last month product was The Wholesale Formula, commissions of 1,250)…

Things like:

* eMail Swipes

* Webinars to help close

* Step-by-step guidance

* Thriving community filled with experienced, beginners, veterans and everyone in between, all who want to help….

It’s *definitely* a recipe for success!!!!

That’s one reason why I am happy to recommend this goodie (I bought into it as well):

It seriously is perfect for ALL skill levels (and you can see the rather incredible bonuses Dennis and I are offering towards the end of this email).

And if you missed Chapter 2….


It’s time for Chapter 2!

Now remember…

The following… well, it’s not a Bright Shiny Object.

Nor is it something thats $7 or $17 etc.etc.etc.

Instead, its the extremely powerful latest by Jason Fladlien…

… and it does just about *everything* imaginable for you.

As you might be aware, Jason is *the* leader in Internet marketing…

You might remember the 235K IM PLR words, 320K IM PLR words etc that Dennis and I have released in the past… well, that content was in part by Jason.

His reputation is indisputable.

So here’s what’s so cool….

Every month, Jason and the Rapid Crush team will select 1 particular affiliate marketing offer…


* They will create the email swipes

* They will create a webinar if needed

* They will create the email swipes

* They will *give* you custom bonus packages

* They will create unique sales copy….

* You promote it via YOUR affiliate link (and keep 100% of those earnings!)….

and much much more!

(See that more over at

Now, you might know that long long ago when I actually had energy, I was the #2 affiliate of W+.

And, that one of the best ways to dominate leaderboards is to offer incredibly grand bonus packages.

You might have also noticed that in the past, I havent done much huge bonus package offering…

But this offer by Jason, well….

You get that as well (he gives you the bonus packages to offer!).

(It’s one of the reasons why I bought in).

From what I can tell, this truly is a no-fail opportunity (another reason why I bought in – I’d love to say my energy level is zooming along but… gnope. It ain’t).

And my bonus to you if you buy thru my link?

Not only is it all my affiliate marketing material, but my partner, Dennis Becker and I, decided the following:

“…I’ve decided to add
a bonus for those who sign up for Affiliate
Triad through my link (or my partner Barb
Ling’s link).

For the first 25 to sign up only, you will
get complimentary and full access to our
DAB Group Coaching site.

You can see what that includes at if you like, but there’s
more on top of that…

In addition, everyone who signs up through
my link (or Barb’s), even past the first
25, will be added to a special email list
which I’m calling DAB/TRIAD “white glove

We won’t need to email you often, but when
we do, it will be super valuable. For example,
for the monthly offers that are in Triad,
we will often give you tips and advice as
to how to do your best.

Jason will do that also, but if we see something
we can add to his voice, we’ll contact you, so
that you get the best opportunity of anyone.


If there’s any benefit to you, we can also
give you complimentary access to any of our
many books or courses that we’ve authored
in the past (we have a HUGE archive).

And every 6 months, there is a short window
for you to claim your rebate for the Kartra
subscription that is the one service that
you will need to use Affiliate Triad.

Rapid Crush is giving you a “sort of free”
Kartra account, but you have to make the
payments first, then file for the rebate
each January and July in order to get

So yes, it’s free, but you do have to spend
some money out of pocket, temporarily.

We’ll remind you so that you don’t miss that
window to claim your rebate (that will be
worth $594 for each 6 months, so you don’t
want to miss that).

Both Barb and I are going to be Affiliate
Triad members along with you. We’re paying
full price (no review access for free), so
obviously we believe in this….”

Good stuff indeed!

Remember… one of the easiest ways to profit online is via affiliate marketing, because you dont have to do any customer service…

You just have to present the opportunity to your list.

So it is REALLY important that you take advantage of this rather incredible soon-to-be-closed-down offer:

You’ll love what you earn!

Don’t forget about chapter 1….

Wanna break free of the affiliate rat race and have the power of 8 figure marketers supporting you (emails, promos, webinars to send to and more)?

This offer has reopened! And both Dennis and I are members.

The first promo from the Affiliate Triad… had a commission of $1,275.

Think of that for a moment.


Now for me, I’m currently dealing with a heck of a lot of … stuff.

But I can vouch that if you’re either:

Wanting to bring back *real* affiliate marketing offers, not JUST the BSOs….


The following… well, it’s not a Bright Shiny Object.

Nor is it something thats $7 or $17 etc.etc.etc.

Instead, its the extremely powerful latest by Jason Fladlien…

… and it does just about *everything* imaginable for you.

We’re talking:

Every month, you’re *told* the *best* products to promote.

And then you’re *given* every single thing you would need TO promote it:

* High converting Swipes (Jason is a master of copywriting)

* A better sales page if needed (again, Jason is a master of copywriting)

* A webinar if needed (yep, Jason does this grand too!)

* Incredible bonuses (again, virtually *everything* is done for you!)

and much much much more.

Now, back in the days when I had more energy than a fossilized clam, I was a top master in Affiliate Marketing.

And I know what is required to dominate leaderboards!

Due to past smooshing, I lacked the energy to do it all…

But as Jason IS doing it all for you, that’s no longer an issue!

As the next few days fly on by, I’ll share more chapters of goodness….

The following… well, it’s not a Bright Shiny Object.

Nor is it something thats $7 or $17 etc.etc.etc.

Instead, its the extremely powerful latest by Jason Fladlien…

… and it does just about *everything* imaginable for you.

We’re talking:

Every month, you’re *told* the *best* products to promote.

And then you’re *given* every single thing you would need TO promote it:

* High converting Swipes (Jason is a master of copywriting)

* A better sales page if needed (again, Jason is a master of copywriting)

* A webinar if needed (yep, Jason does this grand too!)

* Incredible bonuses (again, virtually *everything* is done for you!)

and much much much more.

Now, back in the days when I had more energy than a fossilized clam, I was a top master in Affiliate Marketing.

And I know what is required to dominate leaderboards!

Due to past smooshing, I lacked the energy to do it all…

But as Jason IS doing it all for you, that’s no longer an issue!

As the next few days fly on by, I’ll share more chapters of goodness….

But for now, grab you this:

Oh, and my bonus?

The complete collection of my Affiliate Marketing package (the stuff that helped me be the #2 affiliate in Warrior Plus during my glory days!).

Sounds good? I think so – gosh, I know so (especially because I bought it myself)!

Stay tuned….

Grow strong,

Barb “More Profits” Ling
Authority Marketing Innovator

ps – What did you think of how Jason explains it all with that infotainment style? ….
Source: aWeber

3 Hours LEFT: Done For You: And I mean just about EVERYTHING… is done for you (last night!)


Barb Ling here and here be the latest – Due to thingees, the cart is reopened until *tonight*!

….Now remember…

It’s premium.

The following… well, it’s not a Bright Shiny Object.

Nor is it something thats $7 or $17 etc.etc.etc.

Instead, its the extremely powerful latest by Jason Fladlien…

… and it does just about *everything* imaginable for you.

As you might be aware, Jason is *the* leader in Internet marketing…

You might remember the 235K IM PLR words, 320K IM PLR words etc that Dennis and I have released in the past… well, that content was in part by Jason.

His reputation is indisputable.

So here’s what’s so cool….

Every month, Jason and the Rapid Crush team will select 1 particular affiliate marketing offer…


* They will create the email swipes

* They will create a webinar if needed

* They will create the email swipes

* They will *give* you custom bonus packages

* They will create unique sales copy….

* You promote it via YOUR affiliate link (and keep 100% of those earnings!)….

and much much more!

(See that more over at

Now, you might know that long long ago when I actually had energy, I was the #2 affiliate of W+.

And, that one of the best ways to dominate leaderboards is to offer incredibly grand bonus packages.

You might have also noticed that in the past, I havent done much huge bonus package offering…

But this offer by Jason, well….

You get that as well (he gives you the bonus packages to offer!).

(It’s one of the reasons why I bought in).

From what I can tell, this truly is a no-fail opportunity (another reason why I bought in – I’d love to say my energy level is zooming along but… gnope. It ain’t).

And my bonus to you if you buy thru my link?

Not only is it all my affiliate marketing material, but my partner, Dennis Becker and I, decided the following:

“…I’ve decided to add
a bonus for those who sign up for Affiliate
Triad through my link (or my partner Barb
Ling’s link).

For the first 25 to sign up only, you will
get complimentary and full access to our
DAB Group Coaching site.

You can see what that includes at if you like, but there’s
more on top of that…

In addition, everyone who signs up through
my link (or Barb’s), even past the first
25, will be added to a special email list
which I’m calling DAB/TRIAD “white glove

We won’t need to email you often, but when
we do, it will be super valuable. For example,
for the monthly offers that are in Triad,
we will often give you tips and advice as
to how to do your best.

Jason will do that also, but if we see something
we can add to his voice, we’ll contact you, so
that you get the best opportunity of anyone.


If there’s any benefit to you, we can also
give you complimentary access to any of our
many books or courses that we’ve authored
in the past (we have a HUGE archive).

And every 6 months, there is a short window
for you to claim your rebate for the Kartra
subscription that is the one service that
you will need to use Affiliate Triad.

Rapid Crush is giving you a “sort of free”
Kartra account, but you have to make the
payments first, then file for the rebate
each January and July in order to get

So yes, it’s free, but you do have to spend
some money out of pocket, temporarily.

We’ll remind you so that you don’t miss that
window to claim your rebate (that will be
worth $594 for each 6 months, so you don’t
want to miss that).

Both Barb and I are going to be Affiliate
Triad members along with you. We’re paying
full price (no review access for free), so
obviously we believe in this….”

Good stuff indeed!

Remember… one of the easiest ways to profit online is via affiliate marketing, because you dont have to do any customer service…

You just have to present the opportunity to your list.

So it is REALLY important that you take advantage of this rather incredible soon-to-be-closed-down offer:

You’ll love what you earn!

Don’t forget about chapter 1….

Wanna break free of the affiliate rat race and have the power of 8 figure marketers supporting you (emails, promos, webinars to send to and more)?

This offer has reopened! And both Dennis and I are members.

The first promo from the Affiliate Triad… had a commission of $1,275.

Think of that for a moment.


Now for me, I’m currently dealing with a heck of a lot of … stuff.

But I can vouch that if you’re either:

Wanting to bring back *real* affiliate marketing offers, not JUST the BSOs….


The following… well, it’s not a Bright Shiny Object.

Nor is it something thats $7 or $17 etc.etc.etc.

Instead, its the extremely powerful latest by Jason Fladlien…

… and it does just about *everything* imaginable for you.

We’re talking:

Every month, you’re *told* the *best* products to promote.

And then you’re *given* every single thing you would need TO promote it:

* High converting Swipes (Jason is a master of copywriting)

* A better sales page if needed (again, Jason is a master of copywriting)

* A webinar if needed (yep, Jason does this grand too!)

* Incredible bonuses (again, virtually *everything* is done for you!)

and much much much more.

Now, back in the days when I had more energy than a fossilized clam, I was a top master in Affiliate Marketing.

And I know what is required to dominate leaderboards!

Due to past smooshing, I lacked the energy to do it all…

But as Jason IS doing it all for you, that’s no longer an issue!

As the next few days fly on by, I’ll share more chapters of goodness….

The following… well, it’s not a Bright Shiny Object.

Nor is it something thats $7 or $17 etc.etc.etc.

Instead, its the extremely powerful latest by Jason Fladlien…

… and it does just about *everything* imaginable for you.

We’re talking:

Every month, you’re *told* the *best* products to promote.

And then you’re *given* every single thing you would need TO promote it:

* High converting Swipes (Jason is a master of copywriting)

* A better sales page if needed (again, Jason is a master of copywriting)

* A webinar if needed (yep, Jason does this grand too!)

* Incredible bonuses (again, virtually *everything* is done for you!)

and much much much more.

Now, back in the days when I had more energy than a fossilized clam, I was a top master in Affiliate Marketing.

And I know what is required to dominate leaderboards!

Due to past smooshing, I lacked the energy to do it all…

But as Jason IS doing it all for you, that’s no longer an issue!

As the next few days fly on by, I’ll share more chapters of goodness….

But for now, grab you this:

Oh, and my bonus?

The complete collection of my Affiliate Marketing package (the stuff that helped me be the #2 affiliate in Warrior Plus during my glory days!).

Sounds good? I think so – gosh, I know so (especially because I bought it myself)!

Stay tuned….

Grow strong,

Barb “More Profits” Ling
Authority Marketing Innovator

ps – What did you think of how Jason explains it all with that infotainment style? ….
Source: aWeber

6 Hours LEFT: Pls read this if you've been on my list for more than a year


Barb Ling here and extremely quickly….

I have more than 22+ years of marketing under my belt.

Fads come, fads go….

But one thing that *never* fails is being able to point folks to other people’s products and earn a commission when they buy.


Because no customer care service is required either!!

So, people buy, you get commissions, life is wonderful.

Thus, be honest with yourself.

Have you basically tried just about everything online imaginable… and still have yet to see the success you deserve?

If not, you really owe it to yourself to see just HOW this will benefit you: (and the bonuses by Dennis and me make it a true no-brainer indeed):

Both Dennis and I bought… it’s really, hands-down, the *very* best premium affiliate marketing membership around.

Barb “More profits TODAY!” Ling
Authority Marketing Innovator

ps – Ends soon!
Source: aWeber

LINK FIXED FRESH IDea: Affiliate Marketing 1 page Multipurpose Variable Challenge Post?


Barb Ling here and very quickly….

Want you a 1 page challenge post regarding not only affiliate marketing….

But also provide *you* with the outline to take it…

… even further?


Well then!

Your Benefits: You have bunches of hours/days/weeks by gaining a powerful challenge-style multipurpose article you can profit from!

Who should buy this: People who want to finally start

Who should not buy this: Anyone who cannot afford it

Obligatory humor: “What’s a Pirate’s favourite letter? If you thought R you’d be wrong. Everyone knows a true pirates first love is always the C!” 🙂


Brief, pithy and to the point…

Well, you’ll just *love* this new type of concept. PLR and Resell rights are one of the upsells…. so….

What’s not to enjoy?
Grow strong,
Barb “More Buy Buttons” Ling
Authority Marketing Innovator

ps – definitely a new trend…


==> Get it ALL here! ==>


Source: aWeber

FIXED: Done For You: And I mean just about EVERYTHING… is done for you (last night!)


Barb Ling here and here be the latest – Due to thingees, the cart is reopened until *tonight*!

….Now remember…

It’s premium.

The following… well, it’s not a Bright Shiny Object.

Nor is it something thats $7 or $17 etc.etc.etc.

Instead, its the extremely powerful latest by Jason Fladlien…

… and it does just about *everything* imaginable for you.

As you might be aware, Jason is *the* leader in Internet marketing…

You might remember the 235K IM PLR words, 320K IM PLR words etc that Dennis and I have released in the past… well, that content was in part by Jason.

His reputation is indisputable.

So here’s what’s so cool….

Every month, Jason and the Rapid Crush team will select 1 particular affiliate marketing offer…


* They will create the email swipes

* They will create a webinar if needed

* They will create the email swipes

* They will *give* you custom bonus packages

* They will create unique sales copy….

* You promote it via YOUR affiliate link (and keep 100% of those earnings!)….

and much much more!

(See that more over at

Now, you might know that long long ago when I actually had energy, I was the #2 affiliate of W+.

And, that one of the best ways to dominate leaderboards is to offer incredibly grand bonus packages.

You might have also noticed that in the past, I havent done much huge bonus package offering…

But this offer by Jason, well….

You get that as well (he gives you the bonus packages to offer!).

(It’s one of the reasons why I bought in).

From what I can tell, this truly is a no-fail opportunity (another reason why I bought in – I’d love to say my energy level is zooming along but… gnope. It ain’t).

And my bonus to you if you buy thru my link?

Not only is it all my affiliate marketing material, but my partner, Dennis Becker and I, decided the following:

“…I’ve decided to add
a bonus for those who sign up for Affiliate
Triad through my link (or my partner Barb
Ling’s link).

For the first 25 to sign up only, you will
get complimentary and full access to our
DAB Group Coaching site.

You can see what that includes at if you like, but there’s
more on top of that…

In addition, everyone who signs up through
my link (or Barb’s), even past the first
25, will be added to a special email list
which I’m calling DAB/TRIAD “white glove

We won’t need to email you often, but when
we do, it will be super valuable. For example,
for the monthly offers that are in Triad,
we will often give you tips and advice as
to how to do your best.

Jason will do that also, but if we see something
we can add to his voice, we’ll contact you, so
that you get the best opportunity of anyone.


If there’s any benefit to you, we can also
give you complimentary access to any of our
many books or courses that we’ve authored
in the past (we have a HUGE archive).

And every 6 months, there is a short window
for you to claim your rebate for the Kartra
subscription that is the one service that
you will need to use Affiliate Triad.

Rapid Crush is giving you a “sort of free”
Kartra account, but you have to make the
payments first, then file for the rebate
each January and July in order to get

So yes, it’s free, but you do have to spend
some money out of pocket, temporarily.

We’ll remind you so that you don’t miss that
window to claim your rebate (that will be
worth $594 for each 6 months, so you don’t
want to miss that).

Both Barb and I are going to be Affiliate
Triad members along with you. We’re paying
full price (no review access for free), so
obviously we believe in this….”

Good stuff indeed!

Remember… one of the easiest ways to profit online is via affiliate marketing, because you dont have to do any customer service…

You just have to present the opportunity to your list.

So it is REALLY important that you take advantage of this rather incredible soon-to-be-closed-down offer:

You’ll love what you earn!

Don’t forget about chapter 1….

Wanna break free of the affiliate rat race and have the power of 8 figure marketers supporting you (emails, promos, webinars to send to and more)?

This offer has reopened! And both Dennis and I are members.

The first promo from the Affiliate Triad… had a commission of $1,275.

Think of that for a moment.


Now for me, I’m currently dealing with a heck of a lot of … stuff.

But I can vouch that if you’re either:

Wanting to bring back *real* affiliate marketing offers, not JUST the BSOs….


The following… well, it’s not a Bright Shiny Object.

Nor is it something thats $7 or $17 etc.etc.etc.

Instead, its the extremely powerful latest by Jason Fladlien…

… and it does just about *everything* imaginable for you.

We’re talking:

Every month, you’re *told* the *best* products to promote.

And then you’re *given* every single thing you would need TO promote it:

* High converting Swipes (Jason is a master of copywriting)

* A better sales page if needed (again, Jason is a master of copywriting)

* A webinar if needed (yep, Jason does this grand too!)

* Incredible bonuses (again, virtually *everything* is done for you!)

and much much much more.

Now, back in the days when I had more energy than a fossilized clam, I was a top master in Affiliate Marketing.

And I know what is required to dominate leaderboards!

Due to past smooshing, I lacked the energy to do it all…

But as Jason IS doing it all for you, that’s no longer an issue!

As the next few days fly on by, I’ll share more chapters of goodness….

The following… well, it’s not a Bright Shiny Object.

Nor is it something thats $7 or $17 etc.etc.etc.

Instead, its the extremely powerful latest by Jason Fladlien…

… and it does just about *everything* imaginable for you.

We’re talking:

Every month, you’re *told* the *best* products to promote.

And then you’re *given* every single thing you would need TO promote it:

* High converting Swipes (Jason is a master of copywriting)

* A better sales page if needed (again, Jason is a master of copywriting)

* A webinar if needed (yep, Jason does this grand too!)

* Incredible bonuses (again, virtually *everything* is done for you!)

and much much much more.

Now, back in the days when I had more energy than a fossilized clam, I was a top master in Affiliate Marketing.

And I know what is required to dominate leaderboards!

Due to past smooshing, I lacked the energy to do it all…

But as Jason IS doing it all for you, that’s no longer an issue!

As the next few days fly on by, I’ll share more chapters of goodness….

But for now, grab you this:

Oh, and my bonus?

The complete collection of my Affiliate Marketing package (the stuff that helped me be the #2 affiliate in Warrior Plus during my glory days!).

Sounds good? I think so – gosh, I know so (especially because I bought it myself)!

Stay tuned….

Grow strong,

Barb “More Profits” Ling
Authority Marketing Innovator

ps – What did you think of how Jason explains it all with that infotainment style? ….
Source: aWeber

FRESH IDea: Affiliate Marketing 1 page Multipurpose Variable Challenge Post?


Barb Ling here and very quickly….

Want you a 1 page challenge post regarding not only affiliate marketing….

But also provide *you* with the outline to take it…

… even further?


Well then!

Your Benefits: You have bunches of hours/days/weeks by gaining a powerful challenge-style multipurpose article you can profit from!

Who should buy this: People who want to finally start

Who should not buy this: Anyone who cannot afford it

Obligatory humor: “What’s a Pirate’s favourite letter? If you thought R you’d be wrong. Everyone knows a true pirates first love is always the C!” 🙂


Brief, pithy and to the point…

Well, you’ll just *love* this new type of concept. PLR and Resell rights are one of the upsells…. so….

What’s not to enjoy?
Grow strong,
Barb “More Buy Buttons” Ling
Authority Marketing Innovator

ps – definitely a new trend…


==> Get it ALL here! ==>


Source: aWeber

6.5 Hours Left: Done For You: And I mean just about EVERYTHING… is done for you!


Barb Ling here and here be the latest – and its ending TONIGHT 11:59pm!

….Now remember…

It’s premium.

The following… well, it’s not a Bright Shiny Object.

Nor is it something thats $7 or $17 etc.etc.etc.

Instead, its the extremely powerful latest by Jason Fladlien…

… and it does just about *everything* imaginable for you.

As you might be aware, Jason is *the* leader in Internet marketing…

You might remember the 235K IM PLR words, 320K IM PLR words etc that Dennis and I have released in the past… well, that content was in part by Jason.

His reputation is indisputable.

So here’s what’s so cool….

Every month, Jason and the Rapid Crush team will select 1 particular affiliate marketing offer…


* They will create the email swipes

* They will create a webinar if needed

* They will create the email swipes

* They will *give* you custom bonus packages

* They will create unique sales copy….

* You promote it via YOUR affiliate link (and keep 100% of those earnings!)….

and much much more!

(See that more over at

Now, you might know that long long ago when I actually had energy, I was the #2 affiliate of W+.

And, that one of the best ways to dominate leaderboards is to offer incredibly grand bonus packages.

You might have also noticed that in the past, I havent done much huge bonus package offering…

But this offer by Jason, well….

You get that as well (he gives you the bonus packages to offer!).

(It’s one of the reasons why I bought in).

From what I can tell, this truly is a no-fail opportunity (another reason why I bought in – I’d love to say my energy level is zooming along but… gnope. It ain’t).

And my bonus to you if you buy thru my link?

Not only is it all my affiliate marketing material, but my partner, Dennis Becker and I, decided the following:

“…I’ve decided to add
a bonus for those who sign up for Affiliate
Triad through my link (or my partner Barb
Ling’s link).

For the first 25 to sign up only, you will
get complimentary and full access to our
DAB Group Coaching site.

You can see what that includes at if you like, but there’s
more on top of that…

In addition, everyone who signs up through
my link (or Barb’s), even past the first
25, will be added to a special email list
which I’m calling DAB/TRIAD “white glove

We won’t need to email you often, but when
we do, it will be super valuable. For example,
for the monthly offers that are in Triad,
we will often give you tips and advice as
to how to do your best.

Jason will do that also, but if we see something
we can add to his voice, we’ll contact you, so
that you get the best opportunity of anyone.


If there’s any benefit to you, we can also
give you complimentary access to any of our
many books or courses that we’ve authored
in the past (we have a HUGE archive).

And every 6 months, there is a short window
for you to claim your rebate for the Kartra
subscription that is the one service that
you will need to use Affiliate Triad.

Rapid Crush is giving you a “sort of free”
Kartra account, but you have to make the
payments first, then file for the rebate
each January and July in order to get

So yes, it’s free, but you do have to spend
some money out of pocket, temporarily.

We’ll remind you so that you don’t miss that
window to claim your rebate (that will be
worth $594 for each 6 months, so you don’t
want to miss that).

Both Barb and I are going to be Affiliate
Triad members along with you. We’re paying
full price (no review access for free), so
obviously we believe in this….”

Good stuff indeed!

Remember… one of the easiest ways to profit online is via affiliate marketing, because you dont have to do any customer service…

You just have to present the opportunity to your list.

So it is REALLY important that you take advantage of this rather incredible soon-to-be-closed-down offer:

You’ll love what you earn!

Don’t forget about chapter 1….

Wanna break free of the affiliate rat race and have the power of 8 figure marketers supporting you (emails, promos, webinars to send to and more)?

This offer has reopened! And both Dennis and I are members.

The first promo from the Affiliate Triad… had a commission of $1,275.

Think of that for a moment.


Now for me, I’m currently dealing with a heck of a lot of … stuff.

But I can vouch that if you’re either:

Wanting to bring back *real* affiliate marketing offers, not JUST the BSOs….


The following… well, it’s not a Bright Shiny Object.

Nor is it something thats $7 or $17 etc.etc.etc.

Instead, its the extremely powerful latest by Jason Fladlien…

… and it does just about *everything* imaginable for you.

We’re talking:

Every month, you’re *told* the *best* products to promote.

And then you’re *given* every single thing you would need TO promote it:

* High converting Swipes (Jason is a master of copywriting)

* A better sales page if needed (again, Jason is a master of copywriting)

* A webinar if needed (yep, Jason does this grand too!)

* Incredible bonuses (again, virtually *everything* is done for you!)

and much much much more.

Now, back in the days when I had more energy than a fossilized clam, I was a top master in Affiliate Marketing.

And I know what is required to dominate leaderboards!

Due to past smooshing, I lacked the energy to do it all…

But as Jason IS doing it all for you, that’s no longer an issue!

As the next few days fly on by, I’ll share more chapters of goodness….

The following… well, it’s not a Bright Shiny Object.

Nor is it something thats $7 or $17 etc.etc.etc.

Instead, its the extremely powerful latest by Jason Fladlien…

… and it does just about *everything* imaginable for you.

We’re talking:

Every month, you’re *told* the *best* products to promote.

And then you’re *given* every single thing you would need TO promote it:

* High converting Swipes (Jason is a master of copywriting)

* A better sales page if needed (again, Jason is a master of copywriting)

* A webinar if needed (yep, Jason does this grand too!)

* Incredible bonuses (again, virtually *everything* is done for you!)

and much much much more.

Now, back in the days when I had more energy than a fossilized clam, I was a top master in Affiliate Marketing.

And I know what is required to dominate leaderboards!

Due to past smooshing, I lacked the energy to do it all…

But as Jason IS doing it all for you, that’s no longer an issue!

As the next few days fly on by, I’ll share more chapters of goodness….

But for now, grab you this:

Oh, and my bonus?

The complete collection of my Affiliate Marketing package (the stuff that helped me be the #2 affiliate in Warrior Plus during my glory days!).

Sounds good? I think so – gosh, I know so (especially because I bought it myself)!

Stay tuned….

Grow strong,

Barb “More Profits” Ling
Authority Marketing Innovator

ps – What did you think of how Jason explains it all with that infotainment style? ….
Source: aWeber

Chapp N: Finding High Ticket Affiliate Commissions (made easy)


Barb Ling here and its time for Chapter N!

It’s always great, you know, to get a commission of $7 or $17 or $27 etc.etc.etc. .

AND, it’s been said thats its just as easy to promote a high-ticket as well as a $7 item too!

But you know the one thing that makes an affiliate marketing program truly a no-brainer?

It’s when ALL of the required marketing materials…. you receive!

Not only that, but there’s also a thriving community to help you cash in on those big tickets….

It’s something that both Dennis Becker and I recommend highly.

Other reasons why?

Well, it’s been said that experience creates wisdom.

And wisdom can help direct you to short-cuts not others might recognize.

For example…. a lesson like this.

The BEST private University is Princeton (according to some folk).

And that university, alas, costs more than 63K/year to attend (multiply that by 4 for an entire Undergrad degree…

and we’re talking 252K when all is said and done.

A quarter of a million dollars!

Super expensive, but if you’re looking for *the best*…. you expect to pay premium.

And you know, you could look at affiliate marketing the same way.

You could either go the self-taught route and bright shiny object route and end up spending 2 or 3 thousand dollars every year or so….

OR, you could start affiliate marketing *right*.

“Right” would be following the leads of the seasoned veteran experts (the kind who can generate over 9 million dollars via affiliate marketing)…

RIGHT from the very beginning. And thats what this course gives you (both Dennis and I bought as well!):

(plus the bonus of our Dennis and Barb coaching is limited only to the first 25 buyers…

I mean, ask yourself.

Have you ever thought that if *only* you had some key soup-to-nuts system (where the system’s creators have done over 9 million in just one promotion)…

… one in which *everything* was done for you….

… because such guidance might see you earning your first good commissions online?

I’ll tell you now – both Dennis and I bought into it….

And the quality offered is beyond sterling.

All questions answered, thriving private community, beginners and experienced alike….

Really can’t recommend it enough. Take the time to watch thru the entire video (it’s really educational too!):

You’ll love what you learn… (and the bonuses Dennis and I are including show up later in this email).

Plus if you missed earlier takes:

Chapter 4!
Now remember…

The following… well, it’s not a Bright Shiny Object.

Nor is it something thats $7 or $17 etc.etc.etc.

If you cannot afford to invest in yourself (and that’s okay, mind you) – this is definitely NOT for you.

But before I dive into the obvious….

Do you remember Monty Python and the Holy Grail?

It was a runaway hit from the 1970s…. and its humor definitely pushed the envelop!

I remember one part had a ‘screen board’:


Also wik

Also also wik

Wi not trei a holiday in Sweeden this yer ?

See the loveli lakes

The wonderful telephone system

And mani interesting furry animals

Including the majestic moose

A moose once bit my sister…

No realli! She was Karving her initials on the moose with the sharpened end of an interspace toothbrush given her by Svenge—her brother-in-law— an Oslo dentist and star of many Norwegian movies: “The Hot Hands of an Oslo Dentist”, “Fillings of Passion”, “The Huge Molars of Horst Nordfink”…

Mynd you, moose bites Kan be pretti nasti……”

The sheer inanity of it just caught people’s attention…

And held it rapt until the full credit/humor scene was completed, including:

“…We apologise again for the fault in the subtitles. Those responsible for sacking the people who have just been sacked have been sacked.


Special Møøse Effects OLAF PROT Møøse Costumes SIGGI CHURCHILL

Møøse Choreographed by HORST PROT III Miss Taylor’s Møøses by HENGST DOUGLAS-HOME

Møøse trained to mix concrete and sign complicated insurance forms by JURGEN WIGG


Large møøse on the left hand side of the screen in the third scene from the end, given a thorough grounding in Latin, French and “O” Level Geography by BO BENN Suggestive poses for the Møøse suggested by VIC ROTTER Antler-care by LIV THATCHER …”

Well! Why was the above so grand?

It was *entertainment!*

It made people sit up and *notice*.

Affiliate marketing, you know, especially in a crowded environment….

Well, it’s kinda sorta the same thing!

The peoples who get the most sales are the peoples who can not only cause riveting attention in their emails…

… but *also* make buying thru their link an incredible no brainer indeed.

And that’s what Jason and Rapid Crush are offering to you (highly limited!):
Every month, Jason and the Rapid Crush team will select 1 particular affiliate marketing offer…


* They will create the email swipes

* They will create a webinar if needed

* They will create the email swipes

* They will *give* you custom bonus packages

* They will create unique sales copy….

* You promote it via YOUR affiliate link (and keep 100% of those earnings!)….

and much much more!

(See that more over at the following link (and do watch the video – it’s really *really* compelling!).

Both my partner Dennis Becker and myself have bought into it as well, and here’s our combined bonus:

We’re offering the first 25 people who buy thru our link a complementary membership to our own DAB group coaching…

And I’m also offering my own collection of affiliate marketing toolsets (long long ago back when I actually had energy, I was the number 2 affiliate for W+, so I knew how to get those sales!).

Again, grab it over at:

And don’t forget the past stories….


It’s time for Chapter 3!

One of the biggest challenges to master affiliate marketing… is getting all the moving parts moving correctly.

As you might be aware, being *given* materials to help you close high-ticket offers (the last month product was The Wholesale Formula, commissions of 1,250)…

Things like:

* eMail Swipes

* Webinars to help close

* Step-by-step guidance

* Thriving community filled with experienced, beginners, veterans and everyone in between, all who want to help….

It’s *definitely* a recipe for success!!!!

That’s one reason why I am happy to recommend this goodie (I bought into it as well):

It seriously is perfect for ALL skill levels (and you can see the rather incredible bonuses Dennis and I are offering towards the end of this email).

And if you missed Chapter 2….


It’s time for Chapter 2!

Now remember…

The following… well, it’s not a Bright Shiny Object.

Nor is it something thats $7 or $17 etc.etc.etc.

Instead, its the extremely powerful latest by Jason Fladlien…

… and it does just about *everything* imaginable for you.

As you might be aware, Jason is *the* leader in Internet marketing…

You might remember the 235K IM PLR words, 320K IM PLR words etc that Dennis and I have released in the past… well, that content was in part by Jason.

His reputation is indisputable.

So here’s what’s so cool….

Every month, Jason and the Rapid Crush team will select 1 particular affiliate marketing offer…


* They will create the email swipes

* They will create a webinar if needed

* They will create the email swipes

* They will *give* you custom bonus packages

* They will create unique sales copy….

* You promote it via YOUR affiliate link (and keep 100% of those earnings!)….

and much much more!

(See that more over at

Now, you might know that long long ago when I actually had energy, I was the #2 affiliate of W+.

And, that one of the best ways to dominate leaderboards is to offer incredibly grand bonus packages.

You might have also noticed that in the past, I havent done much huge bonus package offering…

But this offer by Jason, well….

You get that as well (he gives you the bonus packages to offer!).

(It’s one of the reasons why I bought in).

From what I can tell, this truly is a no-fail opportunity (another reason why I bought in – I’d love to say my energy level is zooming along but… gnope. It ain’t).

And my bonus to you if you buy thru my link?

Not only is it all my affiliate marketing material, but my partner, Dennis Becker and I, decided the following:

“…I’ve decided to add
a bonus for those who sign up for Affiliate
Triad through my link (or my partner Barb
Ling’s link).

For the first 25 to sign up only, you will
get complimentary and full access to our
DAB Group Coaching site.

You can see what that includes at if you like, but there’s
more on top of that…

In addition, everyone who signs up through
my link (or Barb’s), even past the first
25, will be added to a special email list
which I’m calling DAB/TRIAD “white glove

We won’t need to email you often, but when
we do, it will be super valuable. For example,
for the monthly offers that are in Triad,
we will often give you tips and advice as
to how to do your best.

Jason will do that also, but if we see something
we can add to his voice, we’ll contact you, so
that you get the best opportunity of anyone.


If there’s any benefit to you, we can also
give you complimentary access to any of our
many books or courses that we’ve authored
in the past (we have a HUGE archive).

And every 6 months, there is a short window
for you to claim your rebate for the Kartra
subscription that is the one service that
you will need to use Affiliate Triad.

Rapid Crush is giving you a “sort of free”
Kartra account, but you have to make the
payments first, then file for the rebate
each January and July in order to get

So yes, it’s free, but you do have to spend
some money out of pocket, temporarily.

We’ll remind you so that you don’t miss that
window to claim your rebate (that will be
worth $594 for each 6 months, so you don’t
want to miss that).

Both Barb and I are going to be Affiliate
Triad members along with you. We’re paying
full price (no review access for free), so
obviously we believe in this….”

Good stuff indeed!

Remember… one of the easiest ways to profit online is via affiliate marketing, because you dont have to do any customer service…

You just have to present the opportunity to your list.

So it is REALLY important that you take advantage of this rather incredible soon-to-be-closed-down offer:

You’ll love what you earn!

Don’t forget about chapter 1….

Wanna break free of the affiliate rat race and have the power of 8 figure marketers supporting you (emails, promos, webinars to send to and more)?

This offer has reopened! And both Dennis and I are members.

The first promo from the Affiliate Triad… had a commission of $1,275.

Think of that for a moment.


Now for me, I’m currently dealing with a heck of a lot of … stuff.

But I can vouch that if you’re either:

Wanting to bring back *real* affiliate marketing offers, not JUST the BSOs….


The following… well, it’s not a Bright Shiny Object.

Nor is it something thats $7 or $17 etc.etc.etc.

Instead, its the extremely powerful latest by Jason Fladlien…

… and it does just about *everything* imaginable for you.

We’re talking:

Every month, you’re *told* the *best* products to promote.

And then you’re *given* every single thing you would need TO promote it:

* High converting Swipes (Jason is a master of copywriting)

* A better sales page if needed (again, Jason is a master of copywriting)

* A webinar if needed (yep, Jason does this grand too!)

* Incredible bonuses (again, virtually *everything* is done for you!)

and much much much more.

Now, back in the days when I had more energy than a fossilized clam, I was a top master in Affiliate Marketing.

And I know what is required to dominate leaderboards!

Due to past smooshing, I lacked the energy to do it all…

But as Jason IS doing it all for you, that’s no longer an issue!

As the next few days fly on by, I’ll share more chapters of goodness….

The following… well, it’s not a Bright Shiny Object.

Nor is it something thats $7 or $17 etc.etc.etc.

Instead, its the extremely powerful latest by Jason Fladlien…

… and it does just about *everything* imaginable for you.

We’re talking:

Every month, you’re *told* the *best* products to promote.

And then you’re *given* every single thing you would need TO promote it:

* High converting Swipes (Jason is a master of copywriting)

* A better sales page if needed (again, Jason is a master of copywriting)

* A webinar if needed (yep, Jason does this grand too!)

* Incredible bonuses (again, virtually *everything* is done for you!)

and much much much more.

Now, back in the days when I had more energy than a fossilized clam, I was a top master in Affiliate Marketing.

And I know what is required to dominate leaderboards!

Due to past smooshing, I lacked the energy to do it all…

But as Jason IS doing it all for you, that’s no longer an issue!

As the next few days fly on by, I’ll share more chapters of goodness….

But for now, grab you this:

Oh, and my bonus?

The complete collection of my Affiliate Marketing package (the stuff that helped me be the #2 affiliate in Warrior Plus during my glory days!).

Sounds good? I think so – gosh, I know so (especially because I bought it myself)!

Stay tuned….

Grow strong,

Barb “More Profits” Ling
Authority Marketing Innovator

ps – What did you think of how Jason explains it all with that infotainment style? ….
Source: aWeber

COUPON: PINTEREST: and Tiktok profiting for beginners? (plus this savings


Barb Ling here and did you see this?


Benefits: You can pin videos to Tiktok now… and you can also pin affiliate ebooks that you talk about in Tiktok… to your Pinterest account!

Who should buy this: People who to take advantage of Tiktok and Pinterest

Who should not buy this: People who cannot afford it

Obligatory humor: ““I got pizza for everyone the day I started my new job as manager… It was my first order of business?”” 🙂


Brief, pithy and to the point:

Interested in a new way to take advantage of TikTok?

Remember – Tiktok allows you to upload videos.

Pinterest allows you to pin videos.

What if you highlighted your monetized giveaways IN Pinterest… that first started off as a Tiktok video?

Grab Your Copy Of Surge Now Before The Price Increases…

Login To The Web-Based App and Tell The Software Where You Want Traffic Sent, Can Be Any Website Or Offer…

Relax As The Software Gets You Free Buyer Traffic and Sales In 60 Seconds…
* Why not check it out?
(and remember, the sales copy NOT slanted towards Pinterest… but you can imagine for yourself how helpful it will be!
Use coupon barb17 to drop price big!

You’ll love what you discover!


Grow strong,

Barb “More Profits” Ling
Authority Marketing Innovator

ps – Bonuses too! Use coupon barb17 to drop price big!
Source: aWeber

> SOFTWARE: World’s 1st “AutoPilot” Facebook™ App? (Discount you'll see

Hey there,

Barb Ling here and this just crossed me path!


Benefits: You discover how to set up and deploy monetized funnels via FB!

Who should buy this: People who want to profit from FB

Who should not buy this: Anyone who cannot afford it

Obligatory Humor: “Knock, knock… Who’s there? Cargo. Cargo who? Nope. Owl go who. Car go beep beep!” 🙂


Brief, pithy and to the point:

Interested in:

No Tech Skills…

No Being On Camera…

No Setting Up Funnels…

No Previous Experience…

No Paid Advertising…

No Huge Budget…

No List Building…

No Complicated Training…


>> Well then!

It benefits:

Affiliate Marketers…

Product Creators…

List Builders…

Shopify Store Owners…

High Ticket Sellers…

CPA Marketers…


And the enhancements?


Done For You…


>> Start your journey here!

Sounds good? Definitely take your time and look it over… if you’re looking for a way to generate zero-cost traffic, this could definitely be for you.


Grow strong,

Barb Ling
Authority Marketing innovator

ps – And the enhancements…
Source: aWeber

==> Instagram excellence?

Hey there,

Barb Ling here and want you to profile online without requiring actually selling?

Well then!

==> Walk this way!

Brief, pithy and to the point:

This goodie gives you:

Built-in product – DONE.
Email capture system – DONE.
Viral list and income builder – DONE.
And, their *top secret* AUTOPILOT social media following builder (your following will be Built FOR YOU!) – DONE.

==> Grab it here!

More soon…

Grow strong,

Barb “More Profits” Ling
Authority Marketing Innovator

ps – Bonuses too!
Source: aWeber